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Student ID: bc220201140

Student Name: Maria Khan

Semester :3rd (BEd 1.5 years )
Course : TPTG 620
Presentation Topic: " Homeostasis and
Osmoregulation "
Source : Biology textbook 10th class ,chapter #11
Content of presentation
• Understanding Homeostasis
• Processes of homeostasis
• Homeostasis in plants - removal of extra
water ,carbon dioxide and metabolic waste
• Osmotic adjustment in hydrophytes, xenophytes
and halophytes
• Homeostasis in humans - role of skin , lungs and
• Osmoregulatory function of kidneys
• Maintainance of internal conditions of body at
equilibrium despite changes in external
environment is called homeostasis .
• Examples :
• Temp = 37 degree Celsius
• Glucose : 1 g per litre
• Functioning of enzymes and optimum temperature
Processes of Homeostasis

• Osmoregulation - maintainance of water and salts

concentration in body
• Thermoregulation - maintainance of optimum
• Excretion - elimination of metabolic waste to
maintain equilibrium conditions in body .
Homeostasis in Plants
• Rrespond to external environmental changes in
order to maintain internal conditions at constant .
• Removal of extra carbon dioxide and oxygen -
Diffusion through stem and stomata ,day and night
differences ,respiration and photosynthesis effect .
• Removal of extra water - Transpiration and
• Removal of metabolic waste- Storage of calcium
oxalate and leaf fall in autom , latex ,gums ,resins
and mucilage.
Osmotic adjustment in plants
• Hydrophytes - plants completely or partially
submerged in fresh water ( water Lily ) - large
leaves , abundant stomata
• Xerophytes - live in dry environment - Thick waxy
cuticle over epidermis, less stomata , succulent
organs (wet and juicy stem and roots due to water
storage in parenchyma cells ) .
• Halophytes - live in sea water , maintain hypertonic
concentration in their cells so that water does not
leave their cells .Large amount of salts in vacules
Homeostasis in Humans
• Lungs remove extra carbon dioxide
• Skin maintains body temperature, salts and
sweating ( has sensory nerve endings, fat cells , Hair
,blood vessels and Sweat and oil glands ) -
insulation, goose bumps , Sweating .
• Kidney filters extra water ,salts ,urea ,uric acid etc
from blood and forms urine .
Urinary system of Humans

• It consists of two kidneys , ureters, urinary bladder and urethra .

• Kidneys filter the blood
• Ureters carry urine to bladder
• Bladder stores urine
• Urether is the opening to remove urine outside
Structure of Kidney
• It consists of two portions , inner medula and outer
• It is the basic unit of Kidney. It consists of
Bowman's capsule , Glomerulus, loop of Henle and
collecting duct .
Glomerulus consist of capillaries and filters the bood
by blood pressure . This filtererate enters the
Bowman's capsule .
Reabsorption of salts ,glucose and water (99% )
happens from proximal convoluted tubule .
Ascending limb reabsorbs salts .
Tubular secretion of ions ,cretanin and urea .
The End

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