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Accident reporting

Why Accidents are to be Reported ?

• Near miss incidents and minor injuries occur in more

numbers than serious injuries.
• Record & analysis of these accidents / incidents is
helpful in identification of effective accident
prevention measures and to prevent serious injuries
to take place.
• It is also obligatory on part of the occupier to inform
the statutory authorities about the accidents taking
place in any factory in prescribed forms.
Why reporting Accidents

• Prompt report of accidents & dangerous

occurrences to comply with the requirements /
obligations under different statutes.
• To inform the concerned authorities with in the
• To keep complete information of accidents for
record and analysis, which help in taking
preventive measures.
Reporting Procedure of Accidents
Section in-charge’s duty in case of accident:-

1. Refer the injured person to dispensary / first aid

centre with a preliminary report on Form –I
2. Inform to HoD, Head of HR, Head of safety over
telephone with full description of accident.
3. In case of injury to contractor’s employee, the
contractor will immediately inform to NTPC officer
and in turn NTPC officer should follow 1 & 2 above.
Chief Medical Officer,

Sub:- Accident to Shri/Smt …………….

Shri/Smt ……………. is referred to hospital for treatment.
The details of the injured and incident are as below:
1. Designation of injured:
2. Employee No:
3. Department:
4. Date & time of accident:
5. Details of accident:

6. Cause of the accident:

Date: Signature
Name :
Medical Officer’s duty in case of accident:-
• In case the injured person is taken directly
to the hospital, the in-charge of hospital will
inform about the injury to HoD in Form-II
with a copy to Head of HR, head of safety
or inform over phone in case of serious
Date: ………..

Shri ………..Employee No……… Designation …… of your

Dept/Section has reported to First Aid Post / Hospital for
treatment of work injury without Form-I. He has been made fit /
unfit to work for less than/more than 48 hours.
Please expedite Form-I, if it is a work accident.

Medical Officer/Dispensary I/c

/First Aid Post I/c
Copy to:
Personnel Head
Safety Dept.
HOD’s duty in case of accident:-
• The HoD will prepare a detailed report of
accident within 4 hours of the accident in
Form-III with a copy to GM (Station) and
Head of HR, third & fourth copies to Head of
Safety and fifth copy will be retained by the
1. Injured Person’s full name and address :
2. Employed by:
3. a) Sex:
b) Age on last birth day :
c) Designation of injured person:
4. Date and hour of accident:
5. Full address of the place, where accident happened.
6. Branch or Dept., and exact place where accident happened:
7. Hour at which he started work on the day of occurrence:
8. a) Cause or nature of accident:
b) Is it caused by machinery if yes,:
i) Give name of the machine and part causing the accident.
ii) State whether it was moved by mechanical power at that time.
c) State exactly what injured person was doing at the time.

9. Nature and extent of injuries (e.g. fatal, loss of finger, fracture of
leg, scaled scratch followed by sepsis).
a) Location of injury (right leg, left hand or left eye etc).
10. Number of days for which the injured person is likely to be off
the work.
a) i) If the accident is not fatal, state whether the injured
has returned to work.
ii) If so, date & hour of return to work
b) i) Has the injured person died:
ii) If so, date & time of death:
11. Was the injured person wearing proper personal protective
a) Safety belt :Yes / No
b) Safety helmet :Yes / No
c) Safety shoe :Yes / No
d) Safety goggles :Yes / No
e) Hand gloves :Yes / No
f) Any other personal protective equipment provided by
Management (specify) :
12. Whether any safety guard/system is by passed:
13. Name of Doctor/hospital from where the injured person
received or is receiving treatment. :
14. Name of person, who saw the accident and can give important
15. In your opinion was the accident directly attributable to
i) the injured person having been at that time under the
influence of drink or drug.
ii) the willful disobedience of the injured person to an order
expressly given to a rule expressly framed for the purpose of
securing the safety of employee.
iii) the willful removal or disregard by the injured person of any
safety guard or other devices which he knows to have been
provided for the purpose of securing employee’s safety

16. Describe briefly how accident occurred:

Section Incharge :
Time: Name :
Designation :

1st Copy of GM thro’ HOD.
2nd & 3rd Copies to Safety Dept.
4th Copy to Personal Head.
5th Copy for office record.
HOD’s duty in case of Near Miss Incidents

• The HoD will prepare a detailed report of

accident within 4 hours of any Near-miss
incident in Form-IIIa with a copy to GM
(Station), Head of HR, Head of Safety.
Reporting Procedure in case of
Reportable Injuries

– In case the injured person is disabled for 48 hrs

or more from the time of the accident, the
concerned HoD will fill up Form-18 and will
submit to Head of Safety after obtaining
signature of the manager of factory for onward
submission to Statutory authorities.

– Head of Safety will send the Form-18 to

statutory authorities with in 72 hours from the
time of accident
Notice of Accident or Dangerous Occurrences
Resulting in Death or Bodily Injury
Form 18 (AP Factories Rules)

1.Name of the Occupier (or Factory)

2.Address of works
3.Nature of Industry
4.Branch or Department and exact place where the accident or
dangerous occurrence happened
5.Injured person’s name and address
6.a. Sex………….
b. Age………….
c. Occupation of Injured persons………
7. Date and hours of accident or dangerous occurrence
8.Hour at which he started work on day of accident
Form 18 (AP Factories Rules)

9.a. Causes or nature of accident or dangerous occurrence

b. If caused by machinery
(i) Give name of the machine and parts causing the accident or
dangerous occurrence and
(ii) State whether it was moved by mechanical power at the time.
c. State exactly what injured person was doing at the time.

10.Nature or extent of injuries (e.g. Fatal loss of fingers,

fracture of leg, scald, scratch followed by sepsis)
11.If accident or dangerous occurrence is not Fatal state
whether injured person who disabled for 48 hours or more.
12.Name of Medical Officer in attendance on injured person.
Form 18 (AP Factories Rules)

• I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief the above

particulars are correct in every respect.

Signature of Occupier or Factory Manager

Date of dispatch of report (SEAL)

Date of receipt…………….
Reporting Procedure of Fatal
Accident/Dangerous Occurrence

• In case of fatal accident, information of the

accident will be immediately intimated to corporate
centre and statutory authorities by quickest mode
of communication.
• Form-18 is to be submitted to statutory authorities
• In case of dangerous occurrence, section in-charge
will inform to Head of Safety, Head of HR, Head of
Department in Form-VII with in 4 hours.
• Head of Safety will intimate such dangerous
occurrences to statutory authorities in Form -18a.
FORM-18-A (Prescribed under Rule 96)
Notice of dangerous occurrence which does not result in
death or bodily injury
1. Name and address of the Factory :
2. Name of the Occupier :
3. Name of the Manager :
4. Nature of Industry : Power Generation
5. Branch or Department and exact place :
where the dangerous occurrence took place
6. Date and hour of occurrence :
7. Nature of Dangerous Occurrence :
(state exactly what happened)
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above particulars are correct
in every respect.
Date of dispatch of report:
NOTE: To be completed in legible handwriting or preferably typewriting .
(This space is to be completed by the Inspector of Factories)
D. No.
Causation No. Date of receipt:
Result of investigation Date of investigation:
Notification of accident and dangerous

• When any accident or any dangerous occurrence

specified in the Schedule, which result in the death
of any person or which result in such bodily injury
to any person as is likely to cause his death takes
place in a factory, notice shall be sent also to;

– The District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Officer.

– The officer in charge of the nearest Police
Station, and
– The relatives of injured or deceased person as
notified by him to the Manager.
Notification of accident and dangerous

• Provided further that, if the period of

disability from working for 48 hours or more
does not occur immediately following the
accident, but later on, or occurs in more
than one spell, the report shall be sent to
the Inspector in the prescribed Form No. 18
within 24 hours immediately following the
occurrence when the actual total period of
disability from working resulting from the
accident becomes 48 hours.
Accident/dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedure

Sl. Nature of injury Type of Due time Signatory

No form Distribution
1. For minor or major Form-I Immediate Any Executive Head of Department
Of the Head of Hospital,
Department Head of Safety
Head of Personnel
For minor or major (if Concerned Head of Dept
2. Form-I is not received Form-II Immediate Attending Head of Safety
by doctor) Doctor Head of personnel
3. For minor or major Form-III Within 4 Section In- General Manager
hours charge Head of Safety (2 copies)
Head of Personnel
4. Fatal Accident Form-18 Immediate Factory Mgr Head of Safety
ie. AGM(O&M) (3 copies)
5. Accident that disable the Form-18 Within 48 hrs
injured for attending from the time of Factory Manager Head of Safety
duties 48 hrs., or more. occurrence of i.e., AGM(O&M) (3 copies)
6. For dangerous Form- Within 12 Factory manager Head of Safety (4
occurrence 18A hours i.e., AGM(O&M) copies)
Note:- However, irrespective of the nature & severity of accident whether minor or major,
should be informed to Safety Dept., immediately on telephone .
Power to direct inquiry into cases of
accident or disease
According to Section (90), of The Factories Act 1948;
Sub Rule (1) ;
• The State Government may appoint a competent person to
inquire into the causes of any accident or disease specified in
the Third Schedule.

Sub Rule (2);

• The person appointed to hold an inquiry under this section
shall have all the powers of a Civil Court under the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) for the purpose of enforcing
the attendance of witness and compelling the production of
documents and material objects, and may also so far as may
be necessary for the purpose of the inquiry exercise the
powers of an Inspector under this Act,
• and every person required by the person making the inquiry
to furnish and information shall be deemed to be legally bound
so to do within the meaning of section 176 of the Indian Penal
Code (45 of 1860).

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