Session-1-Mental-Health-Act Pinaka Final

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Understanding Mental Health

Learning Facilitators
• Issues of Mental Health and its care are raised; Art has
In the
become a supplemental approach in “healing” or
movie Nise:
The Heart
creating a sense of “progressive development in
of Madness
cognitive reasoning” for patients to have some level of
control of their well-being and reality.
• The methods of lobotomy were usually used for
patients that are aggressive and violent; lobotomy is a
surgical operation involving incision into the prefrontal
lobe of the brain, formerly used to treat mental illness.
• Other issues presented to the movie that are not
mental health issues are: Gender Equality and Medical
Definition Mental health refers to our cognitive, behavioral, and
of emotional wellbeing - it is all about how we think, feel, and
Mental behave. The term 'mental health' is sometimes used to mean an
Health absence of a mental disorder.

Mental health can affect daily life, relationships, and even physical

Mental health also includes a person's ability to enjoy life - to attain a

balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological
of According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary, mental health
Mental is:
Health "Emotional, behavioral, and social maturity or normality;
the absence of a mental or behavioral disorder; a state of
psychological well-being in which one has achieved a
satisfactory integration of one's instinctual drives
acceptable to both oneself and one's social milieu; an
appropriate balance of love, work, and leisure pursuits.“
Definition According to the WHO, mental health is:
"... a state of well-being in which the individual
realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or
her community." The WHO stresses that mental
health "is not just the absence of mental disorder."
Importance of
Mental Health Positive mental health allows people to:
and Wellness
Realize their full potential
to a Person
Cope with the stresses of life
Work productively
Make meaningful contributions to their
the Importance
of Addressing • Experts say we all have the potential to develop
Mental Health mental health problems; Regardless of Age,
Issues Gender, Race and Social-Economic Status.

• According to latest numbers of the World Health

Organization (WHO), over 300 million people are
known to be suffering from depression worldwide.
While here in the Philippines, over six million
Filipinos live with anxiety and depressive disorders.
the Importance • There are also 2,558 recorded suicides in the
of Addressing country in 2012,where most were males diagnosed
Mental Health with mental health disorders.
• A large proportion of the people who have a mental
disorder have more than one.

• In the U.S. and much of the developed world,

mental disorders are one of the leading causes of
Factors that
Causes Mental • Biological factors
Health Issues • Life experiences:
trauma, social disadvantage, long term
stress abuse, social isolation, bereavement
substance & alcohol abuse
• Family history of mental health problems
• Physical accidents or illness
Types of
Illness Common Disorders
Common The most common types of mental illness are
•anxiety disorders
•mood disorders
•schizophrenia disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are the • Panic disorder - the person experiences sudden
most common types of paralyzing terror or a sense of imminent disaster.
mental illness.
The individual has a
severe fear or anxiety, • Phobias - these may include simple phobias (a
which is linked to certain disproportionate fear of objects), social phobias
objects or (fear of being subject to the judgment of others),
situations. and agoraphobia (dread of situations where
Most people with an getting away or breaking free may be difficult). We
anxiety disorder will try
really do not know how many phobias there are -
to avoid exposure to
whatever triggers their there could be thousands of types.
Anxiety Disorders • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - the person has
Anxiety disorders are the obsessions and compulsions. In other words, constant
most common types of stressful thoughts (obsessions), and a powerful urge to
mental illness. perform repetitive acts, such as hand washing
The individual has a (compulsion).
severe fear or anxiety,
which is linked to certain • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - this can occur
objects or after somebody has been through a traumatic event -
situations. something horrible or frightening that they experienced or
Most people with an witnessed. During this type of event, the person thinks that
anxiety disorder will try their life or other people's lives are in danger. They may
to avoid exposure to feel afraid or feel that they have no control over what is
whatever triggers their happening
Mood • Major depression - the individual is no longer
Disorders interested in and does not enjoy activities and events
These are also known that they previously liked. There are extreme or
as Affective prolonged periods of sadness.
Disorders or
Depressive • Bipolar disorder - previously known as manic-
Disorders. depressive illness, or manic depression. The individual
Patients with these switches from episodes of euphoria (mania) to
conditions have depression (despair).
significant changes in
mood, generally • Persistent depressive disorder - previously known as
involving either mania dysthymia, this is mild chronic (long term) depression.
(elation) or depression. The patient has similar symptoms to major depression
but to a lesser extent.
Disorders • Positive symptoms include delusions, thought
Whether or not disorders, and hallucinations.
schizophrenia is a single
disorder or a group of
• Negative symptoms include withdrawal, lack of
related illnesses has yet to motivation, and a flat or inappropriate mood.
be fully determined. It is a • Cognitive symptoms include affected memory,
highly complex condition.
Schizophrenia normally learning and understanding; subtle and difficult to
begins between the ages notice
of 15 and 25. The individual
has thoughts that appear
fragmented; they also find
• symptoms a physical or mental feature that is
it hard to process regarded as indicating a condition of disease,
information. particularly such a feature that is apparent to the
The most
common • Schizophrenia
Mental Illness • Substance abuse
in the Philippines • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Depression
What do you
know about
Mental Health
and Mental • Give your personal insights and
Health Issues? understanding of Mental Health and
Mental Issues?
Myths & Facts • Myth: Mental health problems don't affect me.
• Fact: Mental health problems are actually very common.

• The mental health situation in the Philippines is something

we should be able to talk freely about. Approximately 1 in 5
Filipino adults suffers from a mental disorder — this isn’t to
mention the 10 to 15 percent of children who also have
mental health conditions.
• The most common mental illnesses in the country include
schizophrenia, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), and depression.
• Myth: People with mental health problems are violent and
Myths & Facts unpredictable.

• Fact: The vast majority of people with mental health problems

are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. Most people
with mental illness are not violent and only 3%–5% of violent
acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious
mental illness. In fact, people with severe mental illnesses are
over 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than
the general population. You probably know someone with a
mental health problem and don't even realize it, because
many people with mental health problems are highly active
and productive members of our communities.
• Myth: People with mental health needs, even those who are
Myths & Facts managing their mental illness, cannot tolerate the stress of
holding down a job.
• Fact: People with mental health problems are just as
productive as other employees. Employers who hire people
with mental health problems report good attendance and
punctuality as well as motivation, good work, and job tenure
on par with or greater than other employees.

When employees with mental health problems receive effective

treatment, it can result in:
 Lower total medical costs  Lower absenteeism
 Decreased disability costs  Increased productivity
Myth: Children don't experience mental health problems.
Myths & Facts
Fact: Even very young children may show early warning signs of
mental health concerns. These mental health problems are often
clinically diagnosable, and can be a product of the interaction of
biological, psychological, and social factors.
Half of all mental health disorders show first signs before a person
turns 14 years old, and three quarters of mental health disorders
begin before age 24.
Unfortunately, less than 20% of children and adolescents with
diagnosable mental health problems receive the treatment they
need. Early mental health support can help a child before problems
interfere with other developmental needs.
Myth: Personality weakness or character flaws cause mental health
Myths & Facts problems. People with mental health problems can snap out of it if
they try hard enough.
Fact: Mental health problems have nothing to do with being lazy or
weak and many people need help to get better. Many factors
contribute to mental health problems, including:
Biological factors, such as genes, physical illness, injury, or brain
Life experiences, such as trauma or a history of abuse
•Family history of mental health problems
People with mental health problems can get
better and many recover completely.
Mental Health
in the
Philippines Philippine Mental Health Law
(Republic Act No. 11036, or RA 11036)
was signed into law on June 21, 2018.

proposes a mental health policy that aims to enhance

integrated mental health services, the promotion of
mental health services, protection of people who use
said services, and the establishment of a Philippine
mental health council.
Early Signs of
Mental Health • Withdrawing from people or activities they
Problem would normally enjoy.
• Sleeping or eating too much or too little.
• Feeling as if nothing matters.
• Consistently low energy.
• Using drugs more than normal (including
alcohol and nicotine).
• Displaying uncharacteristic emotions.
Early Signs of
Mental Health • Confusion.
Problem • Not being able to complete standard tasks,
such as getting to work or cooking a meal.
• Persistent thoughts or memories that
reappear regularly.
• Thinking of harming one's self or others.
• Hearing voices.
• Delusions.
of • There are various ways people with mental health
Mental problems might receive treatment. It is important to
Illness know that what works for one person may not work for
another; this is especially the case with mental health.

• Some strategies or treatments are more successful

when combined with others. A patient with a chronic
mental disorder may choose different options at different
stages in their life. The majority of experts say that a
well-informed patient is probably the best judge of what
treatment suits them best.
Treatment • Psychotherapy (talking therapies) - this is a
psychological approach to treating mental illness.
Illness Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy,
and dialectical behavior therapy are examples.

• Medication - although it can not cure mental disorders,

some medications can improve symptoms.

• Self-help - including lifestyle changes such as reducing

alcohol intake, sleeping more, and eating well.
Maintaining • Getting professional help if you need it
Positive • Connecting with others
Health • Staying positive
• Getting physically active
• Helping others
• Getting enough sleep
• Developing coping skills

Always remember if you have a mental health issue, it is

not just about you being able to cope with it, it must be
addressed with a professional
Mental Health
 Health Services
Services includes:
• promotion,
• prevention,
• treatment, and
• aftercare,

which are provided by mental health

facilities and mental health professionals
Continuum Care

Mental Health Professionals
refers to a medical doctor, psychologist,
nurse, social worker, guidance counselor or
any other appropriately-trained and
qualified person with specific skills relevant
to the provision of mental health services.
Role of

of Educational Institutions
Institution 1. Promote mental health
2. Provide basic support services for individuals
at risk or already have a mental health
condition; and
3. Establish efficient linkages with other
agencies and organizations that provide or
make arrangements to provide support,
treatment and continuing care.
Role of Educational Institutions

-All public and private educational

institutions shall be required to have a
complement of mental health

of Educational Institutions
Employers shall develop appropriate policies and programs on mental
health in the workplace designed to:
•raise awareness on mental health issues,
•correct the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health
•identify and provide support for individuals at risk, and
•facilitate access of individuals with mental health conditions to
treatment and psychosocial support.
Mental Health in the Workplace
-DOLE Department Order No. 208 Series of 2020,
Guidelines for the Implementation of Mental Health
Workplace Policies and Programs for the Private Sector
dated February 11, 2020.
-Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 4, s.
2020, Mental Health Program in the Public Sector dated
February 7, 2020
•These are their hotline numbers:
•Information and Crisis Intervention Center
•(02) 804-HOPE (4673)
•0917-558-HOPE (4673) or (632) 211-4550
•0917-852-HOPE (4673) or (632) 964-6876
•0917-842-HOPE (4673) or (632) 964-4084
Crisis Center
•In Touch Crisis Lines:
•0917-572-HOPE or (632) 211-1305
•(02) 893-7606 (24/7)
•(02) 893-7603 (Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm)
•Globe (63917) 800.1123 or (632) 506.7314
•Sun (63922) 893.8944 or (632) 346.8776
• Blended Hugs: Helping Others Through PFA. By Francis Ray D. Subong,
RGC, LPT. PGCA Webinar Series
• health-problems/mental-health-problems/introduction/causes/
You are the one thing in this world, above all other things, that
you must never give up on. When I was in middle school, I was
struggling with severe anxiety and depression and the help and
support I received from my family and a therapist saved my life.
Asking for help is the first step. You are more precious to this
world than you’ll ever know.” — Lili Rhinehart

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