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Directions: Fill in the table on the BEST possible

response regarding the topic. Write your answers on a ½
Prepared by
Mr. Benedict B. Diaz
A personal challenge is
something that is tailored to you -
in a way that you come out better
at the end. At times in life, we all
face personal challenges, and it is
how we deal with these challenges
that can help us to learn from them.
Common Personal Challenges:

1. Stress is a feeling of emotional or

physical tension. It can come from any
event or thought that makes you feel
frustrated, angry, or nervous.
Common Personal Challenges:

2. Lack of contentment is an unhappy

feeling because you want better
treatment or an improved situation.
Common Personal Challenges:

3. Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or

satisfaction derived from one's own
achievements, the achievements of those
with whom one is closely associated, or from
qualities or possessions that are widely
Common Personal Challenges:

4. Procrastination is the action of delaying or

postponing something.
Common Personal Challenges:

5. Peer pressure feeling that one must do the

same things as other people of one's age and
social group in order to be liked or respected
by them.
Common Personal Challenges:

6. Envy is a feeling of discontented or

resentful longing aroused by someone else's
possessions, qualities, or luck.
Common Personal Challenges:

7. Boastfulness is a way of talking in which

you praise yourself and what you have done.
Common Personal Challenges:

8. Hostility is a hostile state, condition, or

attitude; enmity; antagonism; unfriendliness.
Common Personal Challenges:

9. Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate

between self and others. More specifically, it
is the inability to accurately assume or
understand any perspective other than one's
Directions: Fill in the table on the BEST possible
response regarding the topic. Write your answers on a ½
Basically, personal challenges affect your studies and slows
down in accomplishing a lot of things.

Prepared by Mr. Benedict B. Diaz

Thank you for

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