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• A sport is a physical activity carried out under an agreed set of rules,
for competition or self-enjoyment or a combination of these. These
rules are set by the national or international bodies governing
respective sport.

• A game is a recreational activity involving one or more participant,

defined by a goal that the participants try to reach, and some set of
rules to play it. Games are played primarily for entertainment or
enjoyment. They are a form of organized recreational activity,
characterized by competition and criteria for determining a winner.

• A play is also a form of recreation involving one or more participant,

with or without any set of rules. In paly, unlike game and sport, it is
not necessary to have a winner or loser. The outcome of the activity
is to just have ‘fun.’
• When it the play is
• . When the play is conducted or
planned, conducted performed
step by step in a impromptu, without
particular way, it is any plan or steps to be
know as followed, it is
structured play. considered as an
unstructured play.
Benefits of Free Play
Advantages Disadvantages

1. Encourages creativity 1. May develop wrong techniques

2. Retains interest 2. Assessment cannot be done

3. Promotes sense of ownership 3. Progress cannot be tracked

4. Promotes communication 4. May lead to conflicts


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