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GSAT – Quarter 1 (July’23 – Sep’23) Review



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1. Employee Experience and Employer Branding
Departmental Objective 2. HiPo Identification and Career Charting
3. HR Automation using MyHCM and connecting to ERP where required

Mega Deliverable as per GSAT

HR Operations & Process People Experience, Culture &
Effectiveness & HR Automation, Systems Employer Branding
Excellence Learning Development

Biggest Achievement of Q1

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P ro g re s s S t a t u s
(P lea s e m ark c olor cod in g in b elow ce lls to in d ica te th e ove ra ll
Me g a p rog res s ag ain s t s e t targ e ts )
KP I Q t r 1 Ta rg e t Q t r 2 Ta rg e t Q t r 3 Ta rg e t Q t r 4 Ta rg e t
D e l i e v e ra b l e s
On D e f f e re d / Ad ded
A he a d D e la y e d C o mp le t e d
Tra c k C ha ng e s New

M e g a De live ra b le
Q1 (July’23 – Sep’23) Snapshot

M e g a De live ra b le

M e g a De live ra b le

M e g a De live ra b le

M e g a De live ra b le

M e g a De live ra b le

M e g a De live ra b le

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#1: HR Operations & Process Excellence
QTR Target–
KPI YTD Target (Jul’23 – Jun ‘24)
(Jul’23 – Sep’23)
1-Employee data and records as per SOP 1- 100% updated employee master record, employee files

2-Org charts, JD and KPIs 2- 100% updated org charts, JDs with KPIs

3- Employee onboarding 3- 100% compliance with respect to pre & post employee joining facilities and protocols

4- Compliance to legal / labor requirements 4- 100% compliance to all statutory / labor laws.
On-going operational KPIS. To be
5- Attendance closure of staff & workers: 20th of month; Disbursement of salary and wage 30th of month;
5- Attendance, Salary, OT, F&F, KPIs followed through out HR life cycle at
Payment of F&F post clearance: within 25 days of leaving
each instant.
6-Submission of monthly HR report / dashboard 6- HR report ,dashboard by 5th of month

7- Availability of pay slips, attendance, leaves and communication of all HR policies, 7- 100% operationality and accessibility of HR Portal to staff with updated policies and other employee
processes and forms to employees through current HR Portal related documents

8- Payroll, Attendance and MyHCM + All critical (financial impact) transactional Audit 8- Priority is payroll and attendance process

Progress Track
KPI Progress –Quarter Plan for Next Quarter
(Same as above) (July’23 - Sep’23) (Oct’23 - Dec’23)
1-Employee data and records as per SOP
2-Org charts, JD and KPIs
3- Employee onboarding
4- Compliance to legal / labor requirements
5- Attendance, Salary, OT, F&F, KPIs
6-Submission of monthly HR report / dashboard

7- Availability of pay slips, attendance, leaves and communication of all HR

policies, processes and forms to employees through current HR Portal

8- Priority is payroll and attendance process

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#2: Organizational Effectiveness & Development
QTR Target–
KPI YTD Target (Jul’23 – Jun ‘24)
(Jul’23 – Sep’23)
1- HoD Goal setting (GSAT 2022-23 and 2023-24) 1- 100% G-SAT for all HoD staff by 30 July 1- All HOD GSATs to be completed and signed by CEO

2. List of all dept SOPs to be acquired with critical ones to be

2- GSATs 2023-24 of all mgmt staff 2- 100% GSATs of all mgmt staff by 30 Sep

3a- Review of Travel policy entitlements, Time and Attendance policy.

3b - Implementation of Recruitment policy
3. Review of Travel Policy, Attendance policy and implement
3- Development of key HR policies as per business need. 3c- Implementation of Suggestion policy
3d- Communication of Code of Conduct
3e- Review vehicle policy

4- Development of a Talent matrix leading to identification of HIPO and team 4- Identification of HiPo in each dept and mark their career plans with development and 4. Finalization & Implementation of Recruitment Policy, Suggestion
development retention focus. box

5- Intro of company scorecard 5- Development and finalization of Business Score Card with Mgmt team 5. Development of HiPo identification framework

6- Intro of variable bonus scheme 6-Presentation of options for variable bonus and its implementation, communication. 6. Variable bonus working models sharing with mgmt fo approval

Progress Track
KPI Progress –Quarter Plan for Next Quarter
(Same as above) (July’23 - Sep’23) (Oct’23 - Dec’23)

1- HoD Goal setting (GSAT 2022-23 and 2023-24)

2- GSATs 2023-24 of all mgmt staff

3- Development of key HR policies as per business need.

4- Development of a Talent matrix leading to identification of HIPO and team


5- Intro of company scorecard

6- Intro of variable bonus scheme

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#3: HR Automation, Systems
QTR Target–
KPI YTD Target (Jul’23 – Jun ‘24)
(Jul’23 – Sep’23)
'1- Complete implementation of performance mgmt module showing GSAT data by Sep 1- Complete BRD and development of Reimbursement: all
1- 100% deployment of MyHCM performance mgmt module (Automation of GSAT)
2023 modules

2- Employee Reimbursements Modules:

- IOU reimbursements
- Travel reimbursements
2- Create automated provision for reimbursements 2- HR reporting / metrics every month
- PF form automation
- Vehicle maintenance automation (Admin work, HR to coordinate)
Development and implementation with ERP team by Nov 2023

3- HR reporting and dashboard. 3- HR reporting using BI from Sep 2023 3- Attendance reports availability for HoDs.

4. Initiation of LMS 4- Implementation of LMS from Jan 2024 4- Initiation of LMS evaluation for staff

5- Revise attendance reports as per business need and make them available on MiHCM
5- Updated Attendance reports
before Aug 30.

Progress Track
KPI Progress –Quarter Plan for Next Quarter
(Same as above) (July’23 - Sep’23) (Oct’23 - Dec’23)

1- 100% deployment of MyHCM performance mgmt module (Automation of


2- Create automated provision for reimbursements

3- HR reporting and dashboard.

4. Initiation of LMS

5- Updated Attendance reports

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#4: People Experience, Culture & Learning Development
QTR Target–
KPI YTD Target (Jul’23 – Jun ‘24)
(Jul’23 – Sep’23)
1- Employee recognition certificates and awards 1. Best attendance, Atleast 3 types of certificates to be initiated 1- Employee transport and canteen survey (activity timings to be finalized)

2- Training hours each employee 2- Atleast 1 training per employee 2- Hiring of a Learning support
3- Learning interventions for functional heads, tier-2 and manager, 3a- Atleast 1 Coaching/training intervention for HoD
3- Initiation of Employee recognition, attendance monthly certificates
workers/ ATM 3b- Atleast 1 Training session for HR staff
4- Compliance to legal / labor requirements 4. Compliance to legal / labor requirements. 4-

5- Birthday celebration each month, Cricket Cup in Jan 2024, Women’s Day in Mar,
5-Employee activities / event 5-
Mangolicious day in April, Blood donation drive, Operations Conference in Jan 2024.

6- Open communication among employees and CEO 6. Town hall with DM once in a year at Plant 6-
7- TM/ ATM skill development and standard training manuals 7- 100% operationality and accessibility of HR Portal to staff with updated policies and other
7- Training calendar of TM/ ATM
development for ATMS training employee related documents
8. Code of conduct for workers to be designed and re- recommunicated to
8- designing of workers code of conduct presentation 8- Initiate designing of workers code of conduct presentation

Progress Track
KPI Progress –Quarter Plan for Next Quarter
(Same as above) (July’23 - Sep’23) (Oct’23 - Dec’23)
1- Employee recognition certificates and awards
2- Training hours each employee

3- Learning interventions for functional heads, tier-2 and manager, workers/ ATM

4- Compliance to legal / labor requirements

5-Employee activities / event
6- Open communication among employees and CEO

7- TM/ ATM skill development and standard training manuals development for ATMS

8. Code of conduct for workers to be designed and re- recommunicated to all

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#5: Employer Branding
QTR Target–
KPI YTD Target (Jul’23 – Jun ‘24)
(Jul’23 – Sep’23)
1- 1. Hiring posts and other organizational activties post on
1- University visits to Changan Plant 1- Alteast 2 university students visits to Plant durng the year

2- Training interventions with external organizations 2- Atleast 2 sponsored training programs with external bodies like UNDP, TUSDEC etc 2-

3- Posts of LInkedIn 3- Target: 1 post minimum each month 3-

4- Planning and preparation of a presentation / case study in

4- Changan visit to universities of repute 4- Showcase Changan as a case study to atlast 2 institutes of repute: IBA, IoBM,

5- CSR Activities 5- Get atlezst 2 CSR / employer branding activties underway 5-

Progress Track
KPI Progress –Quarter Plan for Next Quarter
(Same as above) (July’23 - Sep’23) (Oct’23 - Dec’23)

1- University visits to Changan Plant

2- Training interventions with external organizations

3- Posts of LInkedIn

4- Changan visit to universities of repute

5- CSR Activities

1- University visits to Changan Plant

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BUDGET 2023-24 vs. EXPENSE

CAPEX For revenue-based functions, please mention Revenue vs. Expense

YTD Target Actual Expense

No Description Variance Reason / Remarks
Budget Q1 Q1

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BUDGET 2023-24 vs. EXPENSE

OPEX For revenue-based functions, please mention Revenue vs. Expense

YTD Target Actual Expense

No Description Variance Reason / Remarks
Budget Q1 Q1

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© Master Motors. All Rights Reserved

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