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Effect light in greenhouse


The greenhouse effect refers to circumstances

where the short wavelengths of visible light from
the sun pass through a transparent medium and
are absorbed, but the longer wavelengths of the
infrared re-radiation from the heated objects are
unable to pass through that medium.
Light in greenhouses

Light is measured differently depending on what

part of the light spectrum is being measured. The
total light spectrum coming from the sun (400 to
1100 nanometer wavelengths) is measured in
units of watts/m2. On a clear sunny summer day,
there may be 1000 Watts/m2.
Light Transmission

The amount of light entering a greenhouse is

influenced by;
the orientation of the structure
the materials used in construction and covers
the shape of the roof.
Quality of Light

A balance of light across the PAR range is

considered to be preferable, however there is
increasing research being conducted in the area
of light spectrum modification for improved plant
Colored films

The colour of plastic films affects the total level of

light that enters the greenhouse.

A clear film will transmit the most amount of

light. Blue and green coloured plastics will
transmit a lot of the light in the blue to blue-
green wavelengths, but cut out much of the light
in the red wavelengths.
Light Intensity

Plants have an optimal intensity of light. This is

the point at which the process of photosynthesis
is maximised and plant growth is greatest. If the
level of light is less, growth is reduced. The point
where an increase in light intensity will not
increase photosynthesis any more is called light
What to aim for in the greenhouse

Low light slows growth and increases the cost of

production but excessive light intensity can
damage some plants and/or fruit. Light is
increased by minimising objects above the plants
including frames, pipes, lights and other
equipment. The level of radiation entering a
greenhouse can be reduced with screening
Supplementary lighting

Supplementary lighting is not considered to be

economical for producing most crops in Australia,
however, supplementary light may be used to
improve seedling uniformity during propagation.
Increase in Greenhouse Gases

The increase in the concentration of carbon

dioxide, one of the three major atmospheric
contributors to the greenhouse effect has been
carefully documented at the Mauna Loa
Observatory in Hawaii. The 1990 rate of increase
was about 0.4% per year. The interesting cyclic
variations represent the reduction in carbon
dioxide by photosynthesis during the growing
season in the northern hemisphere.
Increase in Greenhouse Gases

The increase in the concentration of carbon

dioxide, one of the three major atmospheric
contributors to the greenhouse effect has been
carefully documented at the Mauna Loa
Observatory in Hawaii. The 1990 rate of increase
was about 0.4% per year. The interesting cyclic
variations represent the reduction in carbon
dioxide by photosynthesis during the growing
season in the northern hemisphere.
Contributors to Greenhouse Effect

Those gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere

with three or more atoms are called "greenhouse
gases" because they can capture outgoing
infrared energy from the Earth, thereby warming
the planet. The greenhouse gases include water
vapor with three atoms (H2O),
Contributors to Greenhouse Effect

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