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Charismatic Leadership

Charisma Defined
Charisma has been defined various ways Charisma is a Greek word meaning divinely inspired gift In leadership, charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others

Charisma: A Relationship
Key to charismatic leadership is the interaction between leader and group members Charismatic qualities must be attributed to the leader by group members Charismatic leaders use impression management to cultivate their relationships with group members

Charismatic Leadership
Perspectives on Charismatic Leadership
Sociological Approach Psychoanalytical Approach Political Approach Behavioral Approach Attribution Approach Communication Approach

Charismatic Leadership
Max Weber Type of authority or influence Five key components
A leader with exceptional almost magical qualities An unstable or crisis situation A radical vision for providing a solution to the crisis A group of followers attracted to the extraordinary leader because they believe they are linked through the leader to powers that exceed usual limits. A validation, through repeated success, of the extraordinary leaders talents and power.

Charismatic Leadership Factors Influencing

Leaders personal characteristics and behaviours (self confidence, rhetorical skills, or vision expressed) Situational context (crisis) Characteristics of Followers (low self esteem or low self confidence)

Definition of Charismatic Leadership

Attribution made by followers about leaders who exhibit certain personal traits, abilities and behaviours and who have unusually strong influence on followers emotions, values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours

Visionary Masterful communication skills Ability to inspire trust Able to make group members feel capable Energy and action orientation Emotional expressiveness and warmth Romanticize risk Unconventional strategies Self-promoting personality Dramatic and unique

The Effects of Charisma

Group members
trust the leaders beliefs have beliefs similar to those of the leader accept the leader unquestioningly have affection for the leader willingly obey the leader identify with and attempt to emulate the leader

The Effects of Charisma

Group members
have emotional involvement in the mission have heightened goals feel that they will be able to accomplish, or to contribute to the accomplishment of the mission

Halperts Dimensions of Charisma

Types of Charismatic Leaders

Socialized charismatics restrain the use of power to benefit others Personalized charismatics exercise few restraints on power to serve their own interests

Types of Charismatic Leaders

Office-holder charismatics attain their charisma from the position they hold Personal charismatics gain esteem from others faith in them as people Divine charismatics are endowed with a gift of divine grace

Charismatic Leadership
Personal Identification Internalization Social identification

Dark Side of Charisma

Ethical Charismatic Leader
Uses power to serve others Aligns vision with followers needs and aspirations Considers and learns from criticism. Encourages followers to question leaders view Coaches, develops and supports followers Relies on internal moral standards

Unethical Charismatic Leader

Uses power only for personal gain Promotes personal vision Censures critical or opposing views Demands own decisions accepted without question Insensitive to followers needs Relies on convenient external moral standards

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