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Careers Foundations AB1000

Why Discuss Careers

In First Year?

Personal Branding Introduction & Ice breaker game

Commonly used adjectives/negative adjectives: you may be more forgettable or you are not outstanding

What is Personal Branding?

Why is personal branding important?

Introducing: NBS Undergraduate Career Services

Outreach and relationship management with employers Pro-active hunt for good career and internship opportunities for undergraduates Career coaching for undergraduates Provision of career-related resources for undergraduates

NBS Undergraduate Career Services Resources

Careers Foundation courses We teach you at your first year to discover yourself and on how to effectively position and market yourselves to employers.
Career Discussions We advise on a host of careerrelated issues; career paths. Help you plan career development.

Career Tracks We bring industry players to campus to share with you on various career roles and industry tracks.

Resume and CareerFIT We show you how to write an effective resume. CareerFIT: an online mining platform for employers and students

NBS Undergraduate Career Services Resources

Mentors ROCK! Our mentoring program connects you with alumni for careerrelated matters.
Career Wardrobe You only have one chance to make that first impression. We stock up the latest range of executive attires in our Professional Imaging Centre (PIC) for you to borrow to attend job interviews. Job Eblasts Latest employment opportunities winter, summer part-time internships, full-time roles by working closely with employers on their talent sourcing.

Career Website Vault online: Online resource Resume template Interns experience

NBS Undergraduate Career Services Resources

Recruitment Presentation
Career Workshops

Getting into Corporate World

How we have helped other students:

BERNE Loh (Class of 2012)

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our career advisors, we have access to a wide range of gainful career tools. These resources include career discussions, alumni mentorship programs, skills-building workshops and target company presentations. I have personally benefitted from talking to our friendly career advisors. Their guidance was key in my career navigation process and I shall continue to seek their advice as I work towards my career goals.

How we have helped other students:

JASON Chiong (Class of 2010)

NBS Career Services played a pivotal role in securing a coveted internship at Bain. Besides adding luster to my resume and cover letter, the career officers were ever-willing to share their experiences and offer advice on issues in and outside classroom. The relationship that we have forged with them is priceless.


How we have helped other students:

JAMES Ngee Wei Hong (Class of 2009)

REGINALD P. Sumalong (Class of 2008)

NBS career officers have worked wonders for me. What I treasure most are their initiative and willingness to go the extra miles to understand our interest and strengths, and from there take the appropriate steps to ensure we achieve the best in our career paths.


Where are we?

Email: Tel: 67904899/5612 Location: S3-B3a (Undergraduates Program Office)



Grad Career Report This report will assess and match you with various job types and be presented with ones that best suit you and learn more about these careers. Understand your strengths, style and skills in a way that helps you choose careers and become more employable.


Wants are different from needs; Wants are desirable; Information about your wants helps you focus better on specific jobs or careers you seek;


Air-conditioned modern office
Small company

Want to work for a multinational

Pay based on performance

Prestige/Status Start-up Quiet environment Work in a team Want authority & responsibility Team activities Customer contact Doing something new

Clearly structured work/tasks

Control over how you work

Want to work for government

Predictable work/workload

Control over fellow workers

Want variety of work Work alone Security in employment/tenure

Opportunity to learn
Dress fashionably Desire flexible work hours Overseas Posting


Some values to get your thought process started:
Experience Calm Change High salary Adventure Helping Good Coworkers Face-to face contact




High Earnings



Customer Contact




Customer Relationships


















Integrity Leadership Steadiness Laughter Stability Time freedom Purity Simplicity Humour Relationships

Influence others

Telephone contact

Inner harmony


Physical challenge


Self expression


Intellectual challenge




Pleasant environment

Self respect


Job tranquility


Public service






Precision work



What do employers want?


What is this?
Academic Qualifications
Relevance of degree to the job / role applied for Academic achievements scholarships, awards, Deans List, GPA


Personal Development
Work Experience CCA / Community Involvement Personal skills + soft skills acquired Desirable Personality Traits? (Personal) Expectations


Personal Development
Work Experience
Relevant work experience all work experience is well-regarded; particularly if it is directly relevant to the job they are applying for Achievements from work experience


Personal Development
Clear career goals
Does the combination of education, work experience, personal interests & activities point towards stated career goals

and job opportunity with employer?


Personal Development
Other desirable soft skills & traits wanted
Confidence & ease Social grace & poise Clear presentation and thought process Ability to make small talk & knowledge beyond books


Careers Foundation 1000

Going for Internship Interviews and Getting the Internship


Sharing of Interview Experience

Recall your interview experience Unforgettable moment? What went right? What went wrong? Questions asked? Your attire? Interviewers behaviour? Did you get the job? Why yes/ no


Questions & Answers

Do you need a photo for your resume? a) Yes b) No How long does a employer take to look at your resume? a) 30 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 10 seconds Is a cover letter necessary? a) Yes b) No

How early must you arrive before an interview? a) 45 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 10 minutes d) 5 minutes How long should your resume be? a) As long as it can be b) 2 page c) 1 page


Dont burn bridges o Dont lie Dress and behave appropriately / professionally o Carry an appropriate bag/portfolio o No shopping bags Know the employer and skill set & value add they look for Be friendly and nice o Include receptionists o Networking helps as well


Show positive attitude and interest, regardless of the interview process
Exit gracefully

o Leave with a nice closure

o e.g. thank you for your time and the opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you.



Interviews are stressful o Best way to reduce stress is to be prepared Good preparation instils confidence You are also assessing the role/opportunity Have an on par mindset


Pre-interview Preparations
Research on Company Research on Internship Offer Find out office location


On the Interview Day Itself

Appropriate Attire
Gentlemen: Quality light-colored cotton shirt, matching tie, leather belt, dark colored pants, darkcolored socks, and leather shoes

Ladies: Matching jacket & skirt


On the Interview Day Itself

Dealing with nerves
Be yourself, but reflect your best self Be punctual You are only meeting people; flesh & blood like yourself Think of your best achievements to perk yourself up! Take a deep breath and relax your shoulders


Parts of the Interview

Polite + smart small talk, put you at ease Serious questions to size up your Behavioral competencies Technical competencies Time for you to ask questions and find out what happens next Always prepare (5) questions!! Ask at least 2 questions




Typical Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself

Why do you want to do your internship with us?

We have several good candidates. Why should we select you?


Typical Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself
What have you accomplished that gave you greatest satisfaction? What do you want to do after graduating? Why? What would you consider your weaknesses?

Why did you choose this faculty/course/major?


Typical Interview Questions

What questions do you have for us?

Always ask questions to show interest in the company Research the company to form questions!


Additional Sample Questions

What do you know about our company? What do you look for in a job? How has your education prepared you for your career? What are your strengths? What are your career goals?


Questions To Ask
Insightful questions about the organisation o Environment in which the organisation operates o Executive and hiring managers management styles o Working environment Clarify roles and responsibilities of the position? Measurement/metrics/KPI for the role/success What are the most important characteristics you are looking for in a candidate to satisfy this position? Ask for assessment of your suitability for the role


Key Pointers
Speak up Avoid yes or no answers Ok to pause before answering Dont worry about admitting you dont know Dont lie Take your time on hypothetical questions Expect the unexpected questions Ask open questions


The Non-Verbals
Watch your body language o The Handshake o Eye Contact o Facial Expressions o Posture o Gestures o Space


After The Interview

Thank the interview for the time
Firm handshake Send a thank-you note Review your performance at interview o What went wrong/ right

o What to avoid in the future


Details + Photo

Work Experience * CCA * Awards & Achievements **

- Highlights of achievements / attributes!

Language/ IT Skills Hobbies

CCA can come before work experience Language/IT skills /Hobbies can come under Other information headings 43

Resume template
(Font size 11/12, should not exceed one page)

Your Name (Underline Surname) Your Address Your Handphone Number , Your Email address

Go to CITS to personalise ntu email address

May 09 to-date

Bachelor of Business/Accountancy (Honors) Nanyang Business School , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Expected completion of degree: May 2012 GCE A Level Cert/IP/IB Name of educational institution Work Experience (in reverse chronological order) Company Name 1, Country # Professional Attachment/Internship Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five) Company Name 2, Country# Position Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five) Company Name 3, Country# Position Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five)

YY obtained




# If the company is not immediately recognizable by most other employers, please include a brief description of the company

Resume template (contd)

CCA/Activities Club/Organisation/Community , Position/Role Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five Club/Organisation/Community 2 , Position/Role Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five) Awards & Accomplishments/Achievements (if you do not have any, you do not need this heading) Competition Business/Finance Case Conference overseas/local Scholarship (List down the competitions, business case studies etc you have participated/won) Others Language/IT Skills : (It is particularly useful to highlight language skills if you know a third language apart from English and your mother tongue. For IT skills, you should highlight unique skills other than MS Office knowledge.)

Hobbies and Leisure Interests: (This gives employers an insight into your personality and who you are.)


Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email: Education ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Jun 2008-Present Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2nd Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level Dec 2005 Work Experience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control sub-departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel. Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 and Apr-May 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students. Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist Sept 2006-Feb 2008 Excelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in improved efficiency in the admin department, such as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. CCA/Activities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009 Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets. Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief 2004-2005 Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, school and external organizations. Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event. Awards and Honors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010 Recognised by NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with immense leadership displays and a good role model. RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007 Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college. 2005

Others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Mannheim Universitt, Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme

Hobbies & Interest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.


Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email: Education Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Jun 2008-Present Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2nd Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level

Dec 2005

Work Experience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control sub-departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel. Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 and Apr-May 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students. Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist Sept 2006-Feb 2008 Excelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in improved efficiency in the admin department, such as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. CCA/Activities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009 Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets. Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief 2004-2005 Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, school and external organizations. Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event.

Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email:

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2 Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007
Awards and Honors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010 Recognised by NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with immense leadership displays and a good role nd model. Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college. 2005

Jun 2008-Present

Dec 2005

Others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Mannheim Universitt, Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme

Hobbies & Interest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.


Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email: Education Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Jun 2008-Present Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2nd Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level

Dec 2005

Work Experience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control sub-departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel.

Work Experience ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist Sept 2006-Feb 2008 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control subExcelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in improved efficiency in the admin department, such departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. CCA/Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel. NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009
Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 and Apr-May 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students. Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets. Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief 2004-2005 Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, school and external organizations. Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event.

Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 & Apr-May 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students.

Awards and Honors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010 Recognised by NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with immense leadership displays and a good role model.

Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist Sept 2006-Feb 2008 Excelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007 Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in improved efficiency in the admin department, such as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit 2005
Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college. Others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Mannheim Universitt, Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme

Hobbies & Interest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.


Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email: Education Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Jun 2008-Present Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2nd Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level

Dec 2005

Work Experience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control sub-departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel.

CCA/Activities NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009 Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist Sept 2006-Feb 2008 Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program Excelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in improved efficiency in the admin department, such booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets. CCA/Activities
Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 and Apr-May 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009 Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets.

Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief 2004-2005 Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief 2004-2005 school and external organizations. Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, school and external organizations. Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event. school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling Awards and Honors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event. Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010
Recognised by NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with immense leadership displays and a good role model. RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007 Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college. 2005

Others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Mannheim Universitt, Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme

Hobbies & Interest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.


Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email: Education Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Jun 2008-Present Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2nd Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level Dec 2005 Work Experience ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control sub-departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel. Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 and AprMay 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students.

Awards and Honors Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010 Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist Recognised2008 NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with Sept 2006-Feb by Excelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. immense leadership displays and Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in improved efficiency in the admin department, a good role model.
such as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. CCA/Activities NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009 Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets.

RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007 Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. 2004-2005
Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, school and external organizations. Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event.

Awards and Honors Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010 Recognised by NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with immense leadership displays and a good role model. RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007 Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit 2005 Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college. Others Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Mannheim Universitt, Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme

Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college.


Hobbies & Interest Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.


Chan Ming Xiong, Charlie Blk 367 Serangoon Ave 3 #086-367 Singapore 550367, Phone: 91000009 Email: Education Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Jun 2008-Present Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance), graduating in June2011 On target for 2nd Upper Class Honours; Current GPA 4.22/5.0 Anderson Junior College, GCE A Level Dec 2005 Work Experience ABN AMRO (Singapore) Bank N.V., Private Clients, Risk Management, Intern Dec 2009-Feb 2010 Performed and rotated across Risk Management, Credit Administration and Risk Control sub-departments, in view of the entire risk management structure of the bank. Analysed and proposed risk ratings for various securities and clients. Devised efficient tracking and reporting methods for new credit clients documentations with MS Excel. Ministry of Education, Pei Hwa Sec School, Art and P.E Relief Teacher Mar-Jun 2008 and AprMay 2009 Displayed strong confidence and communication with students and colleagues, through effective and structured delivery of lessons, resulting in 80% distinctions for the N Levels Art students.

Others Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin Republic of Singapore Air Force, Aircrew Specialist IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Sept 2006-Feb 2008 Excelled in primary flying duties, and awarded RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month. Mannheim Universitt, efficiency in the admin department, Excelled in secondary admin role, by innovating new systems through the use of IT, resulting in improved Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme
such as faster approval of leaves and offs, easy tracking of manpower, to assist higher management in their planning purposes. CCA/Activities NTU Hall of Residence 13: Dinner and Dance, Media and Publicity Officer Sept 2009 Served as a committee member, designed various publications like the admission ticket and program booklet to garner hype before, as well as for the event. Successfully garnered publicity, measured by the sell-out of the tickets. Anderson Junior College: Outdoor Activities Club, Assistant Sea Chief 2004-2005 Served as a committee member in the CCA, planned and facilitated numerous activities for the CCA, school and external organizations. Overall-in-charge of many activities, such as organizing Annual Inter-house Rock Climbing event for school and kayaking expedition for my CCA, allocating and executing tasks efficiently, instilling effective teamwork and oversee the smooth running of the event. Awards and Honors Nominated by NTU for Singapore Youth Award 2010 Recognised by NTU as a results-driven, enterprising self starter and independent young talent with immense leadership displays and a good role model. RSAF Outstanding Serviceman of the Month of November 2007 Awarded for high proficiency and improvements in primary flying duties and secondary admin duties, exemplary proactive work attitude and in voluntary support of squadrons requirement, displayed outstanding teamwork traits, and consistent performances. Anderson Junior College Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Award Merit 2005 Awarded to top CCA leaders who have made excellent contributions to the college. Others Written and spoken languages: English and Mandarin IT Skills: Proficient in Bloomberg, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access Mannheim Universitt, Germany, Overseas Exchange Programme

Hobbies & Interest Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.

Hobbies & Interest Travelling, Outdoor activities, Sports (running and soccer), Singing, Fine arts, Teaching.


Professional Photo

Group work on resume writing

You are given 15 minutes to craft a resume according to the template given Discuss with your group members on the role; the power words to use, the description of work and accomplishments Present to the class the resume


Resume Writing
Choose a Career Services internship eblast posted on edveNTUre. Write a resume to apply for the internship that aligns with your interest, desired specialization. Assignment in soft copy is to be submitted latest by 7 Oct 2011 via edveNTUre.




Resume Writing
Steps to upload the assignment to edveNTUre 1. Go to edveNTUre url link:

2. Login your account

3. Go to Courses 4. Click AB 1000 course group/index you are registered in. 5. Click on the Assignment


Resume Writing
6. Click on the resume assignment 7. Add file : Attach file (1 page Resume save as pdf. with
your full name and index group tutgrp#_Name)

Comments: Indicate your AB 1000 index group 8. Click submit to finish 9. Remember to logout your account after submission of your assignment.


AB1000 Online Teaching Evaluation

The Online Staff Teaching Evaluation is presently opened for you.
All of you have just attended the AB1000 course, we strongly encouraged you to participate in this exercise as soon as possible. You should receive an email to do the Teaching evaluation in the beginning week of 26 Sep 11. To access the feedback, you can go to Studentlink >> Academic Matters >> Student Feedback on Teaching. Alternatively, go to the following link:

Last day of the completion of the evaluation : 09 Oct 2011.

Questions? Complete teaching evaluation online Sign up for workshops held throughout the year See you at our Networking, Information and Recruitment events!


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