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◦Potassium is an essential mineral that is needed
by all tissues in the body. It is sometimes
referred to as an electrolyte because it carries a
small electrical charge that activates various cell
and nerve functions. Potassium is found
naturally in many foods and as a supplement .
History and discovery of potassium
◦It was first discovered by Sir Humphry Davy
from England in 1807. He found a tiny droplet
of liquid metal formed when he applied
electrolysis to a small amount of melted
potash, and he named the element “potassium”
based on the word “potash”.
Uses of potassium
◦Potassium is found naturally in many foods
and as a supplement. Its main role in the body
is to help maintain normal levels of fluid inside
our cells. Sodium, its counterpart, maintains
normal fluid levels outside of cells. Potassium
also helps muscles to contract and supports
normal blood pressure.
Source of potassium
◦ The most common source of potassium is from food. Potassium-rich sources
◦ fruits, such as apricots, bananas, kiwi, oranges, and pineapples
◦ vegetables, such as leafy greens, carrots, and potatoes
◦ lean meats
◦ whole grains
◦ beans and nuts
◦ Most people get enough potassium by eating a balanced diet. For low potassium
levels, a doctor may prescribe the mineral in supplement form. If you have a
severe deficiency, you may need intravenous (IV) treatment.
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