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This is certified that PRAKHAR SINGH class 12TH KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA Kanpur cantt
successfully Completed his project Work in this topic


I has taken proper care And shown At most sincerity In completion of this project as per CBSE

Signature of guide Signature of principal

s no. Topic page no.
1. Acknowledgement
2. Introduction
3. Plant chemicals
4. Oxalic acid
5. Experiment
6. Observations
7. Calculations
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
I express my heartiest gratitude to my guide Mrs . RICHA MA’AM for the divine
guidance and wisdom showered on me to undertake this project .
I am immensely grateful to be beloved for principal for his involvement
in this project by providing useful inputs and timely suggestions.
My parents so played a key role in shaping up this project nicely and I convey a
special thanks to them as well.
Family- Myrtaceae
Genes- psidium
Species- Guajava
Common names- guava, goiba, guayaba, djamboe, djambn, goavier, gonyave, goyave, goyavier, Perala, bayawas, guave,
goejaba, knawa, abas, jambn, batn, bayabas, pichi, posh, enandi, tokal.
Part used – fruit, leaf, bark.
Guava is a common shade tree or shrub in door yard gardens in the tropics . It provides shade while the guava
fruits are eaten fresh and made into drinks, ice-cream and preserves. In the richness of the Amazon guava
fruits often grow well beyond the size of tennis balls on well branched trees reaching upto 20m high.The
trees is easily identified by its distinctive thin,smooth,copper-colored bark that flakes off showing a greenish
layer beneath.
Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is widely grown in this tropics,
enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics of the world. Guava has spread widely
throughout the tropics because it thrives in a variety of soils, propagates easily and bears fruit relatively
Plant Chemicals
Guava is rich in tannins, plenols, triterpenes, flavonids, essential oils, saponins,
carotenoids, lectins, vitamins, fiber and fatty acids. Gauvafruit is higher in Vitamin C than
Citrus and contains appreciable amounts of Vitamin A as well. Guava fruits are also a
good source of pectin a dietary fiber. The leaves of guava are rich in flavoninds in
particular gnercetin. Much of guava therapentic activity is attributed to these flavonoids.
The flavonoids have demonstrated antibacterial activity. Guava also has antioxidants
properties, which is attributed to the polyphenols found in the leaves.
Guava main plant chemicals- alanine ,alpha - hummlene, alpha – hydroxynrsolic acid,
alpha – linolenic acid, alpha – selinene, amritoside, araban , arabinose, arabopyrans,
arinnolic acids, butanal, asiatic acid, gallic acid, oleic acid, octanol, serine, quercetin,
tannis, octanol, ethyl octanoate, catechol, ellagic acid, limonene , lectins, aspartic acid,
pectin, myricetin, mecocyanin, nrsolic acid, Palmitic acid, D- galactose , Aistidine ,
guafin ,ayperin.
Oxalic Acid
•It is the chemical compound formula H²C²O⁴. This discarboxylic acid is better describe with the formula
HO²CCO²H. It is relatively strong organci acid being about 10,000 times stronger that acetic acid. The
dianion Known as oxalate , is also a reducing agent and a ligand in coordination chemistry. Oxalates and
oxalic acid are abundantly present in many plant most notably in some grass and sorrel, roots and leaves of
the buckwheat.
•At high concentrations, it is a dangerous poison, but such immediately toxic levels are not found in
foodstuffs but rather in manufacturers such as bleaches , some anti-rust products , and some metal cleaners.
It is also a naturally occurring compund of plants and is found in relatively high level in dark green Leafy
•In the human body, ingested oxalic acid is not a useful nutrient so like such all unneeded component of
diet, it us processed by the body to a convenient form and then by product is than excerted in this case, in
the urine. In this course of being processed by the body, oxalic acid combines with other substances to
form various salt oxalates; usually this salts are in solution, but in high concentration some may precipite
out in crystalline form such tiny crystals can cause damage to human tissue, specially to stomach, kindey
and bladder
To study the presence of oxalate ion
content in guava fruit at different
Stages of ripening
Requirements:- 100 ml measuring flask, pestle abd mortar, beaker, titration flask, funnel, brutte, weight
box, piptee, filter paper, dilute H²SO⁴ N/20 KMnO⁴ and guava fruit at different Stages of ripening.
Theory:- Oxalate ions are extracted by the fruit by boiling pulp with dil. H²SO⁴. The oxalates ions are
estimated volumetrically by titrating the solution with standard KMnO⁴ solution .
End point:- appearance of permanent pink colour.
1. 50.0g of fresh guava was weighed and crushed to a fine pulp using pestle mortar.
2. The crushed Pulp transfer to a beaker and about 50ml dil.H²SO⁴ was added. The content were boiled for
anout 10 minutes.
3. The content were filtered and cooled in 100ml measuring flask.
4. 20ml of this solution was taken to a titrating flask and 20ml of the dil. H²SO⁴ was added to it. This mixture
was heated to about 60°C and titerated against the standard KMn04 solution taken in a brutte .
5. The process was repeated with different Samples of guava .
Weight of guava taken = 50.0g
Value of guava extract taken = 20.0ml
Normality of KMnO⁴ solution = 1/20
N¹V¹ = N²V²
(Guava extract) (KMnO⁴ Solution)
K1 × 20 = 1/ 20 × V
Normality of oxalate, N¹ = V/400
Strength of oxalate = Normality of Equation mass of oxalate ions
= V/400 × 44 g/ litre of the diluted extract .
Oxalate and oxalic acid are abundantly present in
many plants, kost notably in sour grass and sorrel,
roots and leaves rhubarb buckwheat.
After doing this Experiment we can conclude that
unripe guava is a high content of oxalate ions. The
Concentration of Oxalate ions decreases with the
ripening of fruit.
In order to complete this project. I took help from-
● My chemistry teacher
● Comprehensive Practical
(lab manual) of Laxmi publication
● Different internet sites –

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