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Andean New Year

Pachamana – Mother Earth

Music Dance Apus

Andean New Year Candies


Yatiri, Shaman or Paco


Coca leaves Flowers Coca leaf reading

In the early morning people wait for the sun. Authorities and people do a special ceremony.

Offering to Pachamama People express their gratitude with dances.

Andean New Year
(Pago a la tierra)
In the Andean New Year, people make offerings to Pachamama, or Mother
Earth. These offerings are ceremonies and are done with a Yatiri, Shaman,
Paco or Brujo (witch). The offerings are normally done by the main authorities
and the people of the community. Coca leaves, sweets, incense, dried fetuses
of animals, cigarettes and wine are collected. During the ceremony, the Paco
will drink wine, then give an offering to Pachamama. He will also smoke a
cigarette and it will be left burning for the Apus or Gods. Sometimes, after the
ceremony, all the items are burnt and then offered to Pachamama. These items
are often buried in the sacred Apu.

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