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Lesson 2:

Presented by Ashley & Bernard
The learners are expected to:
1.) Demonstrate an underdtanding of Diffusion, considered a
major source of cultural, political, and social change.

2.) Analyze the processes of Cultural diffusion.

3.) Evaluate the kinds of social, political, and cultural, and

4.) Identify new challanges faced by human populations in

contemporary societies.
What is Cultural
Cultural Diffusion
Is simply defined as
the spread of cultural
items from its place
of origin to another
1. ) is a process brought by migration, the
Primary Diffusion

movement of people from one place to another.

2.) Secondary Diffusioninvolves

direct transfer of material
culture from one society to another.

Stimulus Diffusion refers to transfer of ideas.
Issue of Economic Migration:
Source Country
Economic costs include:
a. The loss of young adult labor force
b. The loss of those with skills and entrepreneurial talents, which
may slow economic development
c. Regions where-out migration takes place may suffer from a
spiral decline that is difficult to halt
d. The loss of labor may deter inward investment by private
organization, increasing dependence on governmental initiatives.
Issue of Economic Migration:
Source Country
Economic benefits include:
a. Reduced under-employment in the source country
b. Returning migrants bring new skills to the country, which may help to
revitalize the home economy
c. Many migrants send remittances home and much of this money is
reinvested in the some economy in projects such as new buildings and
d. There is less pressure on resources in the area, including basic supplies
such as food essential services such as healthcare.
Social benefits include:
a. The population density is reduced and the birth
rate decreases, as it is the younger adults who
b. Remittances sent home by economic migrants
can finance improved education and health
Political effects include:
a. Policies to encourage natural increase
b. Policies to encourage migration to counteract
outlow or to develop resources
c. Requests for international aid.

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