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Motivational Factors on Academic Performance

of St. Robert International College Senior High

School Student
Marvin V. Bernas , Jarel O. Cain, Willie T. Celiz, Winston T. Eba,
Regine B. Flores, Stephanie E. Gabion, Trisha Marie O. Gravera ,
Gicel J. Mendoza, Christian L. Jimena, Ivan Alfred B. Lobres,
Fredalin D. Pama,

RM 306
NOVEMBER 29, 2023


Background of the Study
• Academic performance is crucial for students as it represents their
knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained through their educational
experienceTo aid educators in understanding students' attitudes towards
learning and the factors that support or hinder the learning process,
research aims to assess students' academic interest, learning attitude, and
learning quality. Student motivation is a critical concern in higher education
due to the significance of academic performance in one's professional life.
The study aims to identify the elements that contribute to students'
attitudes towards learning. (Agoestina Mappadang, et al 2022; Charles
Gbollie, 2017)


Background of the Study
The study examines students' academic interest,
learning attitude, and quality at St. Robert's
International College to understand their
motivation and support in higher education,
focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,
driven by internal and external factors.


Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the motivational factors on academic
performance of St. Robert’s International College Senior High School students’.
Specifically, this research will seek to answer the following research questions:
1. How may the level of senior high school students’ motivational factors
2. How the level of students’ academic performance be described in terms of
the following factors: Intrinsic motivations; Extrinsic motivations; Parental
and teacher influences; Classroom environment;
3. Does a motivational factor exert a significant impact on students’ academic
4. What implications may be drawn based on the findings of the study?


Theoretical Framework of the Study
 The research of Deci and Ryan (2000) highlights the importance of fulfilling
human needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness to drive
motivated behavior. The Self-Determination Theory (SDT) notes that
different motivations can influence performance and well-being and
describes a continuum from intrinsic to extrinsic motivation.
 SDT suggests that motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsically
motivated tasks are performed spontaneously and experienced as
autonomous. Extrinsic motivation can be experienced as controlling or
autonomous depending on internalization of the contingencies. SDT
describes different types of extrinsic motivation, including external
regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated
regulation, with integrated regulation reflecting the most complete
internalization of an extrinsic goal.


Conceptual Framework of the Study


Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study aims to determine the motivational factors
on academic performance of Senior High School
students in SRIC. The researcher need random
population size serves as respondents of the study. In
this matter, Slovin’s formula will be used. The
motivational factors of students’ on academic
performance was assess in terms of questionnaire given
from the result of sample population size.


Related Literature and Studies
Most research has suggested that students with higher academic
intrinsic motivation perform more effectively academically. There is,
however, other research that yielded otherwise. For this study and in
the light of the studies above-mentioned, the researcher aimed to
zero in on the research gap and figure out if intrinsic motivation,
extrinsic motivation, parent and teacher influence, and classroom
environment has a significant impact on students’ academic


Related Literature and Studies
More specifically, the researcher aimed to examine motivational
factors impacts the academic performance of senior high school
students in St. Robert’s International College. The researcher also
hoped that this undertaking would provide meaningful insights to
learners and parents, the Department of RFGDS, educational thinkers,
and stakeholders St. Robert International Group of Companies to
advocate for a more caring and encouraging environment in schools
and at home where students can discover a love for learning, harness
their potentials, and construct relevant connections between what
they learn in school and real-life applications.


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Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 2(2), 24-37.

Burgess, B. L. (2016). Understanding the Desire to Learn: A Study of Academic Intrinsic

Motivation in Students Attending a 4-Year Institution for Higher Learning (Doctoral
dissertation, Kent State University).

Daniel, J. R., & Cooc, N. (2018). Teachers’ perceptions of academic intrinsic motivation for
students with disabilities. The journal of special education, 52(2), 101-112.


Encyclopedia Britanica (2010) Concept of conducive learning environment. Vol.x. New York
Encyclopedia Incorporated.

Triyanto. (2019). The Academic Motivation of Papuan Students in Sebelas Maret

University, Indonesia. SAGE Open, 9(1), 2158244018823449.

Turner, E. A., Chandler, M., & Heffer, R. W. (2009). The influence of parenting styles,
achievement motivation, and self-efficacy on academic performance in college students.
Journal of college student development, 50(3), 337-346.

Tybus, R. (2010). Academic motivation: the impact intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards
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