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Group 5
01 Introduction 02 Input

03 Output 04 Interface

Database 06 Design
07 Conclusion
management system

Customer management system
A customer management system is a system that collect
customers data as input and generate customer profiles, reports,
and notifications as output. This system helps to have a user-
friendly interface for interactions, and maintaining a robust and
secure database to store and manage all relevant information
A Customer Management System (CMS) is a software application or set of tools designed to manage
interactions and relationships with customers. The primary goal of a CMS is to streamline customer-related
processes, enhance customer service, and improve customer satisfaction.

Here are the key components and functionalities typically found in a Customer Management System:
1.Customer Data Management: Store and organize customer information, including contact details,
purchase history, preferences, interactions, and demographics

2. Contact Management:** - Manage and update customer contact information, such as email addresses,
phone numbers, and mailing addresses.

3Interaction Tracking: - Record and track customer interactions across various channels (phone, email,
chat, social media) to provide a complete history of engagements.

4.Sales and Opportunity Management:** - Track sales opportunities, leads, deals, and the sales pipeline to
monitor the progress of potential sales and conversions.
Scope of the system
• Gathering data from the customers so that the sales, marketing,
customer support teams can access their data.
• By easily accessing the customers history, preferences and past
interactions the service department can easily solve the issue and
maintain customer satisfaction.
• By understanding customers preferences by tracking sales they can
easily target their market and increase their sales.
• Firms can make decisions on product development, pricing strategies,
and marketing efforts based on customer feedback and trends.
• Automated reminders can be set up for follow-ups, special offers can be
tailored to specific customer segments, and loyalty programs can be
Input of the

Inputs are the texts or commands that the user

enters for processing the data.
It is a very important function which helps in the
system process its function and achieve its objectives
They should be reliable and accurate in order to
reduce the defects.

information Interaction User inputs
Customers name
records Authorized users input
Results of the interaction
Contact information with the customer. data such as
Address Purchase history Add customer record,
Purchase information’s Inquiries and feedback update existing record.
And other relevant customer Recording allow to know It helps to keep the
information for the customer preferences. customer records
organization. updated.
A Customer Management System typically consists of several input systems to gather and manage customer data
effectively. These input systems may include:
1. Manual Data Entry: Users can input customer information manually, such as name, contact details, and purchase
history, through a user interface.
2. Import/Export: Allows for bulk import of customer data from external sources like spreadsheets or other databases.
3. Online Forms: Customers can submit their information through online forms on a company's website or mobile app.
4. API Integration: Integration with third-party systems or platforms (e.g., CRM software, social media) to automatically
collect and update customer data.
5. Email and Communication Logs: Tracking customer interactions through email, chat, or other communication
6. Purchase History: Recording customer transactions and purchase history automatically through point-of-sale (POS)
systems or e-commerce platforms.
7. Surveys and Feedback Forms: Collecting customer feedback and preferences through surveys and feedback forms.
8. Social Media Monitoring: Gathering customer data from social media interactions and mentions.
9. Call Center Integration: If applicable, integrating with call center systems to log customer interactions and feedback.
10.IoT Devices: In some industries, data from IoT devices can be integrated to monitor customer behavior and
These input systems help organizations collect, update, and maintain a comprehensive database of customer information,
which can then be used for marketing, customer support, and other business processes.
Output is the results or information that a software program
generates in
response to a specific input or set of inputs. The nature of the output
can vary depending on the purpose and functionality of the
It can be texts, numbers, visual elements , emails etc. Based on their
Physical output includes a print out from a computer or a final sum
from a database program.

Code output is useful to developers. In complex code, different

functions and procedures work on an array of variables and
values. When one of these is passed from one function to another,
code modules will often return a result which could be called the
‘output’ of that function or module.

Customer Profile
Reports and Analytics Notification
Generate customer profile
About their information It helps in understanding Automated notifications
and relationship with the customer trends, sales are generated to remained
firm performance important messages,
It helps in taking accurate appointment
informations. confirmation. Alert on

It is the place where the interaction of user and the system takes place. through windows, buttons, icons etc. .
It helps in controlling the software and makes it attractive to the user.

In a CLI, users interact with the software by typing commands in a text-based environment. Voice User Interface
allow users to interact with software using spoken language. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are examples of
Touchscreen Interface is found in mobile devices and tablets, this interface depends on touch gestures and multi-
touch inputs for user interaction.
Customer management system interface

A customer management system interface typically includes features for managing customer information,
interactions, and relationships. It typically consists of:

• Search and Filter: Users can search for specific customers or apply filters to segment the customer base
based on various criteria.
• Customization: Users may be able to customize the interface to display the most relevant information for
their needs.
• Security: Robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information.
• User-Friendly Design: An intuitive and user-friendly interface for ease of use.The exact features and layout
can vary depending on the specific software or system being used, but these are common components of a
customer management system interface.
Database design of the system
A database design for a customer management system (CMS) should be able to store and manage all of the data
that is relevant to a business’s relationships with its customers. This may include:

Customer information:Name, contact information, address, demographics, etc.

Sales history:Purchase history, order history, product preferences, etc.
Support history: Support tickets, customer interactions, etc.
Marketing history:Email marketing, social media interactions, website visits, etc.

The CMS database should also be able to track the customer lifecycle, from lead generation to post-sales support.
This will allow businesses to identify and target customers at the right stage in the lifecycle with the most relevant
messaging and offers.

One way to design a CMS database is to use an entity-relationship (ER) diagram. An ER diagram is a graphical
representation of the entities and relationships in a database. The entities are the main objects that the database
stores data about, such as customers, orders, and products. The relationships define how the entities are related to
each other.
For the example ER diagram above, the database schema would look like this:
Table: Customer
- customer_id (primary key)
- name
- email
- phone_number
- address
Table: Order
- order_id (primary key)
- customer_id (foreign key)
- order_date
- total_amount

Table: Product
- product_id (primary key)
- name
- description
- price
``The foreign keys in the Order and Product tables link the tables together and allow data to be shared between them.
System design
Design of customer management system
Designing a customer management system involves several components and considerations.

• Requirements Gathering-Identify the specific needs and goals of your customer management system.

• Database Design:Create a database schema to store customer data. Define tables for customers, contacts,
interactions, etc.Consider using a relational database management system (RDBMS) like MySQL,
PostgreSQL, or NoSQL databases like MongoDB, depending on your nee

• User Authentication and Access Control:Implement secure user authentication to ensure only authorized
personnel can access and modify customer data.Define role-based access control to restrict access based
on user roles.

User Interface (UI):Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for entering and viewing customer
information.Consider responsive design for web applications and a clean, consistent layout for desktop or

• Customer Data Management:Create functionalities for adding, editing, and deleting customer
records.Implement search and filtering options for quick data retrieval.

• Interaction Tracking:Include features for tracking customer interactions, such as calls, emails, meetings,and
notes.Timestamp interactions for historical reference.

• Reporting and Analytics:Develop reporting tools to generate insights from customer data.Create
customizable dashboards and charts to monitor customer trends.

• Integration:Integrate with other systems like CRM software, email clients, or marketing automation tools to
streamline data flow.

• Data Security:Implement encryption and data backup mechanisms to ensure data security and

Automation:Consider implementing workflow automation for repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails
or reminders.
• Scalability:Design the system to handle future growth by ensuring it can scale horizontally or vertically as
• Testing:Thoroughly test the system for usability, security, and performance.Conduct user acceptance testing
to gather feedback and make improvements.

• Deployment:Choose a hosting environment (on-premises or cloud-based) and deploy the system.Ensure high
availability and disaster recovery measures are in place

• Training and Support:Provide training to users and support staff to ensure they can effectively use and
troubleshoot the system.

• Maintenance and Updates:Regularly update the system to fix bugs, add new features, and address security

• Compliance:Ensure the system complies with relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).

• Feedback and Iteration:Continuously gather feedback from users and stakeholders to make iterative
improvements to the system.Remember that the design of a customer management system can vary
significantly based on the specific needs of your organization, so tailor the above steps to fit your
requirements. Additionally, consider involving IT professionals or software developers with expertise in
database design and application development to ensure a successful implementation.

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are software solutions that help businesses
manage their interactions with customers and potential customers. CRM systems can track
customer contact information, purchase history, interactions with sales and support teams, and
other data.
This information can be used to improve customer service, increase sales, and build stronger
customer relationships.CRM systems are used by businesses of all sizes, from small businesses
to large enterprises.
They can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Cloud-based CRM systems are becoming
increasingly popular, as they offer a number of advantages, such as scalability, ease of use, and
lower upfront costs.
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