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• By Shweta Dwivedi
It’s the eighth planet from the Sun. It’s the fourth-largest planet
by diameter. The third most massive planet and is the densest
giant planet - it’s slightly larger than Uranus and Neptune. It
orbits the Sun every 164.8 years anddenser than Uranus and
physically smaller than Uranus.


Shweta Dwivedi
Our Solar System
• The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and
the objects that orbit the star. The largest of such objects are the
eight planets
• The word planet is derived from the word “planets” which means
wanderer this name is given to them as they appear to wander in the
night sky from east to west while stars also move from east to west
but they seem to remain fixed relative to each other and the planet
relative to them seem to move forward and backward.
• It’s the nearest planet to the sun and is also the smallest planet in the
solar system and takes around 88 days to complete one revolution (to
be exact 88.97 days) which is the smallest time duration
When observed from the Earth, it’s the second brightest (after the
observed moon) and takes 224.7 Earth days to complete one revolution
and 243 Earth days for rotation on its axis (it takes the maximum time
period among all planets to complete one rotation). It rotates in the
opposite direction to all planets except Uranus (from West to East).
• It’s the third planet from the Sun and is the only known planet to
harbour life. The Earth’s age is around 4.5 billion years old. It takes
365.264 days to complete one revolution around the Sun and 24
hours to complete one rotation on its axis (and after every four
complete revolutions
• It’s the fourth planet from the sun and also the second-smallest in the
solar system. Its red colour also makes it known as the red planet
(presence of iron oxide). It has two moons – Phobos and Deimos. Its
gravity is 38% of the Earth’s gravity and takes 687 Earth’s day and one
full Mars year (16,500 hours).
• It’s the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet among all. It’s
also one of the brightest things that can be seen in the sky with the
naked eye. Jupiter is a giant ball of gases with a one-thousand mass of
the Sun and lacks a well-defined surface.
• It’s the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest planet in the
solar system. It’s a giant gas planet with an average radius that is nine
times the radius of the earth. The inner core is made of iron and
nickel. An electric current within the hydrogen layer gives rise to the
magnetic field of Saturn which is a little less than the earth’s magnetic
• It’s the seventh planet from the Sun and has the fourth-largest planet
by mass and third-largest by radius. It’s also referred to as ice giant
and its primary component is similar to Jupiter and Saturn but it also
has more ices such as methane, water, and ammonia and also traces
of hydrocarbons. It rotates in the opposite direction from all the
planets except venus( it rotates from west to east).
• It’s the eighth planet from the Sun. It’s the fourth-largest planet by
diameter. The third most massive planet and is the densest giant
planet – it’s slightly larger than Uranus and Neptune. It orbits the Sun
every 164.8 years and is denser than Uranus and physically smaller
than Uranus.

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