Correction Evaluation Latest 2023

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1. Probation Administration be headed by
the ___________, who shall be
appointed by the President of the
Philippines and who shall hold office
during good behavior and shall not be
removed except for cause.

a. Chairman
b. Director
c. Administrator
d. Secretary
2. Originally constructed as a detention
jail in Philadelphia. It was converted into a
state prison and became the first
American Penitentiary.

A. Mamertime Prison
B. New York State Prison
C. Walnut Street Jail
D. Alcatraz Prison
3. What is the process wherein
prison officials try to convert
inmates and be affiliated into their

A. Conversion
B. Proselytizing
C. New convert
D. Indoctrination
4. As a rule, when a jailbreak, escape or riot is
in process or has just been perpetuated in the
jail, the officer at the control centers shall
immediately _______________.

A. Sound the alarm

B. Report to the Warden
C. Notify the Jail Officer
D. Locked the prisoners in their respective cells
5. The power of the chief Executive to grant
pardon is limited to the following, except
a. Pardon cannot be extended to cases of
b. No pardon, parole or suspension of
sentence for the violation of any election
law may be granted without favorable
recommendation of the Commission of
c. Pardon is exercised only after conviction
d. Pardon is administered by the court
6. The purpose of the decree on probation shall
be to ____________.

a. provide an opportunity for the reformation

of a penitent offender which might be less
probable if he were to serve a prison
b. Prevent the commission of offenses
c. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of
an offender by providing him with
individualized treatment
d. All of these
7. Which of these introduced the
combination of solitary confinement and
the work?

A. Walnut street jail

B. Pennsylvania system
C. Reformatory system
D. Auburn system
8. It is the redress that the state takes
against an offending member of society
that usually involves pain and suffering. It
is also the penalty imposed on an
offender for a crime or wrongdoing.

A. Fine
B. Penalty
C. Punishment
D. Imprisonment
9. It is considered the best reform
institution for young offenders is

a. Borstal Institution
b. Mamertine Prison
c. Auburn System
d. Pennsylvania
10. It shall be responsible for receive, study
and classification of inmates and
detainees committed to the Bureau?

A. Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC)

B. Classification Board
C. Disciplinary Board
D. Board of Discipline
11. If Davao Penal Colony located in
Tagum Davao Del Norte, where does
Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm

A. Oriental Mindoro
B. Puerto Princesa Palawan
C. Occidental Mindoro
D. Zamboanga City
12. This the process of assigning, grouping of
inmates according to their sentences,
gender, age, nationality, health, criminal
records and others is ______________.

A. Commitment
B. Diagnostic
C. Reception
D. Classification
13. A component of TCMP that introduces the
concept and mechanics of the various
shaping tools to include morning meeting
in order to facilitate the management of and
shape the behavior of the residents.

A. Intellectual/spiritual aspect
B. Behavior management aspect
C. The emotional and social aspect
D. Vocational/survival aspects
14.What is the form of ancient
punishment which was usually affected
by maiming, mutilation, whipping and
other inhumane or barbaric forms of
inflicting pain?

A. Death penalty
B. Physical torture
C. Social degradation
D. Banishment or exile
15. The justification of punishment
which was carried out in the form of
personal vengeance is _________.

A. Expiation
B. Retribution
C. Protection
D. Atonement
16. The Correctional Institution
for Women has a ratio of

A. 1:50
B. 1:60
C. 2:50
D. 2:60
17. One of the hierarchy of behavior
shaping tools done when the violator is
unknown and must be validated first
prior to bringing up in the morning

A. Haircut
B. Talk To
C. Pull-up
D. Dealt With
1. TALK TO. A “Talk To” is an outright correction done by any
member of the Therapeutic Community (TC) to another member
who has done a minor infraction but is not aware of it. It is a
friendly reminder/advice about an unacceptable behavior and
must be done privately. During a “Talk To”, the residents is made
aware of his/her negative behavior and the results it may have on
others and the environment. The feedback given to the resident
who commuted mistake is done in a positive way.

2. PULL – UP. A pull-up is done as a result of lack, missed or

lapses in awareness in a resident. All the members of the
community are responsible to pull-up minor infraction done by
peers. It encourages honesty, demeanor awareness and owning up
to one’s mistakes. This done when the violator is unknown and
must be validated first prior to bringing up in the morning
3. DEALT WITH. It is done when negative behaviors or
infractions to the house rules/norms are done for the second
time of same offense by a resident. A panel of three (3)
composed of a senior resident, peer and a friend are tasked to
deliver a serious and stern reprimand to the subjected resident.
Although the tool does not strictly require the presence of a staff,
to attain its purpose, the staff should monitor its conduct to
ensure that the panel assigned to the task really acted
appropriately. It is done privately in a room or an area with no
other else hearing the conversation.
4. HAIRCUT. It is done when negative behaviors or infractions
to the house rules/norms in the same offense are done for the
third time or more or for first grave offense. It is a carefully
planned and structured verbal reprimand given by a staff with
four other residents – senior resident, peer, big brother, and
department head. The tone is more serious and can be loud,
harsher and more exaggerated.
18. This is conducted 15 minutes daily in the
Therapeutic Community the purpose is to discuss
the attitude of the house on the previous day. It is
also where the senior members formulate
solutions to the concerns discussed and to be
executed during the day.

A. Pre-Morning Meeting
B. Morning Meeting
C. Conference
D. General Meeting
19. If a resident has been missing out in his
responsibilities in the kitchen, he can be
assigned as in charge of cleaning the kitchen
for a specific period of time this type of
behavioral shaping tools is referring to

A. dealt with
B. pull-up
C. learning experience
D. bans
20. What was the old name of Iwahig
Prison and Penal Farm?

A. Old Iwahig Prison

B. Tanglaw Settlement
C. Tagumpay Settlement
D. Luhit Penal Settlement
21. Mr. Batig Nawong committed a crime of murder and
he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He served 8
years in the prison institution and while serving in
prison he did not violate any of its conditions.
Therefore, Mr. Batig Nawong promoted to the first class
from the second class. Can he avail for being a colonist?

A. Yes, because he already served 8 years in prison

B. No, because his sentenced is life imprisonment
C. Yes, because he is promoted to the first class inmate
D. No, because he is convicted for the crime of murder
22. An agency under the Department of
Justice that is charged with custody and
rehabilitation of national offenders, that is,
those sentenced to serve a term of
imprisonment of more than three (3) years.

B. Provincial Government
C. Bureau of Corrections
D. Parole and Probation Administration
23. Refers to the ability to perceive the
client’s feelings and to demonstrate
accurate perception of the client. It is
merely “putting oneself in the client’s

A. Warmth
B. Respect
C. Empathy
D. Congruence or genuineness
24. It is a permanent group of peers and
leaders that meet regularly while the
residents are in treatment. It is a sort of
“home" group who provides support for one
another and to the new members of the

A. Static Group
B. Peer Confrontation Group
C. Encounter Group
D. Extended Group
25. Prisoners whose sentences are
from one day to six months.

A. Municipal prisoners
B. City prisoners
C. Provincial prisoners
D. Insular prisoners
26. This group serves as a "safety valve"
within the therapeutic community
which is usually high pressured and

A. Static Group
B. Peer Confrontation Group
C. Encounter Group
D. Extended Group
27. What TC Philosophy which says
that “I am here because there is no
refuge, finally from myself”?

A. Self-disclosure
B. Surrender
C. Reflection
D. Self-Worth
28. Consists of slogans or aphorisms that
are verbally given to the residents to
impart the beliefs and values of TC in
relation to their day-to-day living.

A. Unwritten Philosophies
B. Philosophy
C. Theme Concept of the Day
D. Vision
29. Which is not true about city prisoners?

A. those sentenced to suffer a term of

imprisonment form 1 day to 3 years or a fine of
not more than 1,00 pesos or both
B. those detained therein whose cases are filed
with the MTC
C. those detained therein whose cases are
cognizable by the RTC and under preliminary
D. those who committed crimes within a city
30. Which of these is considered
forerunner of modern penology
because it had all the elements of a
modern system?

A. Auburn Prison System

B. Pennsylvania Prison System
C. Elmira Reformatory
D. Walnut Prison system
31. When an inmate is given a “shakedown”
before admission it means __________.

a. Process of identification, record,

fingerprint and photograph
b. Examination for contraband
c. His commitment paper are delivered to
record clerk
d. Proceed to reactional activities
32. What is the ratio of the custodial
personnel to inmates?

A. 1:7
B. 1:24
C. 1:1+1
D. 1:500
33. Parole is granted by the

A. President
B. Court
34. Ms. Masa Rap is committed a crime
of reckless imprudence resulting to
homicide and his penalty is reclusion
temporal. What classification of a
sentenced prisoner is Ms. Masa Rap?

A. National Prisoners
B. Provincial Prisoners
C. City Prisoners
D. Municipal Prisoner
35. Considered as the youngest and
fastest growing prison institution is

A. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm

B. New Bilibid Prison
C. Sablayan Penal Colony
D. Leyte Regional Prison
36. A warrant issued by the court bearing
its seal and signature of the judge
directing the jail or prison authorities
to receive the convicted offender for
service of sentence or detention is
known as?

A. Mittimus
B. Sentence Mittimus
C. Detention Mittimus
D. Detention Warrant
37. The prisoner who was first time
brought to the RDC shall be

A. Maximum security
B. Minimum security
C. Medium security
D. Colonist
38. This group consists of chronic
troublemakers but not as dangerous as
the super security prisoners. They are
not allowed to work outside the

A. maximum security prisoners

B. minimum security prisoners
C. super security prisoners
D. medium security prisoners
39. In the New Bilibid Prison, the
medium security prisoners are
confined at __________.

A. NBP Main Prison

B. Camp Sampaguita
C. Camp Bukang Liwayway
D. Medium Security Prison
40. What is that branch of
criminology which deals with the
treatment, management and
administration of inmates?

a. Criminology
b. Penology
c. Criminal justice System
d. Correction
41. This are sanctions given to the
members of TC who commit repeatedly
infractions or violation to the Cardinal
Rules by prohibiting, disallowing or
limiting an activity or affiliation to a

A. Expulsion
B. Bans
C. Written Task
D. Dealt With
42. An advantageous result in the
integration of correctional agencies is

a. More physical facilities to maintain

b. More prisoners to supervise
c. Divided resources such as
manpower and finances
d. Better coordination of services and
increased cost-efficiency
43. In accordance with the provisions of Act
No. 4103, as amended, the Board of Pardons
and Parole shall be composed of the
Secretary of Justice, or his representative
who shall serve full-time, as Chairman and
consisting how many member?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Section 1. Composition of the Board As
Provided By Law. — In accordance with the
provisions of Act No. 4103, as amended, the Board of
Pardons and Parole shall be composed of the
Secretary of Justice, or his representative who
shall serve full-time, as Chairman and six (6)
members consisting of: The Administrator of the
Parole and Probation Administration as ex-officio
member, a sociologist, a clergyman, an educator, a
person with training and experience in correction
work, and a member of the Philippine Bar; Provided,
that one of them is a woman. The regular members of
the Board of Pardons and Parole shall also serve full
44. This kind of punishment will be given
to the offender by showing to others
what would happen to them if they have
committed the heinous crime.

A. Protection
B. Lethal injection
C. Deterrence
D. Atonement
45. Punishing a criminal to serve as
example to others is a theory of

A. Self-defense
B. Exemplary
C. Retribution
D. Equality
46. Pending submission of the investigation
report and resolution of the petitioner maybe
allowed to file for bail for his temporary
liberty, thus if the defendant is incapable of
filing one, what is the remedy that the court
may provide for the applicant?

A. He can file Bail for his temporary liberty

B. The applicant may automatically given bail
C. He will release under court order
D. He will be release to the custody of a
responsible member of the community
47. The task of changing an
offender’s attitude so that he or she
may not commit another crime in
the future.

A. retribution
B. incapacitation
C. deterrence
D. rehabilitation
48. A prison model which sought
penitence through total individual
isolation and silence is __________.

A. Pennsylvania Prison Model

B. Borstal Prison Model
C. Auburn Prison Model
D. Walnut Street Jail
49. An inmate who give himself up voluntarily
to the authorities within forty-eight (48)
hours following the issuance of a
proclamation announcing the passing away
of a calamity may be given special time
allowance for loyalty amounting to _______
of the period of his sentence.

A. 1/5
B. 2/5
C. 1/3
D. ¼
50. Operation conducted by the BJMP wherein a
prisoner maybe checked at any time. His
beddings, lockers and personal belongings
may also be opened at anytime, in his
presence, whenever possible. This practice is
known as __________.

A. Clampdown
B. Counting
C. Shakedown
D. Operation Greyhound
51.To be entitled to probation under PD 968, a
person must satisfy one of the following

A. Sentenced to maximum of 6 years on crime

against state
B. Who had once on probation for 2 years
C. Sentenced to a maximum of more than 6
D. Sentenced to serve a sentenced of less than
6 years
52. Parole and Probation have this in

A. Both committed a serious offense.

B. Both have already served their sentenced
C. Both are required to apply
D. Both have undergo a minimum sentence
53. Refers to the one in charge of
the prison is _________.

a. Warden
b. Director
c. Superintendent
d. Wardress
54. Probation is generally a privilege. Which
among the following do not encompass with the
given statement?

A. It is only extended to those expressly qualified

by law
B. It cannot be revoke automatically without due
C. It is only given upon the discretion of the court
D. It limit offenders who can avail on such
55. Forms of executive clemency,

A. Commutation
B. Amnesty
C. Reprieve
D. Probation
56. Ms. May Tama granted by the court for her
application of Probation. She was convicted
and sentenced to prision correctional. How
long is the period of Probation of Ms. May

A. 2 years
B. Not more than 2 years
C. Not more than 6 years
D. More than 2 years but not less than 6 years
57. For amnesty to be granted there
should be _______.

A. Recommendation from U.N.

B. Application
C. Recommendation from C.H.R.
D. Concurrence of the Congress
58. BUCOR is headed by the Director of
Correction who is assisted by three (3) Assistant
Directors who shall be _________.

a. One for Administration, One for Operation,

and One for Directorial Staff
b. One for Administration, One for Rehabilitation
and One for Security and operations.
c. One for Administration and One for Prisons
and Security
d. One for Rehabilitation and One for Prison
59. What is the security classification of
inmates who have two (2) or more escape
records but have served 8 years since

A. Minimum security
B. Super Maximum security
C. Maximum security
D. Medium security
Medium Security Offenders

Those whose minimum sentence is less than

twenty years of imprisonment
Detainees or remand inmates whose sentence is
below twenty years
Those who are below eighteen years of age
regardless of sentence and case,
- Offender with two (2) or more records of
escape and at least eight (8) years of service.
-Youth Offenders
60. The old Ship also known as the
“floating Hell” used or converted into

a. Galley
b. Gallows
c. Hulks
d. Vessels
61. Parole is not a matter of

A. Privilege
B. Grace
C. Right
D. Clemency
62. The chemical that will puts the
death sentence convict to deep
sleep in the lethal injection is

a. Sodium thiopenthotal
b. Pancuromium bromide
c. Potassium chloride
d. Potassium nitrates
63. What is the security classification of
an inmate who is criminally insane or
with severe personality or emotional
disorder and is dangerous to others?

A. Minimum security
B. Super Maximum security
C. Maximum security
D. Medium security
64. ________ is an act of grace and the
recipient is not entitled to it as a matter
of right.

A. Pardon
B. Probation
C. Parole
D. None of these
65. In case of mass jailbreak, all members
of the custodial force shall immediately
issued firearms and assigned to critical
posts to _________.

A. plug off the escape routes

B. To shoot the escapees
C. Protect the other inmates
D. To give warning shots
66. When shall probation take

A. upon promulgation
B. upon perfecting an appeal
C. Upon its issuance
D. 72 hours after issuance
67. An application of probation has
the following effect __________.

a. Suspend the execution of sentence

b. Will be subject by the probation
c. It shall be applied with the trial
d. Will get a ticket to leave
68. A decision of the court granting or
denying the application for probation shall
be __________.

a. appealable
b. not appealable
c. appealable at the discretion of the court
d. maybe appealable
69. Conditional release of an
individual by the court after the
offender has been found guilty of the
crime charged.

B. Pardon
C. Parole
70. Once the defendant has perfected his
appeal from the judgment of conviction
application for probation __________.

a. shall not be entertained or granted

b. shall be entertained and granted subject
to suspension of appeal
c. shall be entertained and granted at the
discretion of the court.
d. shall not be entertained or granted
unless he/she withdrawn his appeal.
71. A kind of pardon when if granted by
the chief executive without any
conditions of any kind.

A. Conditional
B. Absolute
C. Parole
D. Amnesty
72. Application for probation shall be denied by
the court if it finds, EXCEPT.
a. the offender is in need of correctional
treatment that can be provided most
effectively by his commitment to an
institution; or
b. there is undue risk that during the period of
probation the offender will commit another
crime; or
c. probation will depreciate the seriousness of
the offense committed.
d. Probation will reform the petitioner
73. The judge will grant or denied the
application of probation based on the
PSIR within _____.

A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. 30 days
74. Which of the following instances
Pardon cannot be exercised?

A. before conviction
B. before trial
C. after conviction
D. during service of sentence
75. For a convicted offender,
probation is a form of ________.

A. Punishment
B. Treatment
C. Enjoyment
D. Incarceration
76. In jails or prisons, which of the
following is a function of the Custodial

A. Supervision of prisoners
B. Escort of inmates or prisoners
C. Keeping of records
D. Tower guards
77. The maintenance or care and protection
accorded to people who by authority of law
are temporarily incarcerated for violation of
laws and also those who were sentenced by
the court to serve judgment is called

A. Custody
B. Supervision
C. Classification
D. Caring
78. The temporary stay of execution of
sentence is called _________.

A. Reprieve
B. pardon
C. Communication
D. Amnesty
79. A recipient of absolute pardon is
________ from civil liability imposed
upon him by the sentence.

A. partially exempted
B. exempted
C. conditionally exempted
D. not exempted
80. It is an act of clemency which changes a
heavier sentence to a less serious one or a
longer term to a shorter term.

A. Amnesty
B. Commutation
C. Reprieve
D. Parole
81. An inmate maybe granted parole if he

A. earned good conduct time allowance

B. serve the minimum sentence
C. earned good behavior while serving
prison term
D. earned a ticket to leave
82. The continuing relationship between
probation officer and probationer is
known as _________.

A. Affiliation Guidance
B. Pre-sentenced Investigation
C. Supervision
D. Probation Guidance
83. Those that have been once on probation
under the Probation Law __________.

A. are qualified to apply for probation

B. are disqualified to apply for probation
C. may be granted for another probation
D. should be confined in prison
84. A convicted defendant whose
application for probation has been given
due course by the court but fails to report
to the probation officer or cannot be
located within a reasonable period of time
will be considered as ___________.
a. petitioner
b. absconding probationer
c. absconding petitioner
d. probationer
85. The Parole and Probation
Administration administers the _____
Correctional Program.

A. Institutional
B. Integrated
C. Community – based
D. Mixed method
86. The target of behavior change effort
for inmate is not criminality perse but the
variety of problem behavior surrounding
criminal lifestyles. Which of the
following is NOT a problem behavior?

A. ability to relate with others

B. ability to control anger and frustration
C. ability to logically and rationally think
D. deficiency in social skills
87. The following are mandatory conditions set by the
law which the probationer must adhere, EXCEPT.

a. present himself to the probation officer designated

to undertake his supervision at such place as may be
specified in the order within seventy- two hours
from receipt of said order.
b. report to the probation officer at least once a month
at such time and place as specified by said officer.
c. devote himself to a specific employment and not to
change said employment without the prior written
approval of the probation officer.
d. Visits house reputes and enjoy night life with peers
while under probation.
88. Upon receipt of the application of
probation, the court shall notify the
prosecuting officer and submits his
comments within _________.

A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. 30 days
89. The period of probation of a defendant
sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not
more than one year shall __________.

a. not exceed two years

b. not be less than nor to be more than twice the
total number of days of subsidiary
c. not exceed six years
d. not to be more than twice of the term of his
90. It is defined as a professional activity of
helping individuals, groups or communities
enhance or restore their capacity for
psychological, emotional and social
functioning and creating an environment
favorable for the attainment of these goals.

a. Mentoring
b. Counselling
c. Meeting
d. Conference
91. One who investigates for the court a
referral for probation or supervises a
probationer or both is ________.

A. Police officer
B. Probationer officer
C. Intelligence officer
D. Law enforcer
92. Under RA 10592, if Pedro while serving
his sentence in the prison shows a good
behavior among the other inmates shall be
entitled a GCTA of ______ in 3rd to 5th year
of imprisonment.

A. 20 days
B. 23 days
C. 25 days
D. 30 days
93. Parole in the Philippine is governed by the

A. Determinate sentence law

B. Indeterminate sentence law
C. Board of pardon and parole
D. Parole and probation administration
94. Parole and Probation Administration is
under the direction of the __________.

A. Department of Finance
B. Department of Justice
C. Department of Interior and Local
D. Office of the President
95. The probationer and his
probation program shall be under
the control of _________.

a. the court
b. probation officer
c. PPA
d. BPP
96. One of the following is not an
administrative function exercised by the
executive branch of the government.

A. Probation
B. Pardon
C. Parole
D. Amnesty
97. What is the action of the court in case a
probationer violated his/ her probation conditions?

A. Court revokes probation and probationer goes to

B. Court directs probationer to re-apply for
C. Court releases the probationer to the community
D. Court orders the continuation of probation
98. Responsible for managing the daily
function and activities of the therapeutic
community is the _________.

A. Coordinator
B. Chief Expediter
C. Assistant Chief Expediter
D. Department Head
99. What department of then therapeutic
community which is tasked to welcomes new
members of the family and makes sure that
policies, rules and their limitations are clear?

A. Expediting Team
B. Business Office Department (BOD)
C. Maintenance and Landscaping Department
D. Coordinator
100. Which is considered the
forerunner of parole?

A. Mark system
B. Solitary system
C. Benefits of a clergy
D. Congregate system

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