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Mandi: Urban Growth Issues.

Study Through Survey

Objectives: Urban design Interventions to;

1. Satisfying the internal needs of the settlement.

2. Manage the effects of the development that

happens in/around the town to promote the
regional development.

3. Preserving the heritage and identity of the place.

Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey

Town Surveys:
i) Physical survey

ii) Social survey and

iii) Economic survey

Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey
Town Surveys:
Physical survey:
In physical survey four types of information or data are collected.
i) Natural Features survey i.e. location in respect to existing towns &
region, topography & soil conditions, climatology etc.
ii) Land Use survey i.e. use of land for residential, commercial, or social
purposes, public & semi public spaces, open spaces, transportation
networks, agriculture, water elements, vacant lands & other uses.
iii) Building Conditions survey i.e. buildings are in very good, good,
poor, or in bad condition?
iv) Communications survey i.e. highways, roads and its network &
railway junctions and its network, availability of parking facilities in the
city, origin & destination (O&D) survey, accidents survey; and future
trends of traffic surveys etc.
Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey
Town Surveys:
Socio-cultural survey:
i.e. I) Population II) Housing and III) Community Facilities IV) cultural setting and

i) Population: Trends in population growth for last 50 years, present population

characteristics, future population growth by considering survival, urban
Migration & development of new industries. Demographic survey i.e.
classification of population & town density.

ii) Housing: Housing stock, per annum need, current housing conditions,
accommodation density, building height, material use & tenancy status, rented
or owned.

iii) Community facilities: Education, health & recreation.

IV) Cultural Setting and facilities: Cultural features and places for its practice
like places of worship, religious/cultural fairs etc.
Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey
Town Surveys:

Economic survey:
Occupational conditions, survey of industries, survey of commerce, financial
position of local authorities, utility services. Growth instruments and direction of
Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey
Introduction :
1. History of the settlement/ Morphology and pattern of
historical growth

2. Significance/role of the settlement today, in the


3. Geographical location/Climate/Topography/setting.

4. Anthropological data/culture/religion/economics.

5. Local and regional Aspirations.

Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey.

Delineation of different parts of the city based on;

1. Visual survey: a)Path, b)Edge, c)District, d)node and

e) landmark

2. Movement and connectivity; location of transport hubs and

important roads

3. Places of cultural/religious events and extent of its effect.

4. Age/ condition and chronology of development.

Mandi: Urban Growth Issues. Study Through Survey.

Visual survey: Image of the city

1)Path: a) Connecting what? And how?
b) Physical Characteristics like scale, visual and tactile
character etc.
2) Edge: a) What is the Edge you experience?
b) What are the edges defining the spaces?
3) District: a)Are the districts distinct? In what ways?
b) What are there characters?
4) Node: a) identify nodes. Why do you say they are nodes?
b) Characteristics of nodes
5) Landmarks: ) identify landmarks. Why do you say they are
b) Characteristics of Landmarks.
Delineate Mandi

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