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To produce desired product at commercial level we cannot used laboratory equipment.
For this we required equipment of large capacity and if production capacity is very large then
we have to use multiple equipment of same or different capacity. Also, we have to keep
equipment in spare if any equipment needs any maintenance so that we can use that spare
equipment without affecting production very much.

Selection of MoC for the equipment is an important task. Because of some material to
be handled in equipment it will damage the MoC or there is chances of failure of equipment.
This selection of MoC is done based on the duty of equipment and the operating condition like
temperature and pressure.

In this chapter all equipment used in plant is given with its capacity and number, MoC,
for which purpose it is used.

Major and Minor equipment list

Major and minor equipment used in plant

Equipment No. Capacity of MoC Specification
Salt dissolver 4 + 236 m 3
Mild steel To dissolve salts into water

Centrifugal 4 + 236 m3 CS To transfer the raw brine

pump 1 from dissolver to raw brine
storage tank

Raw brine tank 4 2300 m3 RCC with coal tar To store raw brine
epoxy lined

Reaction tank 3 55 m3 To provide reaction time to

precipitate calcium
and magnesium
Settler 2 1925 m3 RCC with coal tar To settle suspended salts of
epoxy lined calcium and magnesium

Purified brine 2 2300 m3 RCC with coal tar To store purified brine
tank epoxy lined

Lime kiln 10 550 m3 CS with brick To decompose limestone

+2 lining with coke

Gas scrubber CS For scrubbing the gas

stream coming from kiln

ESP CS with coal tar To eliminate fine particles

epoxy lined from gas coming from gas

Lime grinding Hardened steel


Preheater Shell: CS To preheat mother liquor

with hot ammonia gas
Coil: Titanium

Free ammonia CS with coal tar To remove free ammonia

still epoxy lined from the mother liquor

Fixed ammonia 4 220 m3 CS coal tar epoxy To recover fixed ammonia

still lined from mother liquor

Prelimer 4 650 m3 CS with SS-316 To react mother liquor with

lining ground lime

Condenser Shell: CS To increase ammonia

concentration in recovered
Tube: Titanium
ammonia gas

Absorber 3 CS with coal tar To absorb ammonia into

epoxy lined purified brine
Production 24 140 m3 CS with coal tar To perform Carbonation of
tower +2 epoxy lined ammoniated brine
cleaning tower
Rotary vacuum 7 + 12 m3 SS To filter out NaHCO3 from
filter 2 NH4Cl

Calciner 6 + 310 m3 CS with brick To decompose NaHCO3

2 lining into Na2CO3

Out of all the equipments listed above, the major equipment that can be considered is
Absorber tower & it’s process & mechanical design are shown in the next chapter. Also the
minor equipments that can be considered are Storage tank & Centrifugal pump & it’s process
design are also explained in next chapter.
In previous chapter we have seen various equipment used in the soda ash plant. As a
chemical engineer we should aware about designing of an equipment. The design of these
equipment is done to get the maximum performance of the equipment under given extreme
condition. In this chapter we are going to see how detailed designing of an equipment is done.

Equipment design can be classified in two parts:

(1) Process design

(2) Mechanical design

Process design includes calculation of volume and residence time in reactor design,
calculation of number of trays in tray column design, calculation of height of packing required
for packed tower design, calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient and area for heat
transfer in heat exchanger design, calculation of NPSH, power consumption and capacity
required in pump design, calculation of volume for storage vessel design, etc.

From process design, after getting the process data like maximum and minimum operating
pressure and temperature, nature of the material to be handled mechanical design is done. It
includes calculation of diameter, height and thickness of vessel, thickness of head, calculation
of number of plates required, designing of nozzle, flange, gasket, no. of bolts, design of
support, design of jacket or coil, design of agitator, etc. Also, from nature of material to be
handled in equipment material of construction is selected for that equipment.

Minor equipment design

(a) Centrifugal Pump
Pump is a fluid moving device. It is used to transfer the liquid from one place to another
place. If a pump is moving a liquid by the action of centrifugal force it is called centrifugal
force. Designing of centrifugal pump means we have to find out how much power is required
to transfer the liquid at a given capacity and how much NPSH is available.
Let us consider, we have to transfer the raw brine from dissolver tank to raw brine
storage tank by using centrifugal pump.
Design data for centrifugal pump
Liquid to be transfer Raw brine

Capacity 200 m3/hr.

Temperature 35oC
Absolute pressure at free surface of liquid at source 101.325 kPa

Absolute pressure at free surface of liquid receiver 101.325 kPa

Z 5m

Z’ 6m
Density 1200 kg/m3

μ 0.001291 Pa*sec

Vapor pressure of liquid @37.8oC 5.982 kPa

Length of suction pipe 11.5 m

Length of discharge pipe 10.5 m

Velocity in suction pipe 1.5 m/s

Velocity in discharge pipe 2.5 m/s

Efficiency of pump 75 %

Suction side calculation:

Fittings and valves,
90o elbows (2 Nos.)  K = 0.45
Globe valve (1 Nos.)  K = 6
 P = 101.325*1000 / 1200*9.81 =
8.6073 m
 Area = Capacity / velocity = 200 /
3600*1.5 = 0.03703 m2
 Diameter = (0.03703 *4 / 3.14) ^
(1/2) = 217.211 mm
Next standard available pipe
diameter = 243 mm = 0.243 m
 New velocity = Capacity / Area =
200 / 3600*(3.14 / 4*(0.243) ^2)

Therefore, turbulent flow
 f = 0.079 / (Re)^0.25 = 0.00346
 Frictional loss in suction pipe =
4*f*L*v2 / 2*g*D


 Head loss in fittings & valves in

suction pipe

)2 /

 hfs = 0.048 + 0.5051 = 0.5531 m

 hss = P + Z (because pump is below

the liquid surface)
= 8.6073 + 5
= 0.128 m

 Head loss in fittings & valves in discharge pipe

= (2*0.45) * (1.8867)2 / 2*9.81

= 0.163 m

 hfd = 0.128 + 0.163 = 0.292 m

 hsd = P’ + Z’ (because pump is below the liquid surface)

= 8.6073 + 6
= 14.6073 m
 hd = hsd + hfd = 14.6073 + 0.292 = 14.9 m

 Total dynamic head (H) = hd – hs

= 14.9 – 13.05
= 1.845 m
 Power required = ρ*H*Q*g / 3600*η
= 1200 *1.845 *200*9.81 / 3600*0.75
= 1609.03 Watt

 NPSHA = hs – Pv

Pv = 5982 / 1200*9.81 = 0.508 m

= 13.05 – 0.508
= 12.542 m

NPSHR = 3 m


(b) Storage
To keep production, continue without any interruption from material quantity point of
view we have to keep some extra quantity of material in stock in excess of required quantity
for the production. For this we have to store this material in a container that is called storage
tank. Storage tank is used to store solids, liquid & gases during interval between raw material
supplied & production, between production & transportation, also used as an intermediate
stage in the process. Storage tank is of two types:
(1) Fixed roof storage tank
(2) Floating roof storage tank
Let us, consider we have to store raw brine equivalent to 12 hours production requirement.

Design data for fixed roof storage tank

Liquid to be stored Raw brine

Capacity 2300 m3

D/H 2.5
Density of raw brine 1200 kg/m3

Temperature 350C

Superimposed live load on roof 125 kg/m2

MoC CS Grade 2A
Density of MoC 7800 kg/m3

Allowable stress (f) 980 kgf/cm2

Modulus of elasticity 2*106 kgf/cm2

Corrosion Allowance 1.5 mm

Minimum allowance between plate 2 mm

J 0.85

Plate size 1*1m

 V = 2300 m3
π/4*D2*H = 2300
H = (2300*4 / π*(2.5)2)1/3
H = 7.769 m
D = 2.5*H = 2.5*7.769 =
19.423 m
 Periphery = π*19.426 =
60.988 m
 No. of plate per course (X) =
(60.998 – 0.002X) / 1
= 61
 No. of course (Y) = (7.769 –
0.002Y) / 1
Therefore, height of tank = 8*1 = 8 m
 Total no. of plates required = 61*8 = 488 plates
From economic point of view, we will not all use all 488 plates of same thickness.

 Pressure acting on bottom most course (P)

= ρ*(H – 0.3) *100
= (1200/106) *(8 – 0.3) *100
= 0.924 kgf /cm2

 Thickness of plate in bottom most course (td),

= (PD /2fJ) *103 + C.A.

= (0.924*19.423 /2*980*0.85) *103 + 1.5
= 12.27 mm

 Available fabrication thickness (tf)= 14 mm

 Taking next smaller thickness of plate = 12 mm

 t = (PD /2fJ) *103 + C.A.

12 = ((1200/106) *(H – 0.3) *100 *19.423/2 *980 *0.85) *103 + 1.5

H = 7.363 m
This is the height of liquid in the tank up to which 12 mm thickness plate can withstand the

Height of liquid after subtracting bottom most course height = 8 – 1 = 7 m

As 7.363 m > 7 m, so we can use 12 mm size plate for 2nd course from bottom.
Similarly, we can take next smaller thickness for all course.

Here, D = 19.423 m. Therefore, tmin = 6 + 1.5 = 7.5 mm = 8 mm

Size of plate for different course
Course number Height of liquid up Thickness of Max. height of liquid plate
from bottom to given course plate (mm) can withstand (m)

1 (bottom most) 8 14 8.709

2 7 12 7.363

3 6 10 6.018
4 5 9 5.345

5 4 8 4.673

6 3 8 4.673

7 2 8 4.673
8 (top most) 1 8 4.673

As D > 12 m, Thickness of bottom plate = 8 mm

 Outer diameter of bottom most course = 19423 + 2*14 = 19451 mm
= 19.451 m
 Diameter of bottom plate = 19451 + 2*65 = 19581 mm
= 19.581 m
Diameter of foundation = 1.1*19.581 = 21.54 m

Let us assume tr = 5 mm
 Pressure created by dead load and live load (P)

= tr *ρm + 125

= 0.005 *7800 +
= 164 kgf /m2
 tr = (D /sinθ) *(P /0.204*E)1/2 + C.A.
= 19423 /sin (9.46) *(164 /0.204*2*1010)1/2 + 1.5
= 25.19 mm
Here tr > 12 mm, we have to use structural roof.
Let, thickness of conical roof plate = 6.35 mm
 Slope of conical roof (θ) = 3.5763o
 Pressure created by dead load and live load (P)
= 0.00635 *7800 + 125
= 174.53 kgf/m2
 Size of curb angle = 75*75*10 mm
 Max. rafter spacing on periphery ring (l)
= tr*(2*f /P)1/2
= 0.00635*(2*980*104 /174.53)1/2
= 2.128 m

But, l must be less than or equal to 1.915

m Therefore, l = 1.915 m

 Minimum no. of rafters between in between outer most polygon & periphery,

nmin = π*D /l = 3.14 *19.423 /1.915 = 31.863

Taking decagon (N=10), therefore n = 40.

 Actual rafter spacing (l’) = π*D /n = 3.14*19.423 /40 = 1.524 m
 Length of girder for decagon,
L = 2R*sin (360/2N)
= 2*(19.423/ (10 – 1)) *sin (360/2*10)
= 1.333 m
 Rafter spacing on girder,
x = L /(n/N) = 1.333 /(40/10) =0.333 m
 Minimum no. of rafters between decagon and pentagon,
= N*L/ l = 10*1.333 /1.915 = 6.96
 Taking pentagon (N = 5) therefore n = 10

 Length of girder for pentagon,

L = 2R*sin (360/2N)
= 2*(19.423/ (5 – 1)) *sin
= 5.708 m
 Rafter spacing for pentagon,
x = L /(n/N) = 5.708 / (10/5) = 2.854 m
But, x must be less than or equal to 1.6764
m Therefore, x = 1.6764 m
 Minimum no. of rafters between pentagon
and central column,
= N*L/l =
= 14.9
N = 5 therefore, n = 15

Rafter selection,
 Total load of rafter per unit length,
W = P *(x + l’) /2
= 174.53 *(0.333 + 1.5254)/2
= 162.22 kg /m= W*lr 2 /8

lr =Maximum bending
19.423 /2*(2 + 1) moment
*[2 – cos(360 /2*10)]
induced in rafter,
= 3.395 m

Mmax = 162.22 *(3.395)2 /8

= 233.8 kgf*m
 Required section modulus,
Z = Mmax /f = 233.8*100 /980 = 23.857

 from data sheet select structural member C8,

For which, Z11 = 3 in.3
Weight = 6.7 lb /ft = 9.98 kg /m
Total weight = 162.22 + 9.98 = 172.2 kg /m
Mmax = 172.2 *(3.395)2 /8 = 248.184 kgf*m
Zreq = 248.184 *100 /980 = 1.5454 in.3

As 3 > 1.5454, we can use C8 structural

member for rafter.
Major equipment design
Ammonia absorption tower

Gas absorption is a mass transfer operation in which one or more species is removed from
a gaseous stream by dissolution in a liquid solvent. There may be different purpose of
absorption processs. In our plant absorption process is carried out to absorb ammonia in brine
solution. Absorption is a separation operation and it is carried out mainly in packed column.

Designing of absorber column means we have to calculate height of column and diameter
of column.

Let us consider to absorb NH3 from 1960.2 kmol/hr gas stream into the brine solution.

Process design:

G2 = 744.6 kmol/hr (2) L2 = 14,222 kmol/hr

y2 = 0.0786 x2 = 0.00154


L1 = 15415.6 kmol/hr
G1 = 1960.2 kmol/hr
y1 = 0.65 x1 = 0.0788

Figure 7.1 NH3 absorber

Table 7.4 NH3-water Equilibrium data

x y
0 0
0.0197 0.055
0.0366 0.105
0.0494 0.1447
0.079 0.24
0.0866 0.2688
0.12 0.4
0.1538 0.5628
0.189 0.778
Figure 7.2 NH3 -water equilibrium curve

Packing height calculation

From equilibrium curve y1* = 0.2375 & y2* = 0.01167

 NOG = (y1 – y2) / (y – y*) LM

Where, (y – y*) LM = [(y1 – y1*) – (y2 – y2*)] /ln ((y1 – y1*) / (y2 – y2*))

 y1 – y1* = 0.65 – 0.2375 = 0.4125

 y2 – y2* = 0.0786 – 0.01167 = 0.06693

 (y – y*) LM = (0.4125 – 0.06693) /ln (0.4125/0.06693) = 0.19

 NOG = (0.65 – 0.0786) /0.19 = 3

 HOG = G / [Kya *(1 – y*) LM]

Where, (1 – y*) LM = [(1 – y1) – (1 – y1*)] /ln ((1 – y1) /(1 – y1*))

 1 – y1 = 1 – 0.65 = 0.35

 1 – y1* = 1 – 0.2375 = 0.7625

 (1 – y*) LM = (0.35 – 0.7625) /ln (0.35/0.7625) = 0.53

 HOG = 1960.2 / 255*0.53 = 14.51 = 15 m

 Height of column,
Diameter calculation:
 Packing selected: plastic pall ring
Size = 89 mm
Bulk density = 64
kg/m3 a = 85 m2/m3

Fp = 52 m-1

 G = 1960.2 kmol/hr
= 11.57 kg/s.
 L = 15415.6 kmol
/hr = 92.1 kg/s.

 FLV = (L /V) *(ρv /ρL)1/2

= 92.1 /11.57
*(0.905 /1200)1/2
= 0.2186
From graph,

 At flooding K4 = 2.4

Design for a pressure

drop of 42 mm
water /m packing.

 Therefore, K4 = 1.1

 Percentage flooding
= (1.1 /2.4)1/2 *100 =

 K4 =

[13.1*(V)2*Fp*(μL/ρL)0.1] /

(ρv *(ρL – ρv))

 1.1 = 13.1 *V2 *52

*(0.001291/1200)1/2 /
0.905 *(1200 – 0.905)
 V = 2.63 kg /m2*s
(gas mass flow rate per
unit c/s area)
Disengagement height = 1.5 m
L = column height = 45 + 2*1.5 = 48 m
Internal design pressure = 1.13 kgf/cm2
Design temperature = 65oC

Shell material = CS IS:2002-1962 Grade 2A

fallow = 980 kgf/cm2
J = 0.85
Corrosion allowance = 2
mm E = 2 *106 kgf /cm2
Weight of liquid and packing = 120 kg /m2
Weight of attachments = 150 kg /m
Wind pressure = 130 kgf /m2

Insulation thickness tins = 100 mm

Poison’s ration = 0.3

Density of MoC = 7800 kg /m3

 For internal design pressure,

td = PDi /(2fJ – P) + C.A. = (1.13
*2367)/(2*980*0.85 – 1.13) + 2
= 3.606 mm
tf = 5 mm
Do = 2367 + 2*5 = 2377 mm
Dm = (2367 + 2377)/2 = 2372

 for elliptical head,

td = (Pi*Di*V/ (2*f*J-0.2*Pi)) +
= 1.13 *2367*1
/(2*980*0.85 – 0.2*1.13) +
2 = 3.6 mm
tf = 5 mm
S.F. = 3*5 = 15 mm < 30mm
S.F. = 30 mm
B.D. = 1.15*2377 + 2*30 =
2793.55 mm
Weight of one closure =
2 9
(i)Circumferential stress and axial stress induced in shell plate material at a distance X from
the top of shell due to internal pressure.

fcp = 1.13*2367 /2*(5 – 2) = 445.785 kgf/cm2

(ii) Various axcial stress induced in shell plate material at a distance X from the top of shell.

(a) Axial stress induced due to internal pressure

fap = 445.785 / 2 = 222.89 kgf/cm2

(b) Axial stress induced due to dead load

(1) stress due to dead load of shell

fdsx = 7800X kg/m2 = 0.78X kg/cm2

(2) stress due to dead load of insulation

fdinsx = X*500*100 /(5 – 2) = 1.67X kgf/cm2

(3) stress induced due to dead load of liquid +


fd(liq + packing)X =

3.14/4*(2.367)2*120*1000 /3.14*2.372*(5 –


= 23620*[X – 0.9]
= 2.362X – 2.126
(4) stress due to dead load of attachment

fdattachX = 150*X*1000 /3.14*2.372*(5 – 2)

= 0.6713X kgf/cm2

(5) stress due to wt. of closure

fdclo = 239 *1000/3.14*2.372*(5 – 2) =

1.069 kgf/cm2

 Total axial compressive stress induced due to dead load

fdx = fdsx + fdinsx + fd(liq + packing)x + fdattax + fdclox

= 0.78X + 1.67X + 2.362X – 2.126 + 0.6713X + 1.069

= 5.4833X – 1.057 kgf/cm2
 Maximum tensile stress induced in the shell plate material at a distance X from the top of

ftmax = fwx + fap - fdx

0.85*980 = 1.161X2 + 222.89 – 5.4833X + 1.057

X = 25.38 m

 Maximum compressive stress induced in the shell plate material at a distance X from the
top of shell.

fcmax = fwx - fap + fdx

fc,all = 1/12*(2*106/1.652)*[(5 – 2)*2/2377]

= 254.66 kgf/cm2

(0.85*254.66) = 1.161X2 – 222.89 + 5.4833X – 1.057

X = 11.52 m

Take, X = 11.52 m
Therefore, upto 11.52 m from top we can keep thickness of
shell equal to 5 mm.

Let, shell thickness = 7 mm

Do = 2367 + 14 = 2381 mm
Dm = 2374 mm

(i)Circumferential stress and axial stress induced in shell plate material at a distance X from
the top of shell due to internal pressure.

fcp = 1.13*2367 /2*(7 – 2) = 267.471 kgf/cm2

(ii) Various axcial stress induced in shell plate material at a distance X from the top of shell.

(a) Axial stress induced due to internal pressure

fap = 267.471 / 2 = 133.73 kgf/cm2

(b) Axial stress induced due to dead load

(1) stress due to dead load of shell

fdsx = 7800X kg/m2 = 0.78X kg/cm2

(2) stress due to dead load of insulation

fdinsx = X*500*100 /(7 – 2) = 1X kgf/cm2

(3) stress induced due to dead load of liquid + packing

fd(liq + packing)X = 3.14/4*(2.367)2*120*1000 /3.14*2.374*(7 – 2)

= 14160*[X – 0.9]
= 1.416X – 1.2744 kgf/cm2
(4) stress due to dead load of attachment

fdattachX = 150*X*1000 /3.14*2.374*(7 – 2) = 0.4024X kgf/cm2

(5) stress due to wt. of closure

fdclo = 239 *1000/3.14*2.374*(7 – 2) = 0.6412 kgf/cm2

 Total axial compressive stress induced due to dead load

fdx = fdsx + fdinsx + fd(liq + packing)x + fdattax + fdclox

= 0.78X + 1X + 1.416X – 1.2744 + 0.4024X + 0.6412

= 3.5984X – 0.6332 kgf/cm2

(c) Axial stress induced due to wind load

fwx = 2*130*X2 *1000 /3.14*2.381*(7 – 2) = 0.6955X2 kgf/cm2

 Maximum tensile stress induced in the shell plate material at a distance X from the top of

ftmax = fwx + fap - fdx

0.85*980 = 0.6955X2 + 133.73 – 3.5984X + 0.6332 X =

34.38 m

 Maximum compressive stress induced in the shell plate material at a distance X from the
top of shell.

fcmax = fwx - fap + fdx

fc,all = 1/12*(2*106/1.652)*[(7 – 2)*2/2381]

= 423.72 kgf/cm2
(0.85*423.72) = 0.6955X2 – 133.73 + 3.5984X - 0.6332
X = 20.33 m

Take, X = 20.33 m
Therefore, upto 20.33 m from top we can keep thickness of shell equal to 7 mm.

Let, shell thickness = 12 mm

Do = 2367 + 24 = 2391 mm
Dm = 2379 mm

(i)Circumferential stress and axial stress induced in shell plate material at a distance X from
the top of shell due to internal pressure.

fcp = 1.13*2367 /2*(12 – 2) = 133.73 kgf/cm2

(ii) Various axcial stress induced in shell plate material at a distance X from the top of shell.

(a) Axial stress induced due to internal pressure

fap = 133.73 / 2 = 66.865 kgf/cm2

(b) Axial stress induced due to dead load

(1) stress due to dead load of shell

fdsx = 7800X kg/m2 = 0.78X kg/cm2

(2) stress due to dead load of insulation

fdinsx = X*500*100 /(12 – 2) = 0.5X kgf/cm2

(3) stress induced due to dead load of liquid +


fd(liq + packing)X =

3.14/4*(2.367)2*120*1000 /3.14*2.379*(12

– 2)

= 7065*[X – 0.9]
= 0.7065X – 0.6358
(4) stress due to dead load of attachment

fdattachX = 150*X*1000 /3.14*2.379*(12 – 2)

= 0.2X kgf/cm2

(5) stress due to wt. of closure

 Total axial compressive stress induced due to dead load

fdx = fdsx + fdinsx + fd(liq + packing)x + fdattax + fdclox

= 0.78X + 0.5X + 0.7065X – 0.6358 + 0.2X +

= 2.1865X – 0.3158 kgf/cm2

(c) Axial stress induced due to wind load

fwx = 2*130*X2 *1000 /3.14*2.391*(12 – 2) = 0.3463X2


 Maximum tensile stress induced in the shell plate material at a distance X from the top of

ftmax = fwx + fap - fdx

0.85*980 = 0.3463X2 + 66.865 – 2.1865X + 0.3158

X = 52.3 m

 Maximum compressive stress induced in the shell plate material at a distance X from the
top of shell.

fcmax = fwx - fap + fdx

fc,all = 1/12*(2*106/1.652)*[(12 – 2)*2/2391]

= 843.9 kgf/cm2

(0.85*843.9) = 0.3463X2 – 66.865 + 2.1865X – 0.3158

X = 42.47 m

Take, X = 42.47 m

Therefore, up to 42.47 m from top we can keep thickness of shell equal to 12

mm. For remaining height of column, we can keep thickness of shell equal to 14

From this chapter, we have concluded that designing of pump means we have to find out
power requirement and NPSH available. For designing of storage tank we have to find out
thickness of plate for different course as well as selection of rafter for fixed roof tank. For
designing of absorption column, we have to find height of column and diameter of column.

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