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Wachemo University

College Of Natural And Computational Science

Department Of Industrial Chemistry
Internship report in Kefta purified natural water
bottling P.L.C
Prepared By: ID
1,Mitiku Agumassie…….......1307778
2,.Abelu Getaneh…………........1305763
3,Tegen Ayno…....................1307800
4,Leul Mekonnen…………........1305094
5,Belayneh Chekol……….........1303918
6,Yiketel Wubalem...............13D2326 Sep,2023
Hossana, Ethiopia
History Background of Kefita Purified Natural
Water is the most important of all-natural resources known on the earth. It is mainly
used for drinking purposes which come from the surface and underground water
source. 97% of water exists in the ocean which is not suitable for drinking purpose
and 3% is fresh water. Of the 3% fresh water 2.97% is comprised of glaciers and ice
cup and remaining little portion of 0.3% are available as a surface and ground water
for human use. High-quality water is required for drinking purposes for better health.
Bottled Water
The bottled water industry is a strong supporter of our environment and our natural
resources. Bottled water companies manage resources responsibly by investing in
technology and practices that improve water quality and conservation.
Definitions of common types of bottled water

Some of the common types of bottled water are: Ground water, Mineral water, Purified
water, spring water and etc.

Ground water: - is the water present beneath earth’s surface in soil pore spaces and in
the fractures of rock formation

Mineral water: - is water from a mineral spring that contains various minerals, such as
salts and sulfur compounds.

Purified water: - purified water is water that comes from any source, but has been
purified to remove any chemicals or contaminants.

Spring water:-this is what you often find in bottled water it’s from an undergone source
and may not have been treated and purified it’s not necessarily the best water
Back Ground of the Company
Kefita purified Natural Water Bottling PLC Company is bottled water manufacturing
company which was established in 2009 E.C in Awi zone Amhara Ethiopia which is
around 485 Km from capital city A.A at a total estimated investment cost of about
68,000,000 Birr. The area is selected due to availability of sufficient naturally capable
Bore hole quality Water.
The company is using a state of latest bottling technology with art of treatment using
dual disinfection method using both UV and ozone disinfectant. Bottling and process
technology is equipped with programmable logic control (PLC), temperature control
devise , flow meters, control board and other digital devices which is fully automated
without any direct hand contact to the product component. The company has
established both Physico-chemical and Microbiological laboratories in-house with
modern equipment for quality control activities that are strictly documented
the kefita purified natural water producing 0.5L, 1L & 2L.
Objective of the Company
The general objective of Kefita purified Natural
Water is to produce and deliver consistent high
quality of Kefita purified Natural Water at national
markets while manage in an Answerable manner.
In the long run thereby addressing the quality bottled Water
needs of this target segment. Quality Water from the source
coupled with the latest technology of production makes it
unique to satisfy the real desire of its consumer.

Its vision is to make Bore hole purified water products to be a

drink of first choice among consumers and obtainable
throughout the Ethiopian market. Plan to create higher in
quality for shareholder, customers and employee.
The socio-economic development in Awi zone in
particular and the overall support development well-
being the country in general. Kefita purified Natural
water has customer focused orientation. Kefita
purified Natural Water has prevalence of
The Main Customers or End Users of Product are:
The main customers or end users of Kefita purified Natural Bottling Water
are the peoples living in the:

 Most part of Awi zone,

 Non- Governmental Aid Organization
 Most parts of Amara region
 Some part of Oromo region,
 Most part of Addis Ababa,
 Some part of SNNPR,
 Some part of Harari &Afar Region
2.1. Basic Raw Material
Kefita purified Natural Water factory uses raw water, preform,
cape, and label and Shrink rapping as input to produce its
2.2. Raw water
The source of water plays a key role in the quantity and quality
of bottled water. Keeping the water clean starting from the source
is vital to get acceptance in the market and remain profitable.
Kefita purified Natural Water factory use water from a deep
Adoshe built in my factory compound and withdrawn using
submersible pump.
2.3. Preform
Kefita purified Natural Water buys preforms from
properly selected local and foreign suppliers. Preform
both from local and foreign suppliers should be food
grade and safe for bottling water. The Preform is stored
in a clean and hygienic manner. the material should be
appropriate for the product to be packed and for the
expected conditions of storage and should not transmit
to the product objectionable substances beyond the
limits specified and also the preforms should be sound
and should provide appropriate protection from
contamination. Only preform required for immediate use
should be kept in the bottle blowing area.
2.4. Cap
Kefita Purified Natural Water Company caps from properly selected local and
foreign suppliers. Caps should be transported with cartons with food grade poly
bag inside to avoid contamination during transportation and storage. Caps
should be sterilized and washed with treated water. The cap conveyer should be
closed and cleaned regularly. Capes both from local and foreign suppliers should
be food grade and safe for bottling water. The quality control division is
responsible to control the quality of caps. The factory uses at least 2gm capes for
all types of bottles. And store caps as per the stocking standard of the company
and that of the regulator
2.5. Body label
Kefita Purified Natural water use PVC label and the label should be containing
all information needed. The label is fixed in a proper place on the bottle and
Information on the label should be readable enough. Labels should be of the
right size to each bottle. The quality control division is responsible to control
the quality of labels. The labels are stored as per the stocking standard of the
company and that of the regulator.

2.6. Shrink wrap

Kefita Purified Natural Water use poly bags made from LDP/HDP. The Poly
bag is fixed, and the poly bag should be strong enough to hold the bottles
wrapped by it. The quality control division is responsible to control the quality
of labels and poly bags should be stored as per the stocking standard of the
company and that of the regulator.
Kefita water bottling factory is Amara region Awie zone city of
Dangila sores of water treatment table purified (raw water) is
grounded there is a pump alongside the well with where is
located iside the factory compounded having depth 210m with a
pump capable of pumping water 3liter per second then the
water passes through different purified gates to removal
chemical biological and physical hazard

There are three raw water tanker having the capacity of storing 25,000 liter of
water each will preserved and to stored water that hand any of it,s mineral ions
or particls romove


Chlorination is the addition of the are ad prepared chlorine solution to the

tanksina properdoze commended by the chemist 800gm of chlorine to 500L
water then the solution is addition the rate 0.5ppm to the tank by pump the
purpose of additional ofthechlorin to the raw water is to kill bacteria viruses
and other microorganism present particle chlorination is used to prevent the
spread of water brome disease such as cholera die sentery and Ty phobic
3.4. Sand filter
The sand is used as a first step in Kefita Purified Natural Water treatment
process. The medium of the filter is sand of varying grades. Back washing is
performed every morning before production for at least 15 minutes. The back-
wash water should run directly in to the duct and stored in the underground
septic tank prepared outside the production room. The water will be used for
plantation of the compound. PH and TDS are checked after each wash.
Benefit of sand filter:
• Higher specific flow rate than conventional down filters thereby saving on
space & cost.
• Very little maintenance required.
• Lower back wash water requirement.
•In most case raw water can be used for back wash.
Benefit of sand filter:

• Higher specific flow rate than conventional down filters thereby saving on
space & cost.

• Very little maintenance required.

• Lower back wash water requirement.

•In most case raw water can be used for back wash.
3.5. Active Carbon Filtration
Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, is a form of
carbon processed to have small, low-volume pores that increase
the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions.
Activated is sometimes substituted with active.
From pressure sand filter water goes to activated carbon filter
where organic impurities are removed. Carbon filtering uses a bed
of activated carbon to remove contaminates and impurities. Back
washing is performed every morning before production for at least
50 minutes. Every day, after the completion of washing: odor, PH
and TDS is checked.
Activated carbon filtration is carried out to remove
 Free chlorine
 Odor
 Taste
 Organic matters and any toxic chemicals

Active carbon filters

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3.6. Sodium softener

The raw water pass to sodium softener after active carbon filter, this softener contains ion
exchanger that are used to purification of water. The ion exchanger by nature negatively
charged, at this stage the ground water washed by salt solution ion and chlorine is added
for treatment, from this solution mg2+ and Ca2+ are divalent and Cl- and Na+ are
monovalent due to this ion exchanger ,divalent are captured and monovalent are released
but using sodium ion Mg2+and Ca2+ are soften.
3.7. Micro Filter (prices filter)
Is a measure of volume to get more information? Micro filter assists with the drying of
surface F.F high level dis infection or reprocessing. To remove 0.5 particle size like sand&
carbon etc. The device that inside the micro filter does not seen by naked eye and used to
filtration of raw water .this type of filter eliminate microorganisms and very fine impurities
to a size of 0.5 micro meter.
3.8. Reverse osmosis device

The device is American and European standard and it’s a water purification process that
uses separately permeable membrane to separation. Reverse osmosis is a process of water
concentration from law water potential to high water potential ,and use external pumped
pressure to overcome osmotic pressure by reducing nineteen percent of mineral inside the
water, remove pollutant and microorganisms.
3.8.1. Disinfection
Disinfection is accomplished both by filtering out micro-organism
and also by adding disinfected chemicals. Water is disinfected to
kill any pathogens which pass through the filters and ovine a
residual doze of disinfectant to kill or inactivate potentially harmful
micro-organisms in the storage and distribution systems.

Types of disinfectant:

 Ozone disinfection
 Hydrogen peroxide disinfection and
 Ultraviolet disinfection
3.8.2. Ozone Disinfection
Ozone disinfection is popular in Kefita Purified Natural Water
Factory It is obvious that ozone is an unstable molecule which
readily gives up one atom of oxygen providing a powerful oxidizing
agent which is toxic to most water borne organisms. Qualitatively, it
is very strong, broad spectrum disinfectant that is widely used in
Europe. It is an effective method to inactivate harmful bacteria,
viruses, giardia, and protozoa that form cysts. It also works well
against almost at other pathogens. In this company ozone is made by
passing oxygen through electrical discharge. Another advantage of
ozone is that it leaves no residual disinfectant in the water; means,
the bottled water allowed to drink after 24 hours it produced. Ozone
has been used in drinking water plants since 1996 where the first
industrial Zonation plant was built in Nice France.
 Benefits of Ozone

 Ozone eliminates the use of hot water and conventional


 Ozone is chemical free; it produces no toxic by product

 Increase the shelf life of water

 Increase water expire date

 Ozone is very expensive to produce and has an unlimited

3.8.3 Ozone Generator
• ozone out of the most readily-available
substances on earth oxygen in the air. In fact, •
ozone has been called<Enhanced oxygen> for
the simple reason that oxygen can be
converted to ozone. In order for oxygen to
form into ozone, oxygen molecules must be
pulled apart and reformed. This takes energy
in the form of electrical excitation of oxygen
which pulls apart oxygen molecules. This is
occasionally accomplished with high voltage
(corona discharge) ozone generators. Once
pulled apart, most revert back to the stable
form of oxygen. However, some of oxygen is
converted into ozone in this process. Ozone
is colorless gas with a typically antiseptic
smell. Ozone must be treated with respect as
it is a very powerful oxidizing agent. So, the
name <ozone> is derived from the Greek
word <ozeim> which means <to smell>.
3.8.4. Hydrogen peroxide disinfection

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective disinfectant

that does not add contaminant ions to water
because it degrades into water &oxygen. This is
an advantage in critical systems such as
microelectronics where low-level ionic
contamination is concern. Hydrogen peroxide
can also beUsed on membranes that cannot
tolerate chlorine. Generally it requires high
concentrations to be effective.
3.8.5. Ultraviolent disinfection (UV)
• Ultraviolet light (UV) is very effective at inactivating
cysts, in low turbidity water. UV light’s disinfection
effectiveness decreases as turbidity increases, a result of
the absorption, scattering, and shadowing caused by
suspended solids. In the host company because of it use
to disinfect cap the above factor is not emphasized. This
is often done through the addition of chloramines, that
isn’t strong oxidant. When used in this manner,
chloramines provide an effective residual disinfectant
with very few of the negative effects of chlorination.
Another Advantage of UV died bacteria or increase MOs
3.10. Pure water tank
• The pure water that comes from Ozone mix
tanker is transferred into pure water tank
which is made from stainless steel. After the
completion of everyday production, the tank
should be made empty. The pure water tank is
soaked with H2O2 and cleaned as per the
cleaning and sanitation schedule for 30
3.11. Blowing machine
• Blowing machine is a machine where a
melted preform is inflated with a high

pressure to form a desired bottles shape
with a help of molder equipment as
stretcher extended to limited length. In
Kefita Purified Natural Water the blower
machine is termed as “RJM6” with
molder as you see from the following
picture and whereas the new one with
“RJM14” with fourteen molder and
there working principle similar but the
reason that differs from RJM6 is the
only speed for instance: 0.5 liters at
RJM6 produces 5000 bottle per hour
where as in new one 0.5 liter produces
5000 bottle per hour and we can see
others one by one with their given
speed as follows;
Before the preform enters to the blower
the f/f steps are necessary
• Preform Hopper-It is a place where the purchased preform immersed or entered to make comfortable for

• Trim-As preform comes from preform hopper through inclined belt conveyor the trim arranges the preform to
proper order or position.

• Feeder-These use only to feed the arranged preform to blower by reading sensor alarm.Also in blower machine
there are four sections termed

• Star-In this machine there are two stars that feed preform to oven chain and use to exhaust inflated bottle from
grip out to air conveyor.

• Grip-Here there are two grips; grip in, that take the melted preform from oven chain and provide to molder, and
grip out that send the molded bottle to air conveyor through exhaust star.

• Oven-The preform that comes from feeder through star melted in this tool with 300kv electrical charge.
• Molder-The melted preform enter into molder through grip in to inflated with high pressure by extending
stretcher into melted preform and cover with a seal to compressor. Blow molding is a manufacturing process by
which hollow plastic parts are formed. The blow molding process begins with melting down the plastic and forming it
into a prison or preforms the prison is a tube-like piece of plastic with a hole in one end through which compressed
air can pass. The Parson is then clamped into a mold and air is blown into it. The air pressure then pushes the plastic
out to match the mold. Once the plastic has cooled and hardened the mold opens and the part is ejected.
3.12. Filler machine
• Filler machine is machine where filtered
water is poured into designed bottle as

it rotates with a desired speed. This
machine has four sections which drive
with single motor.
• Rinse-use to rinse the empty bottle that
comes from the blower machine.Stars-
use to timing empty bottle& filler
• Stars-use to timing empty bottle& filler
• Filler nozzles-use to pour filter water
into rinsed bottles.
• Heading cap-use to capping to filled
bottle with a cap.
• (Generally filler machine uses Rinsing,
Filling and Capping Machine)
3.13. Packaging Conveying Belt System
• The Belt conveyor is specially designed to be suitable for the conveyance of
downstream case or film packaging. According to the arrangement, it
comprises of a horizontal conveyor, inclined conveyor and curve conveyor. It
is composed of the housing, conveying belt, roller, pensioner, driving device,
etc. It is designed for the transport of high volume loads; it is a simple
structure which is easy to maintain Featuring commonly used standard parts.
The machine runs at high speed steadily and produces low noise levels.
• 3.14. Light Inspection There are two light inspection points. One
after feeling line and the other after labeling and date coder. Every bottle
after feeling line is checked for water purity, any suspended foreign matter,
overfill/under fills, accurate capping and proper blowing of bottles. On the
second inspection point, every bottle is checked for proper labeling (body
label) and date coding in addition to activities done during the first
inspection point.
3.15. Bottle dryer

• Air dryer is used for removing

water vapor from compressed air.
It is a machine that sucks in and
significantly reduces the moisture
content of ambient air.
• 3.16. Labeling Machine
Labeling machine is a
machine use to attach a paper to
filled bottles that identify the
content of quality and quantity of
filtered water. At this machine
there is brasher that put this paper
on specific level and screw
conveyor that make convenient
order to labeling.

• Printer mechine iscomputerized machine where expire date and

production time is printed this helep the campaniy for each employed
for two purpose
• 1.production time to given responsiblities for each employe for ther
• 2. Expire date to giveresponsible for campany on its product.
• There must be adate and production time each bottle. The date and
production time on each bottle is printed by date coder . No bottle is
alowed to out with out date and time of production . Light inspection
personnel are responsible to assure the coding.

• 3.18. Packing machine Packing machine is use to

pack the bottled water and it is the end process of production in the
Kefita Purified natural water industry.
3.19 Storage and Transport
• The end product is stored and transported
under such conditions as will preclude •
contamination with and/or proliferation of
micro-organisms and protect against
deterioration of the product or damage to
the container. During storage, periodic
inspection of the end product should take
place to ensure that only drinking water
which is fit for human consumption is
dispatched and that the end product
specifications are compiled with. Storage is
done with pallets keeping distance from
walls and in between. There is free area to
move between each lot for cleaning,
inspection, etc. Products are stored
according to their production date. Mixing
different day’s production is not allowed.
Products are transported in a First-in-First-
out (FIFO) method.
3.19. Air Compressor
• Air compressor is used to produce high pressurized air used for different operation.
In this company they use it for compressed air for pneumatic valves, used to up and
down piston type mechanisms to push a bottle to the filler and to stretch the bottle
in the mold.
• Air compressor found in kefita purified Natural Water Company is classified in to two.
• A. High pressure air compressor
• B. Low pressure air compressor
• In this company there are 16 high pressure types air compressors uses to inflate the
melted preform with high pressure around 40bar in blower machine, which is cannot
work below 25 bar air pressure. But there are 2 low pressure air compressor type
produces only for 7bar-16bar which is not enough to use in blower machine; so, it
serves for packing machine. Air compressor is used to up and down of stock of the
piston to allow air in, and pressurize the air with in storage.
• An air compressor is a device that converts power (using an electric motor, Diesel
or gasoline engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e.
compressed air).
General block flow diagram of kefita purified natural water



4.1. Determination of Physicochemical Parameters of Drinking Water

4.2.1Determination of Chloride

 photometer MD
 24 ml test tube


 CHLORIDE T1 tablet
 CHLORIDE T2 tablet

Fill a cleaned (24mm) with 10 ml of sample and close tightly with the cap. Then
place the vial in the sample chamber of photometer and press the ZERO key.
After this remove the vial from the sample chamber and add one CHLORIDE T1
tablet start from the foil to the water sample, crush the tablet using a clean stirring
rod and dissolve the tablet. Next add one CHLORIDE T2 tablet straight from the
foil to the same water sample and crush the tablet using a clean stirring rod. Close
the vial tightly with the cap and swirl gently several times until the tablet is
dissolved. Then place the vial in the sample chamber and press TEST key. Wait
for a reaction period of 2 minutes and after the reaction period is finished, the
measurement starts automatically. Finally, the result is shown in the display in
mg/l chloride and record the reading on the logbook.
Determination of Total Alkalinity
Alkalinity of water is its acid neutralizing capacity. The alkalinity of spring water is
mainly due to carbonates and bicarbonates. The acceptable limit of alkalinity is 200mg/l
and in the absence of alternate water source, alkalinity up to 600mg/l is acceptable for


 canical flasc
 Pipat


 Mitayl orang
 Bottled water

Fill a cleaned with 50 ml of water sample close tightly with the cap. Then place the vial in
the sample chamber and press ZERO key. After this remove the vial from the sampl
Alkalinity. And record the reading on the logbook



No particl=1000

sampal bottled water 50ml

vfanal vishal 15.2-12


Total alkalinity =normalty *no particl *sample of bottled water* V/sampl ofbottled water


Determination of Total Hardness/2-50 mg/l
• In spring water hardness is mainly contributed by bicarbonates, carbonates,
sulphates, and chlorides of calcium and magnesium. So, the principle hardness
causing ions are calcium and magnesium. The acceptable limit of total hardness is
300mg/l whereas the maximum limit is 600mg/l. the hardness of analyzed for raw
water as CaCO3.
• Apparatus: Conical flasc &Droplat
• Reagents: One HARDCHECK P tablet
• Procedure Fill a cleaned vial with 50ml of water sample, close tightly with
the cap. Then place the vial in the sample chamber of photometer and press ZERO
key. After this remove the vial from the sample chamber and add one HARDCHECK
P tablet straight from the foil to the sample, crush the tablet using a clean stirring
rod and dissolve the tablet. Then place the vial in the sample chamber and press
TEST key. Wait for a reaction period of 5 minutes and after the reaction period is
finished the measurement starts automatically. Finally, the result is shown in the
display as a total hardness and record the reading on the logbook.
Determination of Ozone
• Apparatus:photometer MD
• Reagents: DPD1
• Procedure Fill a cleaned vial with 50ml of sample, close tightly
with the cap. Then place the vial in the sample chamber of
photometer and press ZERO key. After this remove the vial from the
sample chamber and add one DPD1 tablet and one DPD No 3 tablet
straight from the foil and crush the tablet using a clean stirring rod
and also add water sample to the 10 ml. close the vial tightly with
the cap and swirl until the tablet is dissolved. Then place the vial in
the sample chamber and press TEST key. Wait for a reaction period
of 2 minutes and after the reaction period is finished the
measurement starts automatically. Finally, the result is shown in the
display in mg/ l ozone and record the reading on the logbook.
Determination of TDS
• TDS can be taken as an indicator for the general water quality because it directly
affects the aesthetic value of the water by increasing turbidity. High concentrations
of TDS limit the suitability of water as a drinking source and irrigation supply. The
acceptable range of TDS is Max 1500 mg/L for this factory and the values are within
the standard limit of WHO. Therefore, the drinking water is safe in terms of TDS.
• Apparatus:PH. meter
Beakers, 50mlcapacity
• Reagent:Distilled water

• Procedure
• First rinse the electrode with de-ionized or distilled water before use to
remove any impurities. Then dip the probe in to the sample beyond the upper steel
band and allow time for the reading to stabilize. Note the reading on the display
and record the reading on the sample data registration log book.
Determination of Turbidity, NTU
• Apparatus:TurbidimeterTN-100 Clean,
. dry sample vial
. Distilled water holder
Procedure First place the sample vial inside the sample
well of turbid meter and place the light shield cover over the
vial that is inserted in to the sample well. Then turn on the
meter by pressing the ON/OFF key. After the power up
sequence, the meter goes to measurement mode and the
display blinks ''...Rd...'' until the measured reading appears.
Finally the measured reading appears in the display and
record the reading on the logbook.
Determination of PH value
• PH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in water. Drinking water with a pH
between6.5 to 8.5 is generally considered satisfactory. Acid water tend to be
corrosive to plumbing and faucets, particularly, if the pH is below 6. Alkaline
waters are less corrosive; water with a pH above 8.5 may tend to have a biter or
soda-like taste. In this factory, the concentration of hydrogen ion (pH) ranges
between 6 to 8.5 and all the water samples analyzed have concentration within
the safe limit of 6.5 to 8.5 standard set by the WHO. Thus, indicated that the
measured pH values of the drinking water samples were within permissible value
of WHO; which will not cause any harmful effect to the consumers.
• Apparatus: • PH and EC meter • Beaker, 50ml capacity
• Reagent: • Distilled water

• Procedure First press RANGE to enter PH range. Then immerse the

electrode tip and temperature probe approximately 4 cm in to the sample to be
tested and stir gently. Allow for the reading to stabilize. Finally, the PH value and
temperature is displayed on the LCD. Record the PH value and the temperature
reading on the sample data registration log-book. Rinse the electrode by using
. Determination of Iron
• Apparatus: • Photometer
• Reagent: • IRON LR tablet
• Procedure Fill a cleaned vial (24 ml) with 10 ml of the water
sample and close tightly with the cap. Then place the vial in the
sample chamber of photometer and press the ZERO key. After this
remove the vial from the sample chamber and add one IRON LR
tablet straight from the foil to the water sample; crush the tablet
using a clean stirring rod. Close the vial tightly with the cap and swirl
until the tablet is dissolved. Then place the vial in the sample
chamber and press TEST key. Wait for a reaction period of 5 minutes
and after the reaction period is finished the measurement starts
automatically. Finally, the result is shown in the display in mg/l iron
and record the reading on the logbook.
Determination of conductivity
• Apparatus: • PH and EC meter • Beaker, 100
ml capacity
• Reagent: • Distilled water
• Procedure First rinse the EC electrode by
distilled water and clean and dry. Then enter the
conductivity (EC) measurement range by pressing
the RANGE key and immerse the probe in to the
solution to be tested. Allow for the reading to
stabilize. Finally record the EC value on the sample
data registration log book and rinse the electrode
by using distilled water.
4.3. Microbiology lab

A large number of infectious diseases are transmitted primarily through the water
supplies contaminated with human and animal excreta. Obvious that safe and
wholesome water has been defined as water that is free from pathogenic agents,
free from harm full chemicals substances, pleasant tastes and smell. The human
pathogens, which present in the drink water, include:

 Salmonella species,
 Shigella species,
 Yersinsaenterocolitica,
 Campylobacter species,
 Various virus such as hepatitis A virus, hepatitis E virus, Rota virus and
 Parasites like Entamoebahistolytica, giardialamia and others.


Internship is very important for the knowing the application of what we learned
theoretically, improving interpersonal communication skills, upgrading theoretical
knowledge, understanding about work ethics related issues, improving team playing skills.
Internship one method of making for college students potentially valuable and explore
general career avenues as well as specific companies. Apart to securing good work
experience, such arrangement can provide us with valuable work experience both practical
and for resume enhancement and an opportunity to line up a job before graduation. We
participate in this internship we expect that only practical knowledge will be gained in the
internship but after completing of the internship are able to realize that we get many
benefits some of them are: During this internship we have get and develop different skill.
5.1. We have improve Practical Skills
During this internship program we have improved and
develop ability to do something with practical skills such
as production process.

 Machine operation for each department

 Recipe formulation for different end products
 Process parameter controlling of different processes
 Testing the raw material quality and product quality
5.2. Upgrading Theoretical knowledge
It improves the previous theoretical knowledge since we explore more than ever in order to
solve the existing problems of the manufacturing plant. Education of the factory; The
internship allowed to confront the demands of life in industrial environment, to learn how
to manage their time, plan their work, to report at regular intervals and make use of its soft
skills (human and relational qualities). The technical competence; the internship gives us
to implement and validate the skills and Knowledge acquired in the context of professional
activity. Knowledge of the business; the course gave us to provide an opportunity to solve
the Company problem in order to profitable. The internship experience didn’t totally bring
brand new ideas to the table; instead it helped in improving the already available ways and
ideas of problem-solving skills to a great level. It is obvious that in order to improve one’s
theoretically based knowledge he or she has to be able to grasp every information that is
forwarded during the internship program and being able to integrate this newly acquired
knowledge with the previous one and use this information to solve any problem that may
arise on the course of time.
5.3. We improved Interpersonal
Communication skills
This is common and one of the most important skills
during our internship period. This skill helps a person
to interact with others in much better and pleasant
manner. It is an art to present one’s views, thoughts
and ideas before its listeners. During our internship
period it helped us to build good rapport with the
other employs who guided in the best possible
manner. Our interaction and dealings with the
customers helped us to broaden our selves’ social
5.4. We improve team playing skills
Team playing skill is a good way of working tasks with others co-operate. This way of
working habit with other people make complex task easy to have found its solution by
addressing its complexity.
During performing different tasks, it is very important to play as a team. If there are
disagreements between the operators and the supervisors it is very difficult to go ahead
with the working processes of the whole machines.
In order to have working environment at industry the operators and the supervisors should
have a ‘’give and take’’ approach towards resolving problems that occur at the factory.
During performing different tasks, it is very important to play as a team. Sometimes the
problem is faced during my working section (room) and those problems are difficult to
solve for my. But during group discussion (team playing) among the technicians one them
tell my solution for that problem is easy way to understanding so we have learnt how solve
the problem and try to understand. Besides these we improved our communication and
playing skill during team playing and during team playing each member in the team
playing have different ethical parameter, such as polite, aggressive, medium in conduct,
having good interpersonal communication skill. Improving communication skill and learn
good ethics from person who have good ethics.
5.8.Challenges Faced During the Internship and Its
5.8.1. Challenges Faced During the Internship
There are many challenges that we faced during internship program
in kefita purified Natural water facilities are as follows:

 Lack of professionals of food process engineers in the company

to give description from an engineering point of view.
 Lack of scheduled maintenance.
 The factory has no reference material that describes how the
machine assembles, operating principles and how maintenance
is programmed.
 Lack of different department together. There was lack of team
work of different departments in the factory to maintain the
machine and to assemble.
 Lack of opportunities to see the internal part of machines.
Because they are always under work. They will disassemble
when the failure occurs on them.
 Lack of safety. The factory was unable to give me safety
clothes, safety shoes, gloves and etc.
 Lack of staff cafe because the company is new
 Lack of that place electric City/Light
6.1 Conclusion
Above all the internship program is the crucial or mandatory option to
make the compatible in chemistry Students experience in terms of
improving our real practical skills, critical thinking, problem
identification, problem solving, enhancing interpersonal
communication abilities, leadership system, understanding
professional ethics.
We observed the principle operation of different machines in the
6.2. Recommendation
Some of the recommendations suggested to the company are as follows:

 The company only produces bottled water this doesn’t the company
competitive we recommended to produce water product other than bottle for
example like jar.
 There is lack of staffs in different department working together. Problem
solving will be much easier department work together
 Maintenance is the primary thing in the company, but schedule to
maintenance is not introduced in this company. So, we suggest the company
to give at least inspection maintenance in week.
 There is no to read different manual needed for quality control as well as for
in stallion. So, we suggest the company to have library with different book
and manuals.
1. Anadu EC, Hrding AK. Risk Perception and bottled water use. J. Amer.
Water Work Assoc. 2000; 92:82-92.

2. Back William; Landa, Edward; meeks, Lisa (1995). Bottled Water Chemistry
( Spring Water Volume 33, Issue 4 ed).p.607
3. Bottled Water Industry Provides Clean, Safe Drinking Water to Oklahoma
Tornado Victims” Bottled Water.Org. Retrieved 6 November 2015
4. Commercially Bottled Water treatment”. Center for Disease control and
Prevention. Retrieved 6 kefita November 2015.
5. Kefita purified natural water production process manual
6. Glennon RJ. Water follies: spring water pumping and the fate of American
fresh water. ISLAND Press; Washington, DC. USA : 2002.pp.1-3

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