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Who Quien How many Cuanto cont
Who----- ---with Con quien What time A que hora
What---- ---about Acerca de què How often Que tan a menudo
Where Donde why Por que

Verb to be (is- Pron you, you mom, ver comple

are- am) your sister b
ho are you x With? I am with my mom
ho are Your students x With? My students are with their par
hat is Your mother’s name x ? My mother`s name is Rosa

hat is The class xx About? The class is about questions

hat time is The class x ? The class is at 7:00
hen are The concerts x ? The concerts are tomorrow
w old is His cat x ? His cat is 3 years old
w many chidren are there x In the park? There are 4 children in the par
w much water is there x In the kitchen? There is some water in the kitc
here is Their car x ? Their car is in the garage
w often is she x In her office? She is always in her office
ho are they x ? They are my students
What is your favorite dish in
that place?
Who do you eat out with?
When do you eat out? My favorite food is Sushi, because it has a delicious taste, in fact I
How often do you eat sushi? am a sushi lover.
Taste: sabor Sometimes, I go to eat sushi with my boyfriend, we go to Wok,
flavor: sabor that is a very Fancy restaurant, he loves sushi too.Wok is an asian
tasty: Delicious restaurant, with many branches.
in fact: de hecho
Fancy: elegant My favorite dish in wok is tempura sushi, that is fried sushi
luxury: lujoso
sea food: comida de mar
Sometimes I go out with my boyfriend, but I also eat out with my
try: intertar-probar mom, next mother’s day I Will go with her.
the clue: la pista- la clave I eat out on weekends, sometimes when is an special day I go on
bread: pan
rice: arroz weekdays
Who do you eat sushi with?
too: demasiado- también
Every weekend
you are too late
I love you too
Once a month
twice a month
Branch- branches: sede
fried: frito Three times in a month
go out: salir Every time that I have the chance
eat out: comer en restaurante
also: también (diferente too) Always-usually-rarely- seldom
Phrasal Verb-
Look: mirar
Look like: parecerse en general
Look for: buscar

Take: tomar
Take in: begin an activity
take after: parecerse a un familiar

Go: ir
Go out: salir
Go up: subir
In on at
In on at
In the morning On weekends At 3:00
In the afternoon On weekdays At noon/midday
In the evening DATES At midnight
MONTHS on May 1st
In May On new year At night
In 1945 On Monday
Who is your best friend?
What does he/ she do?
Why is he/she your best friend?
How does he/she look like?
What are your plans together?
What is your
favorite day
of the week?
What are your hobbies?
We believe that freedom doesn’t have a limit
We can be sinners and after God Will forgive
Pray: orar
Priest: cura
They don’t help to the needy people
Fasting: ayuno
Its organized
They have a Budget (presupuesto)
Cot: cuna
Charity: caridad
Eldery: vejez
Begging: mendigando
Helpelssness: impotencia
What are your hobbies?
When is your birthday?
What are
that you
like to
What are some Good
and bad habits that you
What is your city like?
modern moderno
ancient antiguo
large grande
small pequeña
interesting Interesante
boring aburrido
exciting excitante
beautiful hermosa
ugly feo
expensive costoso
cheap barato
polluted contaminado
clean limpio
noisy ruidoso
quiet tranquilo
calm tranquilo
crowded atestado
busy ocupado
pleasant agradable
unpleasant Desagradable
warm cálido
cool frio
hot caliente
cold frío
How many people are there in your
bossy mandón Adventurous Aventurero
compulsive compulsivo Humble Humilde
cowardly cobardemente Courageous Valiente
flirtatious coqueto Generous Generoso
fussy exigente Sincere Sincero
greedy Avaro Trustworthy Confiable
indecisive indeciso Wise Sabio
jealous celoso Resilient Elástico
lazy perezoso Reliable De confianza
moody temperamental Determined Determinado
obsessive obsesionante Generous Generoso
rude maleducado Kind Amable
sarcastic sarcástico Persuasive Persuasivo
selfish egoísta Witty Ingenioso
self-centred egocéntrico Perseverant Perseverante
silly tonto Thoughtful Considerado
stingy tacaño kooky chiflado
touchy quisquilloso loyal leal
weak-willed de voluntad débil Considerate Considerado
What is your favorite
place on vacations?

•Alive - Full of life

•Attractive - Pleasing; charming
•Beautiful - Having qualities that are pleasing or appealing
•Bustling - Full of life, energy
•Calm - Peaceful; free from stress
•Charming - Fascinating; likeable
•Cosmopolitan - Appealing to people from all across the globe
•Enchanting - Delightful; fascinating
•Fascinating - Alluring; captivating
•Fresh - Something newly made and full of vigor
•Homey - Cozy; inviting
•Inspiring - Enlivening; motivating
•Lively - Full of life and spirit
•Peaceful - Calm; friendly
•Picturesque - Scenic; beautiful
•Unspoiled - Untouched by man; pure
•Vibrant - Full of life; energy
What is ______ like?
bossy mandón Adventurous Aventurero
compulsive compulsivo Humble Humilde
cowardly cobardemente Courageous Valiente
flirtatious coqueto Generous Generoso
fussy exigente Sincere Sincero
greedy Avaro Trustworthy Confiable
indecisive indeciso Wise Sabio
jealous celoso Resilient resilente
lazy perezoso Reliable De confianza
moody temperamental Determined Determinado
obsessive obsesionante Generous Generoso
rude maleducado Kind Amable
sarcastic sarcástico Persuasive Persuasivo
selfish egoísta Witty Ingenioso
self-centred egocéntrico Perseverant Perseverante
silly tonto Thoughtful Considerado
stingy tacaño kooky chiflado
touchy quisquilloso loyal leal
weak-willed de voluntad débil Considerate Considerado
• Vocabulary


• Reading:

• Speakingés/speaking-test

there are many beautiful animals like/SUCH AS the dog, the dolphins

Do + like ?(preferences)
What do you like?: I like watching movies
she like to watch movies
what does your mom like?: She likes watching movies
She likes to watch movies
(verb to be+ like?) describe characteristics
what are you like? : I am Smart, I am honest and I am sociable
what is Bogota like? Bogota is big and dangerous

(do/does+ look like) Describe physically

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