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Air Resistance

Forces & Motion

Experiment: Take two
pieces of paper. Wad one
into a tight ball. Leave
the other alone.

Predict: When you drop

the two pieces of paper
which will hit the ground
Why do you predict this?
Watch the videos on You Tube:
Danger! Falling Objects: Crash Course Kids #32.1

Astronaut Experiment: Crash Course Kids #32.2
Write down the words in yellow.

The words in white are discussion points, you

may write these down, but are not required.
Air Resistance
When an object falls through the air, its surface bumps into
air particles.
• Friction between a moving object and air particles is called
air resistance.

• Air resistance acts against the pull of gravity to slow the

moving object.

• Air resistance depends on an object’s shape and the size of

it’s surface.
Air Resistance Gravity

A folded parachute falls to the Air

ground much faster than an open Resistance

parachute. The open parachute has

a cupped shape and a larger surface,
so it rubs against more air particles
as it falls. The air resistance slows a
skydiver’s fall to the ground.
Air Resistance
Think about our experiment with
the pieces of paper, which fell to the
ground faster the balled up paper or
the flat sheet?

Why do you think there was a

Air Resistance
Friction and gravity act together on moving objects.

Think about a ball rolling down a hill. The force of

gravity pulls the ball downward. At the bottom of the
hill, the ball keeps rolling, but friction between the ball
and the ground slows the ball’s motion. After some
time, friction makes the ball stop rolling.
Watch: Friction on the Ground and in the Air on DE

Watch: The Fixies: Friction on DE

Watch: Falling to Earth Due to Gravity on DE
Exit Ticket

1. What is air resistance?

2. How can you increase the amount of air resistance

on a falling object?

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