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Judaism Beliefs Revision

Hear O Israel, The Jewish beliefs about creation Torah Omnipotent

L-rd is G-d, the L- • Monotheism
rd is one

• Shema Omnipresent Omniscient

Explain G-d as the sustainer What is the Shekhinah?

What is Talmud? Escape from Egypt

Explain G-d as the judge What is heaven? What is sheol? What is the resurrection?

The 10 commandments

What is sanctity of life? Ending life Pikuach Nefesh

Explain G-d as the law giver

What are the origins of the What will he do? What is the Reform view?
Messiah? What is Free will?
Who was Abraham?

Key Moral Principles Mitzvot between man and G-d

Justice Tikkun Olam Kindness to others

The covenant with him

Mitzvot between man and man
Judaism Practices Revision 2.1-2.12
What is a synagogue? Difference between worship in Orthodox and Reform Synagogues Bima Ner Tamid
• Minyan

Aron Hakodesh Mechitzah

• Menorah Its importance:

Chazzan Amidah
What is the importance of Prayer?
What it is Its symbolism
How is Shabbat How is Shabbat celebrated in the home?
celebrated in the
Tallit What is the format of prayer?

The Torah
What is kiddush? What is Havdallah?

Ceremony for naming a girl

How is a barmitzvah celebrated? • Kosher

How is a wedding celebrated?
• Trefah

How is a brit milah celebrated?

How is a batmitzvah celebrated? Purpose of Kosher laws

What practices are done at death of a close

Sacred writings
Kosher butcher & shechitah
Tenakh Talmud

What is a Pidyon Ha-ben? • •

 Mourning Kosher kitchen

 Shiva

•  Kaddish
Judaism Practices Revision 2.13-2.14 (& part of 2.5)
Festival Origins Mitzvot Customs Concepts Quotes & Keywords
 Creation of the  Kiddush  Eat challah  G-d is the creator ‘And G-d rested on the seventh day and
world in 6 days,  3 meals  Special foods of the world made it holy’
on the 7th G-d  Not do 39 e.g. chicken  G-d took the

rested. forms of work soup Jews out of Egypt
 Exodus from  havdallah  Sing songs in with miracles
Egypt, Jews were the meals  Spiritual
freed from work connection to G-d
and could rest.
The day mankind  Blow the  Eat apple and  Accept G-d as ‘In the seventh month, on the first of the month,

was created – 1st shofar honey king of the world it shall be a Sabbath for you, a remembrance of
Tishrei  Not work  Eat other  Teshuvah [Israel through] the shofar blast, a holy
 Kiddush symbolic foods (repentance) occasion.’
e.g. head of fish  Day of judgment
 Tashlich

The day Moshe  No  Wear white  Repentance ‘And you shall afflict your souls’
came down Mount eating/drinking  Spend most of  Reconciliation

Sinai with the 2nd  No leather the day in shul

tablets (showing that shoes in prayer
G-d gives a 2nd  Repentance

Exodus from Egypt  Eat matzah,  G-d’s revelation ‘I am the L-rd your G-d who took you out of
bitter herbs on through the Egypt’
1st night of miracles in Egypt

Pesach  Belief in G-d

 No chametz  Freedom
 Seder, tell the
Pesach story

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