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बोधगया शहरी स्वच्छता योजना २०२२ City Sanitation Plan for Bodhgaya, 2022

सेंटर फॉर सा इंस एंड एनवायरनमें ट द्वा रा तैयार

Structure of presentation
1. परियोजना की पृष्ठभूमि और अवलोकन (Project Background and Overview)
2. शहर की प्रोफ़ाइल (City Profile)
3. जलापूर्ति (Water Supply)
4. शौचालय तक पहुंच (Access to Toilet)
5. अपशिष्ट जल और मल कीचड़ प्रबंधन (Wastewater and Faecal Sludge Management)
6. बरसाती जल का प्रबंधन (Storm Water Management)
7. ठोस अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन (Solid Waste Management)
8. प्रमुख मुद्दे, लक्ष्य, रणनीति और CSP को लागू करने की लागत (Key Issues, Goal, Strategies and Cost to
Implement CSP)
GoI identified CSE
to support 23 towns
that they become
flagship towns in
Faecal Sludge
Project overview
5 stage handholding process
for preparation of CSP

CSE to prepare two model

CSPs for Bijnor and Bodhgaya

CSE’s team first visit to

Bodhgaya for collection of
primary and secondary data
in Oct 2017 for 10 days

Second visit in Jan 2018 for 15


Draft CSP prepared

Sanitation Task
Force Meetings
conducted till date
Man-days spent by CSE:
 Capacity Building: 200 Days
 Field Surveys: 500 Days
 CSP Preparation: 400 Days
शहर की प्रोफ़ाइल
City profile
Demographic profile Buddhist circuits in Bihar
Regional setting

Bodhgaya Nagar Panchayat I No of Wards: 19 I Area: 20.2 sq. km. I Population: 30,847 (Census
80000 73237.8390884
23% 835
60000 24% 59548.0774761
50000 25% 955

40000 25% 962
42% 38439
38% 30857
20000 21686
10000 35% 11% 15724
0 4678 6299 6968
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041


Population growth in Bodhgaya (Source: Census of India 1991, 2001, 2011)








ril ay ne Ju
ly st be
y ry ch
Ap M Ju ugu m to m m nu r ua ar 2015 2016
A e Oc ve ce Ja b M
pt De Fe
Se No 2017
Accumulation of floating population (Source: Tourism Department)
City evolution

o Evolution concentrated
around Mahabodhi temple

o Urbanization trend along

the North-South direction
along the Niranjana River
in the North and Magadh
University in the South

o Town surrounded by
agricultural fields and small
Geology, Topography and climate

o Most part of Bodhgaya is

covered with alluvial plain.
o Geomorphologically, the area
is covered with four prominent
units’ viz. floodplain, palaeo
channel, alluvial plain
moderately deep and alluvial
plain deep.
o Niranjana River is passing
along the eastern margin.
o On the flank of this river, a
zone of floodplain is present.
o A narrow zone of palaeo
channel is observed in the
o Average temperatures range
between 2700 C to 4000 C in
summer and 800 C to 2000 C in
o Average rainfall of about 1070
mm during JJAS.
7 Groundwater depth is
2014 around 5-7 mbgl with
6.12 groundwater fluctuation
6 2015 Organization Structure of BNP
5.73 of 1m to 0.9 m
5 4.66
Depth: MBGL

4 3.72 3.7
3.47 3.42 3.52
3 2.8

May Auguest November January

Groundwater Level in Bodhgaya

Organization in Bodhgaya
Urban Planning and Design Construction
Operation and Maintenance
Storm water BNP BNP BNP
Solid waste BNP BNP BNP

Source: Ground Water Year Book (Bihar) - Central Ground Water Board, 2013, 2014 and 2016
Total Income v/s Expenditure

% Growth

-25.0 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Income from
-75.0 124.393296513334 -5.08731214924999 7.1751580715877 -18.8759815723991 123.190977322696

Income from -6.31533521605097 -54.9628642487658 185.729530711179 37.8419980272642 264.341674113413

Non Tax

Total Revenue -28.1952007828913 68.0454682875202 -3.58581376056284 -59.4112312849678 375.939722777696


Source: Bodhgaya Nagar Panchayat, 2017

Water supply
Source of water supply

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Private bore well Pipe water supply
Depends on neighbours Series5

Key findings
o Prime source of water is ground water
o 50% HHs rely on hand pump, 17% on
pipe water, 29% on private bore well
and 3% depends on others
o 57% HHs have no secondary source of
o 85% of commercial and institutional
establishments rely on private bore well
o Pipe water is supplied without any
o 75% of piped water is lost during supply
o Of 5.25 MLD of piped supplied water,
only 1.86 MLD of water is reaching

Source: Household survey, 2017

o PHED - 6 Tube wells – 4 Not working
o BUIDCO – 12 TW - no status
o BNP – 82 taps, 16 kiosk – 10 not
o 14 tube wells, 4 reservoirs and 6 OHT
on Map

Unhygienic status at public water kiosks

Pipe water supply in residential area

शौचालय तक पहुंच
Access to toilets
67% HHs have access
to toilet

43% open defecation

including 10% HHs with
toilets but still prefers
Ward wise distribution of toilet usage and OD in Bodhgaya OD

Source: Household survey, 2017

Key findings
o Central wards have maximum
coverage of IHHT toilets
o 24 community toilets spread
across the city
o 20 public toilets mostly on roads
leading to Mahabodhi temple
o 42% CTs, 20% PTs are non-
functioning assets

o Open defecation and urination

prevalent among males and
children due to prevalent social
o OU found to be more frequent in
domestic tourists
o Frequent incidences of skin and
worm infestations partially
attributed to OD/OU
o Females altering eating habits to
relieve themselves only in the dark

o Peripheral wards show less than

50% IHHT coverage
o Tourists prefer to use hotel toilets
over PTs due to poor O&M
Community toilets Anand Vidya Rajapur,
Rampur Water
Rampur Bapu Bapu Baiju Miyan Peeth School, Miyan Newtapu Amwa opp petrol Belwaata Durgap Upadhyay near Sidhiya Tika Piparpan Maharan
Location Universit Moniya Tank, Janpur Urael Mastipur
Road Nagar A Nagar Bheega Bheega 1 Miyan Bheega 2 r Road pump n ur a Bheega Hanuman Ghat Bheega ti i Road
y hostel Amwa
Bheega temple
Easily located
Signage on streets
Signage in Braille
Separate entrance for different genders
Provision of ramps
Cleaning staff - male
Cleaning staff - female
Functional washbasin
Functional washbasin for small children
Water supply in taps
Doors with functional latches
Doors with handle bars for differently-abled
Seats and urinals designed for small children
Seats and urinals designed for people with special needs
Condition of seats - clogged/unclogged
Dustbins in female block
Dustbins in male block
Feeding area in the female block
Provision for safe disposal of sanitary pads
Provision for safe disposal of diapers
Stains on the floor or wall
Evidence of OD around the service system
Evidence of OU around the service system
System is connected to a containment tank

Public toilets outside Jai Prakash

Opp Sujata Near 2 PT blocks inside
Bus stand, Purana outside Maya inside Maya Udyan, opp Happy outside Jai Prakash DWWTs park opp Buddha Kisan Siddharth Filling near Kaal Chakra near Karma Tempo stand opp
Location bypass, Node 1, Sambodhi Kaal Chakra inside Udyaan near BNP Petrol Pump Amwa Maharani PP, IOCL PHC
Purana Block Block Sarovar Sarovar National Guest Udyaan Eye hosp Sewa, IOCL PP Station maidan monastry Kaal Chakra
Dwar Parking maidan
Easily located
Signage on streets
Multi-lingual signage
Signage in Braille
Separate entrance for different genders
Provision of ramps
Cleaning staff - male
Cleaning staff - female
Functional washbasin with handwashing facilities
Functional washbasin for small children
Water supply in taps
Doors with functional locks
Doors with handle bars for differently-abled
Seats and urinals designed for small children
Seats and urinals designed for people with special needs
Condition of seats - clogged/unclogged
Condition of flush tanks where used
Dustbins in female block
Dustbins in male block
Feeding area in the female block
Provision for safe disposal of sanitary pads
Provision for safe disposal of diapers
Stains on the floor or wall
Evidence of OD around the service system
Evidence of OU around the service system
System is connected to a containment tank
Entrance of a CT in Bapunagar over 2.5ft high Construction abandoned at a CT in Amwa Entrance of a CT in Bapunagar over 2.5ft high

Evidence of OD at a CT in Bapunagar Defunct washbasin OU on college entrance Construction abandoned at a CT in Amwa

अपशिष्ट जल और मल कीचड़ प्रबंधन
Wastewater and faecal sludge
Key findings
o No existing functional sewer system
o 64% depends on OSS like septic tank and pits
o 29% FS is safely contained due to Shankar balram
model tank
o FS and supernatant discharged in drains, open
ground and water bodies
o 31% population (including floating population)
defecating in open
o 98% excreta is unsafely managed

No containment


Fully Septic
lined tank
tank 56%

Source: BNP, Household survey, 2017

o Mechanical by BNP and manual by
locals without gears
o Demand based emptying
o 8 to 12 KLD septage collected in a
week (Survey, 2017)
o 3 vacuum tankers. 1 govt. and two
o 2 trips/tanker per week, 1 in case of
manual cleaning
o 4000/trip charged by BNP, 1500 by
private and 1000 by manual emptiers
o No treatment facility present
Reuse and disposal
Waste discharged in water bodies,
drains or agriculture fields
Proposed sewer network
o 4.54 MLD sewage generation at 108
lpcd water consumption
o 90% of proposed sewerage network
is laid since 2009. System not yet
functional, 10 MLD STP and 40%
other work in progress
ULB-owned truck-mounted vacuum tanker Privately-owned tractor-mounted vacuum tanker

Disposal at agricultural field Insanitary trench for FS disposal

Prefabricated containment syatems

Source: Primary survey, 2017

बरसाती जल का प्रबंधन
Storm water management
Status of drains

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Pukka drain Kuchha drain No drain

Out of 156 Km. of road length, 80%

has no drains

Discharge of wastewater, solid waste and bio medical Inadequate and choked drainage
waste in storm water drains and pynes resulting in network resulted in number of water
degradation of natural water bodies. logged areas

Mocharim pyne in ward 16 Waste water logged area near Pachhatti

Source: BNP, primary survey, 2017

Ponds pollution due to
o Unplanned construction in catchment
area of water bodies
o Waste water and solid waste from
nearby catchment finds its way into
water bodies
o Out of 25, more than half are

Water logged site in Taridi, ward 19

River pollution due to
o Polluted storm water from pyne and
constructed drain end up in river bed
o Discharge of septage/faecal sludge in
unlined pit
o Pind daan puja, cremation activities
and other ritual activities
o Sporadic occurrences of OD and OU
across the river bed, especially at the
bus parking area

Mocharim pyne outfall in River Noiranjana, Ward 16

ठोस अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन
Solid Waste Management
Waste generation in tons/day

Bio medical
0.1 tons

Informal sector
10 tons

Commercial - 3 tons

6.4 tons



Source: BNP, household survey, 2017

Municipal SWM Summary SWM under SLRM project

Collection frequency
and use of PPE

Source: BNP, household survey, 2017

o Core wards generates highest quantity
o Wards along river generates more due to its
rural characteristics
o Waste processing in SLRM 6 wards

o Insufficient collection resulted in

uncontrolled dumping of waste
o Inaccessible wards - 26 bins required, only
12 placed
o Bulk generator wards – 28 bins required,
only 15 placed
प्रमुख मुद्दे, लक्ष्य, रणनीति और CSP को लागू
करने की लागत
Key Issue, goals, strategies and
cost of implementing the CSP
क्र. सं. (S. प्रमुख मुद्दे (Key Issue) लक्ष्य (Goal) रणनीति (Strategy)
Water supply
1 Inadequate coverage of piped water supply is 100% coverage of piped 100% coverage of piped supply of clean water to all
resulting into higher dependence of supply of clean water to all households by 2023
households on hand pumps (private and by 2023 100% coverage of piped supply of clean water to all
public) and private submersible pumps. This other establishments by 2023
leads not only to the unplanned extraction of
groundwater resources but also limited access
to clean water and consequent health risks
2 Inefficient service delivery (during the transfer Optimisation of the Establishing nodal supervising agency (BNP) for water
and distribution) and revenue model (cost operational efficiencies of supply provision
recovery and collection efficiency) could cause the water supply provisions Augment the income by rationalising the water pricing
severe financial implication making the entire by 2023 for bulk consumers and enhanced collection efficiency
provision unsustainable Upgradation of old infrastructure and efficient
maintenance of the entire infrastructure
3 Lack of promotion of best management Implementation of best Set-up a dedicated institute for water conservation of
practices (like RWH, regulation of private management practices for having multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder expertise
submersibles, water efficient fixtures) which water conservation
have potential to adversely impact both, the
quality and quantity of utilizable groundwater
resources in near future.
क्र. सं. (S. प्रमुख मुद्दे (Key Issue) लक्ष्य (Goal) रणनीति (Strategy)
Access to toilet
4 Inadequate access to sanitary toilets for Ensure 100% access to Devise and implement multi-faceted approach
residential and floating populations sanitary toilets and their (technical, financial, bylaws, and behaviour change) to
sustained use by 2019 ensure 100% access to sanitary toilets and use by
residents and floating populations
5 Improper use of public sanitation services Ensuring dedicated Develop and practice holistic approach (dedicated
institutional mechanism department/ team, capacity building, byelaws,
overseeing access to and redressal and M and E mechanism)
sustained use of sanitary
toilets; civic engagement;
stringent regulatory
mechanisms for the work
planned and executed by Dec
6 Prevalent behavior towards OU and OD Reformed behaviour towards Creation of a conducing environment to achieve ODF/
toilet usage, denouncing OD OUF status by changing perceptions about OD and OU
and OU through repeated and targeted awareness campaigns
and ensured engagement of all stakeholders
7 Lack of dedicated personnel causing O&M and
M&E lapses
क्र. सं. (S. प्रमुख मुद्दे (Key Issue) लक्ष्य (Goal) रणनीति (Strategy)
Wastewater and faecal sludge management
8 Inadequate containment of human excreta leads to the Safe containment systems of all Construction of new OSS as per recommendations of IS codes &
contamination of water supply, ground water and attracts the human waste generated in mission guidelines
carriers of various pathogen, and hence poses severe risks to Bodhgaya area Sewer connections to all HHs and establishments (wherever
health and environment available)

9 Illegal practice of manual emptying of containment system not Complete abolishment of unsafe Training of manual emptiers and promoting innovative techniques
only violates the national laws but also exposes the involved manual emptying and rehabilitation and business models as per provisions under NULM
population to the higher risks of degraded quality of life of manual cleaners

10 Unregulated emptying and transport of FS&S exposes the Regulated emptying and transport Safe and regulated emptying of FS&S
immediate communities (cleaners, proponents, neighborhood of FS&S Scheduled desludging & regulated transportation of FS&S
especially children) on high risk of health hazards

11 Lack of conveyance system for wastewater results into Ensuring safe conveyance of WW Sewer connections to all HHs and establishments (wherever
waterlogged areas and subsequent contamination of the storm across the city available)
water in drains, waterbodies, pynes, agricultural fields and Promoting recycle & reuse through de-centralised solutions at
ground water source/community-level

12 Uncontrolled and unscientific disposal of FSS at numerous Ensuring treatment and safe Co-treatment at the STP site being constructed
points across Bodhgaya and nearby villages puts the disposal/enduse of FSS Construction & implementation of FSTP(s) at feasible location(s)
environment at increased risk of contamination and poses Construction & implementation of DWWTs at feasible location(s)
grave threat of outbreak of epidemics Co-composting at FSTP
Ensuring safe agricultural application of treated wastewater and
FS&S for irrigation and manuring respectively
Timely completion and handover of the sewerage scheme
क्र. सं. (S. प्रमुख मुद्दे (Key Issue) लक्ष्य (Goal) रणनीति (Strategy)
Storm water management and receiving water bodies
13 Polluted storm water (in constructed drains and Clean and pollution free Ensure that no wastewater and excreta is discharged
Pynes) leads to unhygienic conditions storm water in drains into drainage system
throughout Bodhgaya which results into (constructed drains and Control littering and dumping of solid waste into
increased exposure of population to various pynes) by 2023 drains and low lying areas
health hazards and environmental pollution.
14 Inefficient storm water management leading to Effective storm water Moderation of the runoff and increasing the time of
waterlogging in low lying areas management in Bodhgaya by concentration throughout the city: SUDS Attenuation
2028 of flow and moderation of runoff
Ensure regular maintenance of storm water drains
100% coverage of storm water drainage network
Improve efficiency of existing drainage system
15 Pollution of water bodies leads to loss of Conservation of ecologically Protect existing water bodies
ecological & economic services and sensitive areas water bodies Ensure regulated development in catchment area of
degradation of aesthetic environment of Bodhgaya by 2023 water bodies
क्र. सं. (S. प्रमुख मुद्दे (Key Issue) लक्ष्य (Goal) रणनीति (Strategy)
Storm water management and receiving water bodies
16 Mixing of hazardous and non-hazardous waste Achieving 100% segregation Scale-up of existing SLRM model project in ward no 1,
throughout the service chain in 13 wards out of wastes at source by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15
of a total of 19 wards December 2018 Inform citizens through IEC/BCC activities regarding
importance of solid waste management through
involvement of Buddhist personalities, tourists and
17 Insufficient collection & transportation due to 100% coverage of door-to- Increasing efficiency by Improving collection &
lack of infrastructure and institutional door waste collection and transportation infrastructure
mechanism, leads to uncontrolled dumping, transportation from HHs, Contracting and hiring of staff to cater to the services
burning & littering (open area, storm water institutions and commercial during peak tourist season/ religious events
drains, roadside) across Bodhgaya establishments to achieve Strengthening the redressal system in accordance to
litter free city by 2019 the need to locals and accepting complaints only
through a systematic process
Improve infrastructure and resource to enable
catering to the demand
18 Inadequate processing and no scientific To achieve Bodhgaya as Construction of scientific disposal, processing site and
disposal of waste results in burning and landfill free city by 2020 organizing the informal waste recycling and
scattered dumping along the roadsides, low processing
lying areas, open plots, pynes and water Developing market of locally recycled products during
bodies peak tourist season
Cost is in INR (Lakhs)
Cost is in INR (Lakhs)
Thank You !!

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