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Harry potter

 Slightest means the smallest portion of something.
 Wrenched refers to something nasty.
 Gloating means smily or full of proudness.
 Accusation means complains.
 Outrageous means terrible or having so much opposition against something.
 Foreseen means giving information or make someone caution before
happening something.
 Freak means humor.
 Peculiarly means strangely.
 Grim means sadness.
 Grip means to cover something.
 Conceal means to hide something.
 Dismal means gloomy.
 Chilly means rather cool.
 Mist means dense fog.
 Crisp refers to the taste of a food just after cooking it up.
 Decisive means something taken considering decisions.
 Wig means fake hair
 Depicted means described with picture or portrait
 Inquiringly means a mood of asking something to someone.
 Resume means to do something again in same spot or setting.
 Sleeve means the part of a cloth on arm.
 Flicker of surprise means to fell a little bit surprised.
 Memo means a document on the honour of someone.
 Portly means magnificent or glorious.
 Outstretched means to expand or elaborate something.
 Striding forward means to go forward or to make something go forward
 Compliment means praise. Here compliment is a noun.
 Remote means distant.
 Apart from means something exceptional.
 Downright means directly through.
Distinctly means something clearly.

Careworn means having anxious.

Balder means having no hair or shaven

Grayer means something pale.

Crumpled means ruffled or having something pale and gloomy.

Boded means to provide foreseen.

[Murderous refers to something that is really dangerous or harmful.
[Shake means to vibrate something]
[Gesture means to move the parts of a body in a special way like

[Pull up means to give tension force to something]

[Mutter means to say something in a short loud like when someone
[Bowler means a kind of circle shaped hat]
‘Hoping to convey by this that he had quite enough on his plate
already without an extra helpings from fudge’ means that he just
needed help on only a specific point from Fudge
 Stiffly means something should be done strictly.
 Wearily means doing or saying something being tired.
 Morosely means to do or say something being fooled.
 Ruckus means noise.
 Stern means severe or doing something strictly.
 Going on means something happening.
 Precisely means exactly.
 Appreciate means to praise.
 Dying means death.
 Savor means taste.
 Triumph means victory or to win.
 Scheming means cheating.
 Campaign means to announce something in order to make people be aware of
 Strain means to pull something or sometimes ised as chidren.
 Self-proclaimed means announced by oneself
 Reassurance refers to the situation when one person give promise to another
or say something that may help others to hold their hopes again.
 Prevent means to obstruct.
 I don’t bother my head actually means that I am not anxious about anything.
 Regulations means activated laws.
 Broomstick means the handle of the instrument used for sweeping.
 Clutching means to hold something.
 Dumb means the special people of who can’t talk or hear. Dumbstruck means
not to able to say something for sometimes.
 Affect means to broden impact.
 Muggles means the non- magical population.
 Predecessor refers to the persons who have taken the same responsibility
 Opposition means the opponent team who are against our ideals.
 Hoax refers to those who are always trying to harm people for his own sake.
 Desperate means something disappointed or frustrated.It also means to do
something with hurry.
 Wand means stick.
 Poking means to use stick strickly.
 Secrecy means keeping secret.
 Bleat means to express or refers to a special nude position.
 Go into means to enter.
 Fall through means to be unabled or disappointed.\
 Put out means to remove.
Phrasal verbs

 Come down means to suggest or to make anyone agree to lower the price of
an object. Example: Did he come down on the price?
 Knock down means to persuade anyone to reduce the price of something.
Example : I knocked him down by 20 dollars.
 Slammed down means to put down something with a lot of force. Example :
That’s because you slammed the phone down.
 Turn down means to reduce or to stop something.
 Shout down means to shout at someone in order to prevent him from talking
Example : Some people are shouting him down.
 Pin down means to force someone to be quite. Example : The police pinned
the robber down.
 Chortling means someone is laughing with a great sound.
 Emerald means a valuable object and is used sa a type of ornament.
 Grueling means something rough or cruel.
 Encounter means someone who has met.
 Dismay means disappointment.
 Carpenter refers to a special group of works whose work is to build buildings.
 Hilarious means someone who is extremely joyous.
 Pamphlet means booklet.
 Decay means damage.
 Spark means to gliter or improve
 Imitiate means to follow.
 Mimicking means imitiating.
 Look forward to means to be excited or interested about something going to
 Spark means to start or cause something that is interesting.
 Wage means to move.
 Goth means who is not gentle or barbarous.
 Occupant means the possessor.
 Swear means to talk something surely.
 Bruise means injury.
 Steep means something perpendicular.
 Frown means to knit one’s brows
 Confetti means sweet.
 Grooming means to take care of something especially the face with some
instrument just like ladies do.
 Dissertation refers to a kind of writing or article where the materials of
research are included.
 Plagiarism means to steal someone’s writing and express to others as his own
 Scratch means to give something freshness . Such as to scratch nose or hair
with comb.
 Imminent means which is coming or arriving soon.
 Nasty means something worse.
 Quitter means someone who is lazy.
 Imposter means cheater.
 Cliché means something as usual
 Heather means small flora.
 Freak means mad.
 Crumb off means to divide into small pieces.
 Indictment means complain.
 Bastard means not from a good family.
 Parasite means someone or something which is dependent on others.
 Superfluous means more than enough.
 Decent means modest.
 Petulant means annoying
 Fluffy means soft.
 Someone is going to master something , it means that he is going to learn
something or to capture something or to do something.
 ‘You rock’ means you are great.
 ‘Calm before the storm’ means the period before any chaos.
 ‘Under the weather’ means feeling a little bit sick.
 ‘When it rains , it pours’ means all the bad things happen in the same time.
 ‘Rain or shine’ means to do something in any weather.
 Obnoxious means boring or hateful.
 Endeavour means attempts. Verb : Endeavor.
 Negotiate means bargain or deal.
 Incomprehensible means unsearchable or unknowable.
 Glacier means avalanche.
 Conundrum means puzzle.
 ‘Buy a brain’ means to bring new thoughts or to be clever.
 ‘You have shaded of your father’ means that you are exactly like your father.
 ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ means that there is something good in every
bad situation.
 ‘Go with the flow’ means go along with somebody in whatever happen.
Example : When you have kids, you must go flow with everyday.
 ‘Down to earth’ refers to those persons who are more practical , relatable or
good minded.
 Gypsy means those who lead a lower life.
 Hold on means to wait.
 Quaint means fantastical/ strange but beautiful.
 Serenity means restfulness.
 Shattered means broken
 Diminutive speech means small speech
 ‘ It is nice to bump into you’ – To see someone recently and unexpectedly and
you are already aware of him or her.
 Literary ‘bump into’ means to collide with someone.
 ‘It is great to finally meet you in person’ – someone is known to you by social
media, email, zoom, google meet but you haven’t seen him before. But
finally when you will meet him, you will be able to use this sentences.
 Speak of the devil! – meeting someone after mentioning his name
 ‘ I don’t think that we have crossed paths before’ – used to say when someone
has meet with a new person. ‘To cross path’ means to meet with someone by
 ‘To catch up with someone’ means to describe a person everything happened
before you have last time seen him.
 ‘to be up to something’ means to do something mischievous.
 ‘What trouble have you been causing?’ Means ‘What have you been up to?
 Or What have you been doing?
 Delinquent means criminal.

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