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Módulo 2: Conexiones en

Instructor Materials

Networking Essentials (NETESS v2.0)

Instructor Materials – Module 2 Planning Guide

This PowerPoint deck is divided in two parts:

• Instructor Planning Guide
• Information to help you become familiar with the module
• Teaching aids
• Instructor Class Presentation
• Optional slides that you can use in the classroom
• Begins on slide # 9

Note: Remove the Planning Guide from this presentation before sharing with anyone.

For additional help and resources go to the Instructor Home Page and Course Resources for this
course. You also can visit the professional development site on, the official Cisco
Networking Academy Facebook page, or Instructor Only FB group.

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What to Expect in this Module
To facilitate learning, the following features within the GUI may be included in this module:
Feature Description

Animations Expose learners to new skills and concepts.

Videos Expose learners to new skills and concepts.

Check Your Understanding (CYU) Per topic online quiz to help learners gauge content
Labs Labs designed for working with physical equipment.

Packet Tracer Activities Simulation and modeling activities designed to

explore, acquire, reinforce, and expand skills.
Module Quizzes Self-assessments that integrate concepts and skills
learned throughout the series of topics presented in
the module.
Module Summary Briefly recaps module content.

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Check Your Understanding

• Check Your Understanding activities are designed to let students quickly determine if they
understand the content and can proceed, or if they need to review.

• Check Your Understanding activities do not affect student grades.

• There are no separate slides for these activities in the PPT. They are listed in the notes area of the
slide that appears before these activities.

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Module 2: Activities
Page # Activity Type Activity Name Optional?

2.1.1 Video Types of Wireless Networks recommended

2.1.4 Video Cell Phone Interactions with Different Networks recommended

2.1.6 CYU Wireless Networks recommended

2.2.1 Video Types of Network Components recommended

2.2.3 Video Configure IP Addressing Information on recommended

2.2.5 Video Manual and Automatic Addressing recommended

2.2.7 Lab Determine the IP Address Configuration of a recommended


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Module 2: Activities (Cont.)

Page # Activity Type Activity Name Optional?

2.3.3 Video Network Documentation recommended

2.3.5 CYU Network Documentation recommended

2.4.2 Module Quiz Online Connections Quiz recommended

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Module 2: Best Practices
Prior to teaching Module 2, the instructor should:
• Review the activities and assessments for this module.
• Try to include as many questions as possible to keep students engaged during classroom presentation.

Topic 2.1
• Ask the students to make a list of all the wireless networks they have used in the past week. Then
call on students to discuss. Make sure to include a discussion on the cell phone network, GPS, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, and NFC.
Topic 2.2
• Have the students look around the classroom or wherever they are taking the class from and
describe what network hosts are nearby and what peripherals they have available.
• A very important concept is that wired LANs use Ethernet and devices accessing the Ethernet
network have a NIC. Each NIC has a MAC address.
• If you do not have switches in the classroom, ask the IT department to loan you one so students can
see. Switch ports might also be available to be viewed on a home router.
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Module 2: Best Practices (Cont.)
Topic 2.2 (Cont.)
• Consider configuring an IP address on a computer in teams or individually. The lab on 2.2.7 might be
a good one to do together as well.
• It is very important to continually emphasize that any device that communicates on a network needs
an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Also, if using URLs such as, the IP
address of a DNS server is needed as well.
Topic 2.3
• Using a web browser, do a search for network IP addressing scheme and view images associated
with the search. Most of these will be examples of a logical topology. Examine the things the
examples have in common and are different. Then do a search on network diagram and look at

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Módulo 2: Conexiones en

Networking Essentials (NETESS)

Module Objectives

Module Title: Online Connections

Module Objective: Explain the basic requirements for getting online.
Topic Title Topic Objective

Wireless Networks Describe the different types of networks used by cell phones and mobile devices.

Local Network Describe the requirements for host connectivity.

Network Explain the importance of network documentation.

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2.1 Redes inalámbricas

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Wireless Networks
Video - Types of Wireless Networks

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Wireless Networks
Teléfonos móviles
¿Sabías que la mayoría de los teléfonos móviles se pueden conectar a muchos tipos diferentes
de redes simultáneamente?

Los teléfonos móviles utilizan ondas de radio para transmitir señales de voz a antenas montadas
en torres ubicadas en áreas geográficas específicas. Los teléfonos móviles a menudo se
denominan "teléfonos celulares" porque el área geográfica en la que una torre individual puede
proporcionar una señal a un teléfono se denomina celular. Cuando se realiza una llamada
telefónica, la señal de voz se transmite de una torre a otra hasta que llega a su destino. También
se utiliza para enviar mensajes de texto directamente desde el teléfono.

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Wireless Networks
Red de telefonía celular
Las abreviaturas 3G, 4G, 4G-LTE y 5G se utilizan para describir redes de telefonía celular mejoradas
que están optimizadas para la transmisión rápida de datos. La "G" en estas designaciones representa la
palabra "generación", por lo que 5G es la quinta generación de la red celular. El gráfico muestra que el
4G seguirá siendo la fuente dominante de tráfico móvil mundial en 2022. Sin embargo, el 5G utilizará
una porción cada vez mayor.

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Wireless Networks
Video - Cell Phone Interactions with Different Networks

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Wireless Networks
Otras redes inalámbricas
El GPS utiliza satélites para transmitir señales Los transmisores y receptores Wi-Fi ubicados
que cubren el globo terráqueo. El teléfono dentro del teléfono inteligente permiten que el
inteligente puede recibir estas señales y teléfono se conecte a redes locales e Internet.
calcular la ubicación del teléfono con una Para recibir y enviar datos en una red Wi-Fi, el
precisión de 10 metros. teléfono debe estar dentro del alcance de la
señal de un punto de acceso a la red

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Wireless Networks
Otras redes inalámbricas (cont.)
Bluetooth es una tecnología inalámbrica que Bluetooth es una tecnología inalámbrica que
permite que los dispositivos se comuniquen a permite que los dispositivos se comuniquen a
distancias cortas. Debido a que la tecnología distancias cortas. Debido a que la tecnología
Bluetooth se puede usar para transmitir datos Bluetooth se puede usar para transmitir datos
y voz, se puede usar para crear pequeñas y voz, se puede usar para crear pequeñas
redes locales. redes locales.

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2 Local Network
2.2 Local
onnections Network

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Local Network Connections
Video - Types of Network Components

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Local Network Connections
LAN Components
There are many components that can be part of a local area network (LAN). Some examples of
network components are personal computers, servers, networking devices, and cabling. These
components can be grouped into four main categories:

• Hosts - Hosts send and receive user traffic. A host is a generic name for most end-user
devices. A host has an IP address. Examples of hosts are personal computers and network
attached printers.
• Peripherals - Shared peripheral devices do not communicate directly on the network.
Instead, peripherals rely on their connected host to perform all network operations. Examples
of shared peripherals are cameras, scanners, and locally attached printers.
• Network devices - Networking devices connect other devices, mainly hosts. These devices
move and control network traffic. Examples of network devices include hubs, switches, and
• Network media - Network media provides connections between hosts and network devices.
Network media can be wired, such as copper and fiber optic, or use wireless technologies.

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Local Network Connections
Video - Configure IP Addressing Information on Windows

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Local Network Connections
End Device Addressing
To physically connect to a network, an
end-user device must have a network
interface card (NIC) and some
configuration of the operating system so
that the device can participate in the
network. There are three parts to the IP
configuration which must be correct for
the device to send and receive
information on the network:
• IP address - This identifies the host
on the network.
• Subnet mask - This is used to
identify the network on which the host
is connected.
• Default gateway - This identifies the
networking device that the host uses
to access the internet or another
remote network.
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Local Network Connections
Video - Manual and Automatic Addressing

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Local Network Connections
Manual and Automatic Address Assignment
With manual Most end-user
configuration, the devices can be set up
required values to receive network
are entered into configuration
the device by a information
network dynamically. The
administrator. The device requests an
IP address that is address from a pool
entered is referred of addresses
to as a static assigned by a
address and must Dynamic Host
be unique on the Configuration Protocol
network. (DHCP) server
located within the

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Local Network Connections
Lab - Determine the IP Address Configuration of a Computer

In this lab, you will determine the IP address assigned to your computer.

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2.3 Network Documentation

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Network Documentation
Device Names and Address Planning
The use of logical device naming and addressing conventions that are well documented can greatly
simplify the task of training and network management and can help as well with troubleshooting when
problems arise.

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Network Documentation
Network Topologies and Representations
The physical topology shows
where the wiring is installed
and the locations of the
networking devices that
connect the hosts. These
diagrams use symbols or
icons to represent the
different devices and
connections that make up a

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Network Documentation
Video - Network Documentation

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Network Documentation
Logical Network Information
A physical topology shows how network devices connect.
A diagram called a logical topology illustrates the relevant network configuration information.

Logical Topology

Physical Topology © 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 30
2.4 Online Connections

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Online Connections Summary
What Did I Learn in this Module?
• Mobile phones use radio waves to transmit voice signals to antennas mounted on towers. Mobile
phones are often referred to as “cell phones” because the geographic area in which an individual
tower can provide a signal to a phone is called a cell.
• The abbreviations 3G, 4G, 4G-LTE, and 5G are used to describe enhanced cell phone networks that
are optimized for the fast transmission of data. The “G” in these designations represents the word
“generation,” so 5G is the fifth generation of the cell network.
• The GPS uses satellites to transmit signals that cover the globe.
• Wi-Fi transmitters and receivers located within the smartphone let the phone connect to local
networks and the internet.
• Bluetooth is wireless technology that allows devices to communicate over short distances.
• NFC stands for near field communications.
• There are many components that can be part of a local area network (LAN). These components can
be grouped into four main categories: hosts, peripherals, network devices, and network media.
• There are three parts to the IP configuration which must be correct for the device to send and
receive information on the network: IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

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Online Connections Summary
What Did I Learn in this Module? (Cont.)
• With manual configuration, the required values are entered into the device by a network
administrator. The address must be unique on the network.
• With automatic addressing, the device requests an address from a pool of addresses assigned by a
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server located within the network.
• The use of logical device naming and addressing conventions that are well documented can greatly
simplify the task of training and network management and can help as well with troubleshooting
when problems arise.
• The physical topology uses symbols or icons, and shows where the wiring is installed and the
locations of the networking devices that connect the hosts. Each object represents a physical
• A diagram called a logical topology illustrates the relevant network configuration information.

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Online Connections Summary
New Terms and Commands
• cell phone network • IP address
• GPS • subnet mask
• Wi-Fi • default gateway
• Bluetooth • DNS server
• NFC • manual IP configuration
• host • dynamic IP configuration
• peripheral • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
• network device (DHCP)
• Ethernet • network topology
• network interface card (NIC) • physical topology
• Media Access Control (MAC) address • logical topology
• network media

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