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•Water quality is an important measure of the

INDICATORS OF health of our environment. In this presentation,

WATER we will discuss the indicators of water quality
QUALITY which are used to measure the health of our
water resources.
DISSOLVE •Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most
D OXYGEN important indicators of water quality. It is
measured in milligrams of oxygen per liter
(mg/L) and is an indication of the health of
aquatic ecosystems. Low levels of DO can be
an indication of water pollution or a lack of
oxygen due to decomposition of organic
•pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of
water. It is measured on a scale of 0-14, with 7
being neutral. The pH of a water source can be
affected by pollution from industrial,
agricultural, or urban runoff. A low pH, below
6.5, can be an indication of water pollution.
TEMPERATURE •Temperature is an important indicator of water
quality. Changes in temperature can affect the
amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, as
well as the habitat of certain aquatic organisms.
Extreme changes in temperature, either too
high or too low, can be an indication of water
TURBIDITY •Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of
water. High levels of turbidity can be an
indication of suspended particles, such as
sediment or algae, in the water. Turbidity can
be caused by natural factors, such as wind and
rain, or by human activities, such as
construction or development.
NITRATES •Nitrates are compounds which are formed
from nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrate levels in
water can be an indication of nutrient pollution,
such as fertilizer runoff from agricultural
activities. High levels of nitrates can create
hazardous conditions for aquatic organisms and
lead to algal blooms.
Phosphates •Phosphates are compounds which are formed
from phosphorus and oxygen. Phosphate levels
in water can be an indication of nutrient
pollution, such as sewage runoff or agricultural
runoff. High levels of phosphates can lead to
eutrophication, or an overabundance of
nutrients, which can lead to algal blooms.
•Salinity is a measure of the amount of salt in
water. Salinity levels can be affected by
pollution from agricultural runoff, sewage, oil
spills, and other contaminants. High salinity
levels can be an indication of water pollution
and can negatively affect aquatic organisms.
•Biological indicators are used to measure the
Indicators health of aquatic ecosystems. These indicators
include the presence of aquatic plants and
animals, as well as the diversity of species. The
presence of certain species, or the absence of
certain species, can be an indication of water
Chemical •Chemical indicators are used to measure the
Indicators presence of pollutants in water. These indicators
include metals, such as mercury, lead, and
arsenic, as well as organic compounds, such as
pesticides and herbicides. High levels of these
pollutants can be an indication of water
Total Dissolved
Solids •Total dissolved solids (TDS) is a measure of
the amount of dissolved solids, such as salts and
minerals, in water. High levels of TDS can be
an indication of water contamination from
agricultural activities, industrial activities, or
sewage runoff.
CHLORINE •Chlorine is a chemical which is used to
disinfect water. Chlorine levels in water can be
an indication of contamination from industrial
activities or sewage. High levels of chlorine
can be hazardous to aquatic organisms and can
lead to fish kills.
COUNT •Coliform count is a measure of the number of
bacteria present in water. High levels of
bacteria can be an indication of water
contamination from fecal matter, such as
sewage or animal waste. High levels of
bacteria can be hazardous to human health and
can lead to water-borne illnesses.
•Indicators of water quality are used to measure
CONCLUSION the health of our water resources. These
indicators can include dissolved oxygen, pH,
temperature, turbidity, nitrates, phosphates,
salinity, biological indicators, chemical
indicators, total dissolved solids, chlorine, and
coliform count. By understanding these
indicators, we can better understand the health
of our water resources and take steps to protect
•In this presentation, we discussed the
indicators of water quality. These indicators
include dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature,
turbidity, nitrates, phosphates, salinity,
SUMMARY biological indicators, chemical indicators, total
dissolved solids, chlorine, and coliform count.
By understanding these indicators, we can
better understand the health of our water
resources and take steps to protect them.

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