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kind of creativity based on technology


TIN 22 A
Creative Industry In The Field Of Fashion
The creative industry is the process of creation,
creativity, and ideas from a person or group of people
who can produce a work without exploiting natural
resources and can be made into an income-generating
economic product. The growing creative industry in
Indonesia, the more it shows that the economy in
Indonesia is able to innovate and compete with other
Fashion is one of the many types
of creative industries, which are also
experiencing very fast development in
Indonesia. Characterized by the
number of people who make fashion as
a form of self-expression to describe
their beauty.
The rapid development of fashion has spread to all circles,
both adults and children, and even fashion has become an
integral part of society.
With the development of fashion in Indonesia, it indicates
that Indonesia has been able to create talented designers through
their own design connections so that it is possible for them to
compete with fashions in other countries.
This year, even though there are
restrictions on movement, many activities at
home, and economic difficulties during the
pandemic, the designers continue to develop
their creative ideas, such as by designing
home-made clothes made of batik combined
with masks. It turns out that home fashion
clothes by designers are selling well in the
Therefore fashion will continue to
survive along with the times. This means
that whatever happens, the fashion
industry will continue as long as the
designers continue to develop their
creative ideas.
Morever, today’s sophistication of
technology plays an important role in
supporting the growth of fashion in
Indonesia and even brings amazing profits.

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