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Islamic Book-2 Unit-4 Lesson1

Marriage is the path to Chastity

Surat An-Nur (32-34)
Learning Intention
-Explain the overall meaning of the Holy Verses
-Infer measures of combating adultery and white slave trade

Success Criteria
-I can identify the overall meaning of the Holy
-I can describe preventive measures to deter
-I can analyze white slave trade
Surat An-Nur (32-34)
32-And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should
be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.

33-But let them who find not [the means for] marriage abstain [from sexual relations] until Allah enriches them from
His bounty. And those who seek a contract [for eventual emancipation] from among whom your right hands possess -
then make a contract with them if you know there is within them goodness and give them from the wealth of Allah
which He has given you. And do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, if they desire chastity, to seek [thereby]
the temporary interests of worldly life. And if someone should compel them, then indeed, Allah is [to them], after
their compulsion, Forgiving and Merciful.

34-And We have certainly sent down to you distinct verses and examples from those who passed on before you
and an admonition for those who fear Allah .
Overall meaning and significances of Surah
Nur verse 32-34

1-The Command to marry

These clear Ayat include a group of unambiguous rulings and firm

‫َو َأنِكُحوا اْالَأَياَم ى ِم نُك ْم‬

And marry those among you who are single (Al-Ayama)....

This is a command to marry.

The word Al-Ayama, the plural form of Ayyim, is used to describe a woman
who has no husband and a man who has no wife, regardless of whether
they have been married and then separated, or have never been married
at all. Al-Jawhari reported this from the scholars of the (Arabic) language,
and the word is applied to men and women alike.
2-And get them married (Allow them to get married) the pious (male & female) servants, if they are
poor Allah will enrich them with his bounty
This was recorded by Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.
The Prophet performed the marriage of a man who owned nothing but his waist wrap,
and could not even buy a ring made of iron, but he still married him to that woman,
making the Mahr his promise to teach her whatever he knew of the Qur'an.
And it is known from the generosity and kindness of Allah that He provided him with
whatever was sufficient for her and for him.

3- And those who cannot find a match, Has to be more keen to stay chaste until Allah makes them
independent (finds a spouse, financial independence to marry etc.)

4- If Slaves (Men & Women) wants to get freed on a contract or by paying you some amount then go-
ahead and free them if you are aware of any good in them

5- And bestow (give) them of the wealth which Allah has given you
(Free the slaves with writing (a contract) and be generous instead of getting money to free them you
give them from the wealth Allah has given you)

6-Don’t force your Slaves (maids) to commit adultery or sell them for fornication for your transient
(short-lived, temporary) gains of this life (ex: the illegal pleasure or money by selling them)
7- If one forces the slaves for adultery/fornication/ illegal things, As the slaves were
compelled while slaves wanted to stay chaste , Allah is Oft Forgiving and Most Merciful
as they were forced out of their will to disobey Allah

8- And thus does Allah makes His commands plain and clear with examples from our
past and by sending His revelation. An admonition to those who ward off evil
Watch the video (
Summarize what will lead you to Zina/Adultery?
Preventive measures to
deter fornication

Urging Youth to Marry

Preserving one’s Chastity

Prohibiting prostitution and

closing all ways leading to it
Reading Time!
Go through the details under each preventive measure of deterring fornication
White Slave Trade- (
Contemporary World
Did you meet the Success Criteria ?

I can I can
identify describe I can
the overall preventive analyze
meaning of measures white slave
the Holy to deter trade
Verses fornication
Activity- In all the below your action plan , How
will you change or improve to be included?

• Summarize the Chapter in your own words in simple words

• Video record – Small speech about the chapter (Important points)
• Audio record- Small speech about the chapter (Important points)

Post in TEAMS

My feedback on the
What can be
What questions do I
still have?
Post in TEAMS
Student’s Activities
Islamic Text Book-2
Refer-Answer key PDF file

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