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Azerbaijani Ministry of Education

Azerbaijani University of Technology

Free work
Faculty: Energy and automation
Specialization: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Group: 222a5
Student: Joshgun Abdullayev
Subject: Business and academic communication in a foreign language
Teacher: Ayten Sadigova Topic: Garabagh is Azerbaijan
44 Days of Patriotic War ended with the splendid victory of Azerbaijan.
During which Azerbaijan’s infinite voyage of martyrdom was confronted
with maliciousness of Armenian which carried notorious past full of severer
ethnic cleansing and horrible genocide, conspiratorial present and frightening
future because of its paramount fascist hangover and state-sponsored terrorist
activities and of course provocations.

During the war, Armenia intentionally surpassed the true essence of

international law and perpetuated attacks on the civilian settlements and
population of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan started a counteroffensive operation
during which it succeeded to destroy key military installations of Armenia
and capturing tactical mountains and last but not least liberated illegally
occupied areas from Armenia and its sponsored international militia and
terrorist groups.
Despite Armenia’s jingoism constantly threatened South Caucasus’s socio-economic stability,
geopolitical harmony and geostrategic sustainability of even the European Union (EU).
Unfortunately, world “consensus” remained “silent” for the last 30 years which encouraged
Armenian “stealth” activities against the peaceful civilian population of Azerbaijan. Constant
violations of Azerbaijan territorial sovereignty put South Caucasus Region (SCR) and EU at risk.

Armenia had has been trying to implement its “hegemonic designs” for “strategic expansion” for
which it schemed to pursue its “cleansing” policies full of “genocides” towards innocent and
helpless Azerbaijanis in the past.

Moreover, Armenia’ draconian instinct against the innocent local people living in various illegally
occupied areas and adjacent to the border once again made it naked to use ferocious military
power against stranded people. Fierce fighting was raged which had produced shock & awe in so
many important capitals of the world especially the EU.
It had been adopted various
interconnected social (forced
settlement of Armenians from all over
the world in disputed soil/lands)
political (holding of illegal
referendums and so-called democratic
elections), economic (economic
marginalization of local communities
Few Azerbaijani soldiers were martyred and three others
were injured when Armenian forces violated a ceasefire
and targeted positions of Azerbaijan's army in
northwestern Tovuz district. Azerbaijani army
immediately launched counterattacks and succeeded to
damage its various military installations and targets.
According to Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry the positions
of the Armenian army, military radar station, vehicle
Right from the beginning, the governments of Azerbaijan took
principle stances that Karabakh is integral part of it. Khojaly
genocide was the byproduct/strategic extension of Armenia’s
aggression, brutality and state sponsored terrorism against
innocent and helpless people of Azerbaijan. On February 26,
1992, Armenia committed a war crime, killing more than 613
peaceful residents of Khojaly, among them 106 women and 63

Victory of Azerbaijan in the 2nd war of Karabakh has now

changed the nature, utility, scope and prospects of “power
dynamics” in the SCR. The emerging security equation of the
SCR has further consolidated bilateral relations among
Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Turkey.
It has now proven that Azerbaijan was militarily
better prepared, and had tactical and professional
superiority through using of innovative and
advanced technologies of warfare, effective and
ideal combination of human as well as artificial
intelligence mechanism and last but not least,
“visionary leadership” of Ilham Aliyev ultimately
achieved a “miracle” in the second war for the
The most important battle of the
Nagorno-Karabakh War fought in
the city of Shusha. Once Shusha
captured, Armenia surrendered
and entered a lopsided agreement,
ceding massive amounts of their
previously held territories.

In the past, Shusha was illegally

and forcefully occupied by
Armenia in 1992 which had
majority of Azerbaijan population
It strategic location provided an ideal defensive buffer zone for Stepanakert not only the largest city in
the region but also the capital of the Armenia-backed and the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh and a
critical defensive node along the Lachin corridor, a mountain pass and road that provides a link from
Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh.

Critical analysis revealed that by mid-October 2020 Azerbaijani armed forces succeed to capture a key
Armenian-controlled town, Hadrut as they moved toward the Lachin corridor connecting Armenia with

Afterwards, the Azerbaijani forces started the Lachin offensive had reached close to within six miles of
the town of Lachin and the vital corridor by October 22. In retaliation, Armenian forces launched a
counterassault in the heavily wooded mountain areas and set ambushes along main supply routes which
were initiated to divert pressure away from the Lachin corridor.

During October 28-30 Azerbaijan special operations forces schemed a strategic formation and moved
towards Shusha. They deployed their forces to isolate Shusha and disrupt the city’s defense. According to
some reports (January 2021), four hundred soldiers of Azerbaijan marched for five days through the
forests and ravines and avoided the heavily guarded Lachin corridor and surrounding villages. They
divided into groups of one hundred reportedly so that they could approach the city from multiple
directions and toward different objectives. They made history and their superior professional skills,
tactical preparedness and self-belief achieved a miracle. It was achieved because of firm belief in true
nationalism having provision of national dignity and self-determination.
Many of the soldiers of Azerbaijan special force climbed
without the backup of fire thus the steep rocks and cliffs
were left unguarded by the defending Armenians who
seemed to believe the Azerbaijani forces would mainly
attack up the main roads.

The cover of darkness, ongoing Lachin offensive and

failed imagination of the defenders appeared to enable the
Azerbaijani special operations forces to make their
decisive move to covertly pierce the Shusha defense
through seemingly unpassable forests and mountainous
As Azerbaijani forces began to enter the city,
they engaged the defending Armenians at
close range in heavy street fighting. The
Azerbaijani dismounted forces destroyed
several tanks and BMP infantry fighting
vehicles using rocket propelled grenades and
portable antitank guided missiles. Despite the
counterattack, the Azerbaijani forces held
their ground.
The victory of Azerbaijan opened a
new window of opportunities in the
SCR. Energy and food security has
been further amplified and
strengthened. Azerbaijan has now
become an important player in the
“economics of gas” (demand &
supply) in the Black Sea Region
(BSR), SCR, EU and beyond.

The victory of Azerbaijan proved a

good omen for the further
While visiting newly liberated areas, the international
community and reputed NGOs witnessed “deadly
demonstration” of Armenia who damaged the basic
infrastructure of roads, homes, schools, nurseries,
hospitals, social welfare centers, libraries, community
centers and last but not least, nature. It has been
indeed horrifying acts of sabotages, deliberate
demolitions, massive destructions, and devastating
The Turkish Bayraktar TB2
medium-altitude long-endurance
unmanned aerial vehicle, Israeli
Harop loitering munition a
kamikaze drone) and use of
proxy forces demonstrated a
drastic change in war threat.
Thank you for your attention !!!

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