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Factors Influencing Client Preference for Computer

Repair Services

Sanchez, Zean Joeriel D.G.
Elefanio, Rhaiza Rhegila C.
Garcia, Aldrin Zam M.
Dela Cruz, Jasmen P.
• The purpose of this quantitative experimental study was to ascertain the level of
client and owner satisfaction with computer repair services. Through the use of
stratified random sampling, one hundred and three participants—representing
customer and owner influence—were chosen for the year 2023–2024 under
different strands, and they were asked to respond to a modified survey on the
subject. The findings demonstrate that respondents are in agreement that face-
to-face interactions have a variety of effects on their social skill development. To
validate the results of this study, more research is required, utilizing better
methods, including the data collection technique as the reliance on technology
continues to grow, the demand for computer repair services has become
increasingly significant. This study explores the factors that influence clients when
ABSTRACT selecting a computer repair service provider. Through a comprehensive analysis of
client preferences and decision-making processes, this research aims to provide
valuable insights for service providers and enhance the overall customer
experience in the computer repair industry. Results reveal that service quality and
reliability are paramount in influencing client decisions, with clients emphasizing
the importance of skilled technicians and efficient problem resolution.
Furthermore, the role of transparent pricing structures and competitive rates
emerges as a significant factor, as clients seek cost-effective solutions without
compromising on service quality. The implications of this study extend beyond the
immediate context, offering valuable lessons for businesses operating in the
broader service sector.
A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (2019). While existing literature has explored factors
by Wu, W. Y. (2020). influencing client preferences in various service
Sun, J., Zhang, Y., & Jia, X. (2019). industries, there is a noticeable gap in understanding
(Mason et al., 2021). these factors within the context of computer repair
González et al., 2007; Gallarza-Granizo et al., 2020; Cai et al., services. Furthermore, as technology evolves,
2021). consumer preferences may also change. Therefore, a
(Sofyani et al., 2020) comprehensive study focusing specifically on the
(Hansemark and Albinsson, 2004; Cao et al., 2018; Zhou et al.,
computer repair services industry is needed to bridge
this gap and provide up-to-date insights. This
research will contribute to the development of
(Sharma et al., 2020)
strategies for service providers to better meet client
(Singh & Srivastava, 2020) preferences and enhance customer satisfaction in this
(Sofyani et al., 2020) dynamic industry.
(Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, 2019)
To determine the socio-demographic profile of the participants in terms of client and owner in terms of age, sex, and
socioeconomic status.

To determine the most common reasons why owners of computer units seek computer systems repair service.

To determine the experiences of the respondents in seeking computer systems repair services.

To determine the reasons for continued patronage of preferred computer systems repair service providers.
• According to Bitner (1990), Successful service organizations understand well the importance of carefully
monitoring and managing customer satisfaction. The service encounter, in particular, can play a
prominent role in determining a customer’s satisfaction with the firm (Bitner, 1990; Bitner et al., 1990;
Czepial et al., 1985; Suprenant and Solomon, 1987; Woodside et al., 1989). In recent years the concept of
internal customers in service organizations has been introduced and discussed in the marketing literature
(Albrecht, 1990; Berry and Parasuraman, 1991; Grönroos, 1985; Gummesson, 1987). The general
consensus is that the satisfaction of these internal customers (i.e. employees) is also important to the
success of a service firm. As with external customers, an internal customer’s satisfaction with the firm
can be significantly influenced by service encounters experienced with internal service providers.

• Service quality can also be defined as the difference between customer expectations of service and
perceived service. If expectations are greater than performance, then perceived quality is less than
satisfactory and the result is customer dissatisfaction (Parasuraman et al ., 1985; Lewis and Mitchell,
• In their 1990 review of conjoint analysis, Green and Srinivasan laud the simplicity of the self-explicated
approach. The approach requires the survey respondents to view products or services in two steps. The
first step is for the respondent to evaluate different levels of an attribute that might be offered. The
number of levels should be such that there are distinct differences among them. These intra-attribute
rankings are typically done on a scale from 0 to 10. Once these levels have been ranked, respondents are
asked to weigh the attributes in terms of their importance and relevance to each other. Using this method
requires one to choose the number of levels within each attribute that will be presented to the
respondents. In deciding this range, there are two conflicting considerations that must be balanced (Green
and Srinivasan 1978); 1)

• It will be important for agribusinesses to understand the additional revenues and market share garnered
from improved service quality. They will also need to be cognizant of the additional costs of marginal
improvements in service quality and the impact that this has on firm profits. Thus, it will be important
for agribusinesses to assess not only the level of service quality they provide, but if they earn a return on
investing in that service quality (Rust, Zahorik, and Keiningham 1995).

Conceptual literatures: 8
Research literatures: 12
These are the assumptions about the client's preference for computer repair services.

1. The client and owner must have a good service considering their socioeconomic status whether it
affects them negatively or positively.
2. The owner must have faced different system repair service factors while doing their service that
would affect their improvement on their service.
3. Clients have the availability to have experience in computer repair which would affect their
computer systems repair services.
• Computer Repair Services

• Client Preference

• Quality Service

• Socio-Demographic. Factors

• Understanding

• The research design selected was Experimental Research Design

• (Galantucci and Garrod 2010).


The data collection will be conducted from December 11 to December 14, 2023.

Data and information will be gathered from the Client, which is located at Roxas Boulevard,
San Carlos City, Pangasinan.

The researchers will employ pen and paper survey questionnaires as the primary instrument for data

SOP 1: Frequency Distribution
SOP 2: Likert Scale
SOP 3: Likert Scale
SOP 4: Likert Scale

The respondents that were Client and Owner are

shown in Table one by sociodemographic profile.
With a total of 79 respondents, the table reveals that
there are more male respondents than female
respondents—24—in total. Furthermore, the data
indicates that the bulk of respondents are 18 years
old, with 16 and 26-year-olds constituting the
minority of respondents.

Environmental factors” with 3.19 weighted mean, “Power fluctuations” with 3.16
weighted mean, and “User error” with 3.19 weighted mean. On the hardware
The table two presents the factors causing computer services among the problems on situations 11-20 it was shown that it also has the same descriptive
respondents and it was also shown that all ten situations often happen to value which is “Sometimes” but the hardware problem with the highest weighted
majority of the respondents. Even though every situation are on the same mean is “Temperature” with a 3.17 weighted mean and are sometimes faced by the
descriptive value “Software glitches” and “Failure of equipment turn on majority of the respondents. Other hardware problems such as “Power
“has the highest weighted mean which is equivalent to 3.38. The second conditioning” with (WM=3.04), “Your computer screen freezes” with (WM=3.01),
to the highest which is not so far from the first mentioned situation is “Your computer has sufficient memory” with (WM=3.07), “You get blue screen of
“Corrupted file” with 3.37 weighted mean. Other situations such as death” with (WM=2.95), “You got a CMOS error” with (WM=2.87), “Your
“Hardware failure” with 3.33 weighted mean, ”Overheating” with 3.22 computer turns on, but still doesn’t work” with (WM=2.81), “Site specific
weighted mean, “Malware and viruses” with 3.20 weighted mean, environment” with (WM=2.88), “Ingress of dusts or liquids” with (WM=2.95),
“Network problems” with 3.19 weighted mean. and “Your computer won’t turn on” with (WM=2.80).
Table three shows the attitudes of clients towards
computer service. It presents the two situations
which are both on the same descriptive value which
is “Never”. The situation with the highest weighted
mean is “Do you feel apathetic towards attending to
your business in the following days?” with a
weighted mean equivalent to 3.28 and is never an
attitude of the client towards computer services
according to many of the respondents. The least
weighted mean which is the situation “Do you feel
motivated to repair your computer during the fixing
hours?” are also never an attitude of the client
towards computer services according to many of the
The table four presents the practices of repair computer services faced
or experienced by the respondents. The first situation with the highest
weighted mean equivalent to 3.28 is “Computer safety measure” and the
majority of the respondents Sometimes with the mentioned situation.
Although the remaining situations are on the same descriptive value it
does not have the same weighted mean because the situation “Study the
computer carefully” with the weighted mean of 3.20, “Clean any dust or
foreign material out of the case” with the weighted mean of 3.29,
“Anti-virus software” with the weighted mean of 3.24, and “Stay
completely alert on the job” with the weighted mean of 3.03. The
remaining situation from 6 to 10 presents the reason for continued
patronage of preferred computer system repair service providers which
shows that the reason “Reasonable professional service fee” has the
highest weighted mean of 3.28 and the respondents neither agree nor
disagree with this reason. The other situations such as “Affordability of
repair service fee” with the weighted mean of 2.98, “Prompt delivery of
service (Computer service repair duration is fast)” with the weighted
mean of 3.13, “Problem of the computer device is explained by the
attending technician” with the weighted mean of 2.95, and “Provision of
useful practical to manage or avoid PC problems” with the weighted
mean of 3.08.
1. The data indicates that the bulk of respondents are 18 years old, with 16 and 26-years-old
2. The highest weight mean in the factor influencing clients is “The client’s are often experience
failure of equipment turn on.” Most client and owner respondents answered all the questions
OFTEN, according to the overall weight mean of 3.38.
3.The study found that students in table four present the practices of repairing computer services
faced or experienced. The total weight means equivalent to 3.29, indicating that most client and
owner respondents answered all the questions Sometimes.

4.The most common answer of the respondents during the survey with a 3.28 weighted mean,
which indicates that most respondents are neither in levels of agreement.
This research sheds light on the critical factors influencing client preferences in the
realm of computer repair services. The findings highlight the paramount importance of
service quality, quick turnaround times, and cost-effectiveness in shaping client
decisions. Reputation and trustworthiness, as reflected in customer reviews, emerged as
influential factors, underlining the significance of a positive market standing.
Additionally, the study emphasizes the role of convenience, effective communication,
and technical expertise in fostering client satisfaction and loyalty. Service providers in
the computer repair industry stand to benefit significantly from aligning their strategies
with these identified preferences. By emphasizing high-quality service delivery,
maintaining competitive pricing, and investing in positive customer experiences,
businesses can not only attract but also retain clients in this competitive market. Further
exploration of these factors and their interplay may offer nuanced insights for
continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving client needs in the dynamic
landscape of computer repair services."
The results gathered after the study conducted, the researchers recommend the following to
have a better preference about computer repair services:

1. Students should give some time for themselves to know more about the functions of their
computer or other gadgets.

2. Students should seek the help of professional people who can do computer repair services
when in need.

3. Clients should always maintain a good attitude towards computer repair services.

4. Future researchers should make more findings about computer repair services with this
Thank You

Sanchez, Zean Joeriel D.G.
Elefanio, Rhaiza Rhegila C.
Garcia, Aldrin Zam M.
Dela Cruz, Jasmen P.

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