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describes the proficiency at which an individual can
identify, perceive, and understand cues and contexts
in social interactions along with being socially
respectful to others.
This is an important social skill and having high levels
of social sensitivity can make you more well-liked and
successful in social and business relationships.
 someone with low social sensitivity would be an
individual who only talks about themselves,
interrupts and talks over others, and who ignores
social cues to stop talking.
 someone with high social sensitivity would be a
person who understands conversational cues and
stops talking in order to listen at the appropriate
Social Sensitivity
• Supervisor who possess social sensitivity are:
– Polite
– Courteous
– Gracious
– Considerate and
– Professional
Area of sensitivity
• Office Courtesy
• Greeting and Introduction
• Non Verbal Courtesy
• Disable Person
• Office Conflict
• Harassment
• Office Romance
Office Courtesy
• Courtesy to employees and customer is the
instrumental to guide a successful business
• People is always remember when others is
notice them
• To be safe in the workplace, always nice to
• Share credit for the well done and admit it
when something goes wrong
Greetings and Introduction
• How are you?
• High Rank Person
• Self introduction
• Hand Shake
• Hard to remember other person name
Greetings and Introduction
• How are you?
– In us it’s normal greeting from others
– Doesn’t mean that they are asking for you health
– How are you and How do you do
– Please use a person name if you know them well
Greetings and Introduction
• High Rank Person
– In workplace we need to know whose position is
– Regardless age or gender
– Do not use nickname or short name in introducing
because is not appropriate
– If you forgot someone name, in a workplace
simply admit it
Greetings and Introduction
• Self Introduction
– When introduction, it’s only need to say your
– No title after name needed during the
– Eye contact 2 to 3 second
– Always stand smile and give a firm handshake
Greetings and Introduction
• Handshake
– Practice handshake (couple)
– Vertical handshake VS Horizontal handshake
– Proper handshake
– Hugging people
How to Give a Good Handshake

Hold your hand vertically in an L shape...

Vertically ...Then wrap your fingers around

The Top-Handed Shake
This hand shaker holds it
horizontally, so that his hand is
on top of yours.
Greetings and Introduction
• Hard to remember person name
– Share tips to remember the person name
The Five Best Tricks To Remember Names
1. Meet and repeat.
2. Spell it out.
3. Associate.
– conjure a verbal game or image when you first
hear a name.
4. Make connections.
– between the person you’re talking to, and
someone else you know with the same name
5. Choose to care.
– learning it in the first place
Non Verbal Courtesies
• Fragrances
• Avoiding annoying habit
• Exhibiting polite behavior
• Using an office public area
Disable person
• Some guideline how to interacting with the disable
– Use the correct terminology, avoid using handicapped
rather than wheelchair bound
– Do not touch a persons wheelchair or anything that help
disable persons get around
– Do not assume disable person need help, feel free to offer
Disable person
– Keep your eyes as lower as you can when
conversing with a disable person
– Vision Impairment
– Hearing Impairment
– Speech Impairment
Office Conflict
• What is a conflict?
Serious of disagreement or argument
• Negative conflict
Wasted time, reduce performance and increased stress
• Positive conflict
Increase performance, new ideas and batter understanding
Conflict Resolution
Step 1: Define the source of the conflict.
As a manager or supervisor, you need to give
both parties the chance to share their side of
the story.
Step 2: Look beyond the incident.
The source of the conflict might be a minor issue
that occurred months before, but the level of
stress has grown to the point where the two
parties have begun attacking each other
personally instead of addressing the real
Step 3: Request solutions.
• Identify how the situation could be changed.

Step 4: Identify solutions both disputants can

Point out the merits of various ideas, not only
from each other’s perspective, but in terms of
the benefits to the organization.
Step 5: Agreement.
Office Conflict
• Some people tend to bring home the things
not going well in the workplace.
• Put yourself in the other’s shoes
• Few tips to have a conversation with an
– Be a neutral
– Find quite location
– Encourage the person share their view with you
– Ask question to clarify
– Keep clear perspective
Office Conflict
• Fair treatment
• Communication is a key to avoiding
misunderstanding in the office
Sexual Harassment
• What is Harassment?
An acts where someone feel offended as the result
of the action.
• Type of Harassment
– Verbal
– Non Verbal
Office Romance
• Some of the companies have a policy of office
romance, some of them also put some
punishment. (termination, counseling, warning
and no punishment)

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