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19th century socio-Religious By: Abdul Rahman

Overview of what is 19th century socio religious challenges
◦ Rapid societal changes and upheavals in the 19th century.

◦ Brief: The 19th century saw swift transformations due to industrialization, technology, and economic
shifts, altering the way people lived
◦ Deep-rooted traditional practices and beliefs facing scrutiny.

◦ Brief: Established customs and beliefs were questioned as societies encountered new ideas, fostering a
reevaluation of traditional practices.
◦ Social inequalities, caste restrictions, and gender disparities prevalent.

◦ Brief: Rigidity in social hierarchies, caste systems, and gender-based inequalities limited opportunities
and rights for specific groups.
◦ Lack of modern education and scientific temper.

◦ Brief: Limited access to modern education hindered progress and critical thinking, perpetuating
superstitions and hindering scientific inquiry.
Notable Reformers of the 19th century socio
religious challenges
◦ Raja Ram Mohan Roy:
◦ Role: Founder of Brahmo Samaj.
◦ Contributions: Abolition of Sati, education reforms, and critique of Hindu practices.
◦ Swami Dayananda Saraswati:
◦ Role: Founder of Arya Samaj.
◦ Contributions: Emphasized Vedic values, opposed idol worship, and advocated for social reforms.
◦ Annie Besant:
◦ Role: Theosophical Society leader.
◦ Contributions: Advocated for women's rights, education, and theosophy.
◦ Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:
◦ Role: Leader of Aligarh Movement.
◦ Contributions: Championed modern education for Muslims, founded Aligarh Muslim University.
Impact on the india
◦ Caste and Gender Dynamics:
◦ Summary: Societal changes challenged traditional hierarchies, leading to a reevaluation of caste
norms and the empowerment of women.
◦ Educational Advancements:
◦ Summary: Progress was marked by increased access to education, promoting literacy and knowledge
across diverse sections of society.
◦ Encouragement of Rational Thinking:
◦ Summary: The era witnessed a shift towards critical and analytical thinking, fostering a more
reasoned and enlightened societal mindset.

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