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Mrs.Ruth khajekar
Learning Objectives
 Introduction
 Concept of normality
 Challenges in defining ‘normal’
 Functional perspective of
 Approaches to normality
 Characteristics of normal
Learning Objectives
 Concept of abnormality
 Characteristics of deviated
 Criteria to assess normality and
 Models of normal and abnormal
 Abnormality is the significant
deviation from commonly
accepted patterns of behavior,
emotion or thought, while
normality is the absence of
illness and the presence of state
of well being otherwise called
Concept of normality
 Definition of normal
When a individual is able
to function adequately
and performs his daily
activities efficiently and
feel reasonably satisfied
with his lifestyle will be
called as normative
Normal Behvaior
 Normal is seen as a good thing, something that
is natural, regular, or routine.
Domains/Elements of Mental
Mental Health

 For Normal Function an

equilibrium is usually
maintained between these

Mental Illness
Mental Illness is a disturbances of ….


Causing distress in Biological, psychological &

sociological dysfunction in that person
Challenges in Defining “Normal”
Definitions of normality vary widely by person, time, place, culture,
and situation. “Normal” is, after all, a subjective perception, and also
an amorphous one—it is often easier to describe what is not normal
than what is normal.
In simple terms, however, society at large often perceives or labels
“normal” as “good,” and “abnormal” as “bad.” Being labeled as
“normal” or “abnormal” can therefore have profound ramifications for
an individual.
Although it is difficult to define “normal,” it is still important to
establish guidelines in order to be able to identify and help people who
are suffering. To this end, the fields of psychology and psychiatry have
developed the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(known as the DSM-5), a standardized hierarchy of diagnostic criteria
to help discriminate among normal and abnormal
Functional perspectives of
 Normality as health:
Behavior is within normal
limits when no
pathological process is
 Normality as utopia:
Highly desirable or nearly
perfect qualities for its
Functional perspectives of normality
 Normative as process:
Normative behavior is the result of
interacting system. Temporary
changes are essential.
 Normality as socially acceptable:
If it confirms with normative
expectations of society it is normal.
 Normality as a statistical concept:
A tendency or behavior is normal if
it is shared by the majority of
Characteristics of normal human
 A positive outlook on life.
 A realistic set of expectations and approaches to life.
 Effective management of emotions.
 The ability to function well with others.
 The ability to draw strength from others without being
overtly dependent upon them.
 Reasonable appetites.
 A spiritual nature.
 Effective coping skills.
 An honest self-regard and self-esteem.
 The ability to view the world honestly, accurately, and
What is abnormal behavior ?
 Behavior that is :
 Statistically unusual

 Considered strange or undesirable

by most people
 A source of unhappiness

There are biological, psychological

(personal standards) & socio-
cultural factors involved in defining
abnormal behavior
Abnormal Behavior
 Abnormality is when one violates behaviors
that most consider proper
Concept of abnormality
 The term abnormal means away, thus signifies
the deviance or variation from normal.
 Definition:
It is disturbance of the relationship between
the adaptive capacity of an individual on one
hand and his environmental load on the other.
 Abnormality (or dysfunctional
behavior) Behavior is considered
abnormal when it is atypical or out
of the ordinary, consists of
undesirable behavior, and results in
impairment in the individual's
 Abnormality is that which is
considered deviant from specific
societal, cultural and ethical
expectations. These expectations are
broadly dependent on age, gender,
traditional and societal
 A psychological disorder is defined as an "ongoing
dysfunctional pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior that
causes significant distress, and is considered deviant in that
person's culture or society“
 A mental disorder describes a patient who has a medical
condition whereby the medical practitioner makes a judgement
that the patient is exhibiting abnormal behavior based on the
DSM-5 criteria. Thus, simply because a behavior is unusual
does not make it abnormal; it is only considered abnormal if it
meets these criteria.
Characteristics of deviated behavior
 Causes distress to individual
 Change in persons thinking process
 Abnormality in talking
 Disturbance in ADL
 Work efficiency reduced
 Anxious, worried
 Forgetful
 Distress in routine life
 Neglected behavior
 Sadness
 Unable to cope
Criteria to assess normality and
 Descriptive: indicates types of behavior

 Explanatory: describes process underlying

abnormal and normative behavior
Criteria to assess normality and
abnormality contd..

Descriptive criterion

Statistical criterion Pathological criterion Nonstatistical criterion

Criterion of ideal
Ethical or moral Social confirmity Legal
Criteria to assess normality and
abnormality contd..
 Descriptive criterion
I. Statistical criterion:
Average is normal if a person deviates from
the average is said to be abnormal.
Criteria to assess normality and
abnormality contd..
II. Nonstatistical criterion
1. Ethical or moral
Person is considered to be abnormal if he
behaves immoral.
2. Criterion of social conformity
An individual who conforms to societal
norms, what majority of the people approved
to follow are considered as normal and who
do not care them as abnormal.
Criteria to assess normality and
abnormality contd..
3. Criterion of ideal or perfection
Normal behavior is equated with perfect or
ideal behavior
eg. For some people Mahatma Gandhi is
considered a s ideal
4. Legal criterion
A law abidizing citizen is normal, the person
who violates the law is labeled as abnormal
Criteria to assess normality and
abnormality contd..
III. Pathological or medical criterion
Associated with physiological illness
Criteria to assess normality and
abnormality contd..
 Explanatory criterion
1. Psychological criterion
Mental illness is due to defective psychological
2. Adjustment criterion
a person is considered to be normal or
abnormal to the extent he feels adjusted or
maladjusted with himself and his environment.
Models of normal and abnormal
1. Biological/Medical model:
 Typically regards a malfunctioning brain as
the cause of abnormal behavior.
 Many factors are considered-biological,
organic, poor nutrition
2. Psychodynamic model:
 Determines human behavior by underlying
psychological influences that are unconscious.
 Abnormal behavior results from conflicts in
3. Behavioral model
 Based on experimentation with
learning- operant and classical
4. Socio-cultural model
 Abnormal behavior is caused by role
that society and culture play in
individuals life.
 Considers societal norms, cultural
5. Statistical model :
 It involves the analysis of responses on a test
or questionnaire or observations of some
particular variables.
 The degree of deviation from the standard
norms arrived at statistics, characterizes the
degree of abnormality.
5 criteria's for defining abnormal behavior are:
Clinical significance

Dysfunction in processes



Dysfunction in relation to society

 Behaviors and feelings that cause distress to the
individual or others around them are considered
abnormal. In simple terms, however, society at
large often perceives or labels “normal” as
“good,” and “abnormal” as “bad.” Being
labeled as “normal” or “abnormal” can
therefore have profound ramifications for an
 Describe normal vs abnormal behavior. Write
short notes on Models of normal and abnormal
 Write any 5 nursing diagnosis for abnormal
 Mary C. Townsend(2013) Psychiatric Mental Health nursing concepts
of care, 5th edition, Philadelphia, F.A Davis Company/Publishers, 24

 K. Lalitha (2009) Mental Health & Psychiatric nursing, 1 st edition,

New Delhi, CBS Publishers & Distributers, 52-58

 R Sreevani(2016) A guide mental health & psychiatry nursing, 4 th

edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers medical publishers (P) Ltd, 30-31



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