Adjectives As Nouns and Adjective Order

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Adjectives as nouns and adjective

Adjectives as nouns
 The + melléknév (embercsoportok)

1. Nemzetiségek, amelyek –ch, -sh, -ese, és –ss végződésűek  the French,

the Spanish, the British, the Japanese, the Irish, the Swiss, the Czechs

2. The Brazilians, the Turks, the Hungarians etc.

3. Társadalom meghatározott csoportjai  the young, the old, the elderly,

the sick, the blind, the deaf, the homeless, the dead etc.

4. Melléknév + people  poor people, homeless people, young people, old

people etc.
Ajective order
 Főnevek előtt meghatározott sorrendben állhatnak a melléknevek.

1. Opinion adjectives  beautiful, nice, lovely, ugly etc.

2. Size  little, huge, big, small etc.

3. Age  old, new, brand new etc.

4. Shape  long, short etc.

5. Colour  red, purple, green etc.

6. Pattern  striped, dotted etc.

7. Origin / place  Italian, French, American etc.

8. Material  silk, wool, cotton etc.

9. NOUN (főnév)

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