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Extinct animals

Aakash agarwal
Deepakshi maam
Extinct animals
“Extinction is the process of Extinctions have been a natural
evolution that leads to the part of our planet's evolutionary
disappearance of a population or history. More than 99% of the
species. four billion species that have
evolved on Earth are now
gone. At least 900 species
have gone extinct in the last five
centuries. Only a small
percentage of species have been
evaluated for their extinction
Types of extinct animals
•Passenger Pigeon.
•Tasmanian Tiger.
•Baiji White Dolphin.
•Pyrenean Ibex.
•Stellers Sea Cow.
•Great Auk.
Dodo<raphus cucullatus>
The dodo (Raphus cucullatus)
is an extinct species
of flightless bird from
Mauritius. Like many other
island birds, they lost the power
of flight because it was no
advantage where they lived.
Dodos were in the same family
as the pigeon. ... They became
extinct in the late 17th century.
Dinosaurs were the main animals on
Earth for more than 150 million years.
They were lizard like reptiles. Some
of them were the largest and scariest
creatures that ever walked on land. The
word dinosaur comes from Greek
words meaning “terrible lizard.”
Woolly Mammoth
Woolly mammoths are extinct
relatives of today's elephants.
Woolly mammoths lived during
the last ice age, and they may
have died off when the weather
became warmer and their food
supply changed. Humans may
also be partly responsible for
their disappearance due to
How to prevent extinction
To save animals from extinction
we say no to these—
• Say no to hunter for hunt
• Say no to buy animal product
like animal heads, elephant
trunk teeth , tiger skin coat or

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