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Elements, compounds & mixtures

LO: What is a compound?

1. What is an element?
2. What is an atom?
3. What is a mixture
4. Describe the properties of metals and non-metals
5. Explain how we can separate a variety of mixtures
Elements are the building blocks of all chemical
Elements consist of only one type of atom

There are over 110 elements known

They are listed in the Periodic Table

Partial Periodic Table
- this contains only the symbols of some elements studied

H He

Li Be B C N O F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Fe Cu Zn Sn Br Kr

Ag Pb I Xe

You will know that elements can be divided into

metals and non-metals

• are shiny
• are malleable & ductile
• are good conductors of heat & electricity
• usually have high melting points
• are usually dull
• are brittle
• are poor conductors of heat & electricity
• usually have low melting points
Metals & non-metals can be located in
the Periodic Table

H He

Li Be B C N O F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Fe Cu Zn Sn Br Kr

Ag Pb I Xe


shows the non-metals

We often represent atoms (particles) as circles

These may be or
or any other design

Different circles show different particles.

The way the particles are arranged show

the state of matter
Solid, liquid or gas
solid elements

liquid elements

gaseous elements
Some elements exist as molecules
Molecules have at least two atoms bonded
Oxygen has the formula O2
and would be shown as
it is a GAS!!!
Compounds consist of two or more

different elements bonded together

Compounds have names consisting of

• two words derived from their elements or

• one word NOT found in the Periodic Table

Names derived from elements

The first word is the actual name of an element

The second word ends in either -ide or -ate

The ending –ide shows there are usually

two elements e.g. sodium chloride

is made from sodium & chlorine

Names derived from elements

The ending –ate shows there are usually

three elements one of which is oxygen

e.g. calcium carbonate

is made from calcium, carbon & oxygen
What elements make up .............. ?

iron sulfide - iron & sulfur

lead bromide - lead & bromine
magnesium nitride - magnesium & nitrogen
What compound is made from .............. ?
aluminium & oxygen - aluminium oxide
zinc & chlorine - zinc chloride
What elements make up .............. ?

iron sulfate - iron, sulfur & oxygen

potassium carbonate - potassium, carbon &
magnesium nitrate - magnesium, nitrogen &
What compound is made from .............. ?

zinc, chlorine & oxygen - zinc chlorate

Single word compounds

Many common compounds have a single word name

e.g. water H2O

is made from hydrogen and oxygen
methane CH 4
is made from hydrogen & carbon
ammonia NH 3
is made from hydrogen & nitrogen
Compounds are represented by different

A water molecule could be

A methane molecule could be

A solid compound made from two elements

Notice the regular arrangement

of particles
This will have a formula that
is always the same

A gaseous compound made from two elements

Notice the molecules are the
This will have a formula that
is always the same
What is needed for compounds to be made?

Compounds ending in –ide can be made

from the elements

This is known as synthesis

Making iron sulphide

Iron sulfide is made from iron & sulfur

Iron and sulfur are both solid elements

Iron (Fe) Sulfur (S)

Iron has certain properties

• it is a shiny grey solid

• it is attracted to a magnet

• it will not dissolve in water – it sinks

• it will not dissolve in petrol

• it will reacts with acids to make hydrogen

Sulfur has certain properties

• it is a dull yellow solid

• it is not attracted to a magnet

• it will not dissolve in water – it floats

• it dissolves in petrol

• it will not react with acids

To get the elements to react they are mixed

They react faster when powdered

The mixture could look like

There is no regular structure

If a magnet is passed over the mixture

the iron is attracted to

the magnet and the
sulfur remains behind

The elements separate

The elements have not made iron sulfide

How do the elements make iron sulfide?

They need to be heated

As this happens a glow
spreads in the test tube

leaving a black solid - iron sulfide

Iron sulfide (FeS) - compound

Is not attracted to a
Will not dissolve in

Will react with acids to produce

the nasty smelling gas
hydrogen sulfide!
Phew! Rotten eggs!
Iron sulfide (FeS) – is a compound

It has a very regular structure

It does not behave like either iron or sulfur
A CHEMICAL CHANGE has occurred!!!
Making magnesium oxide

Magnesium oxide is made from magnesium &

Magnesium is solid, oxygen a gas

Magnesium (Mg) Oxygen (O )2

How do the elements make magnesium oxide?

They need to be heated

As this happens a
bright white flame is seen

leaving a white solid - magnesium oxide

Magnesium oxide (MgO) – is a compound

It has a very regular structure

It does not behave like either magnesium or oxygen

Again CHEMICAL CHANGE has occurred!!!

Making sodium chloride

Sodium chloride is made from sodium & chlorine

Sodium is a solid, chlorine a gas

Sodium (Na) Chlorine (Cl ) 2

How do the elements make sodium chloride?

They need to be heated

As this happens a
bright flame is seen


leaving white crystals - sodium chloride

Sodium chloride (NaCl) – is a compound

It has a very regular structure

It does not behave like either sodium or chlorine

Again CHEMICAL CHANGE has occurred!!!

What happens during a chemical change?

• A new substance (chemical) is made

• It usually looks different to the starting chemicals

• There is a mass change

• There is an energy change

e.g. Heat may be produced

This is called an Exothermic change

Look at the following particle diagrams

Decide whether they are

elements, compounds or mixtures

compound mixture

of element & compound
of elements
of compounds
made from the same elements

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