Cognitive BDG

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Bayu Wijasena
Factors influencing risk
Schematic of French, Rogers and Cobb’s theory of person-
environment (PE) fit

 Peristiwa yang memberi informasi
tentang keadaan yang sedang / sudah
 Transfer informasi dari lingkungan ke
manusia/ pekerja
 Baik bila : cepat, tepat dan sensitif
Desain Display
 Kecepatan, ketepatan & sensitivitas
 Kesalahan alat minimal

 Jarak diplay dan pemakai optimal

Tipe Display
Berdasar sifat
 Gambar : TV, gambar

 Simbol : speedoeter, thermometer

Berdasar fungsi
 Kualitatif : membedakan kondisi on-off,
buka tutup
 Kuantitatif : jarum, digital

Berdasar tampilan
 Dial : petunjuk & skala

 Indikator : tanpa jarum

 Warning device
The four “cardinal rules” for displays are:
1.Give information which is essential for
adequate job performance.
2.Information only as accurately as is required
for the operator’s decisions and actions.
3.Present information in the most direct,
simple, understandable and usable form.
4.Failure or malfunction of the display itself will
be immediately obvious.
Macam Display

1. Visual Display :
 kualitas, kuantitas maksimal; dikotomi;
compatibility; coding
 Contoh : TV, speedometer

2. Auditory Display
 menarik, berbeda dengan yang lain

 Contoh : sirene, bel

3. Tactual Display
 memanfaatkan getaran & impuls listrik

 Contoh : Braile, knob

4. Olfactory Display
 alat tanda bahaya/ peringatan

 menggunakan gas

Prinsip umum : sederhana, tepat, efektif,

menarik, mudah dimengerti, format pas
Table 29.13. Guidelines for labels

Orientation A label and the information printed on it shall be oriented horizontally so that it can be read quickly and easily.
(Note that this applies if the operator is used to reading horizontally, as in Western countries.)

Location A label shall be placed on or very near the item that it identifies.

Standardization Placement of all labels shall be consistent throughout the equipment and system.

Equipment A label shall primarily describe the function (“what does it do”) of the labelled item.

Abbreviations Common abbreviations may be used. If a new abbreviation is necessary, its meaning should be obvious to the
The same abbreviation shall be used for all tenses and for the singular and plural forms of a word. Capital letters
shall be used, periods normally omitted.

Brevity The label inscription shall be as concise as possible without distorting the intended meaning or information. The
texts shall be unambiguous, redundancy minimized.

Familiarity Words shall be chosen, if possible, that are familiar to the operator.

Visibility and The operator shall be able to be read easily and accurately at the anticipated actual reading distances, at the
legibility anticipated worst illumination level, and within the anticipated
vibration and motion environment. Important factors are:
contrast between the lettering and its background; the height, width, strokewidth, spacing and style of letters; and
the specular reflection of the background, cover or
other components.

Font and size Typography determines the legibility of written information; it refers to style, font, arrangement and appearance.

Source: Modified from Kroemer, Kroemer and Kroemer-Elbert 1994

(reproduced by permission of Prentice-Hall; all rights reserved).
Penggunaan warna
 merah

 kuning
 Transmisi informasi pengendalian ke alat

Tipe informasi
a. tenaga kecil : diskret (push-button,
switch); kontinyu (knob, joystick)
b. tenaga besar : diskret (pengungkit);
kontinyu : foot pedal
Some examples of "detent" and
"continuous" controls
Petunjuk Control
1. Sesuaikan anatomi & fungsi anggota
tubuh. Jari dan tangan : cepat &
ketepatan. Lengan & kaki : kekuatan
2. Mudah dijangkau dan dipegang serta
leluasa dioperasikan
3. Jarak antar kontrol perhatikan anatomi;
jari-jari > 15 mm, tangan 50 mm
4. Push button, switch, knob : tenaga kecil
5. Pengungkit, hand wheel : tenaga besar
Locate for the Controls shall be oriented with respect to the operator. If the operator uses different postures (such as in driving and
ease of operating a backhoe), the controls and their associated
operation displays shall move with the operator so that in each posture their arrangement and operation is the same for the

Primary controls The most important controls shall have the most advantageous locations to make operation and reaching easy for the
first operator.

Group related Controls that are operated in sequence, that are related to a particular function, or that are operated together, shall be
controls arranged in functional groups (together with their associated
together displays). Within each functional group, controls and displays shall be arranged according to operational importance
and sequence.

Arrange for If operation of controls follows a given pattern, controls shall be arranged to facilitate that sequence. Common
sequential arrangements are left-to-right (preferred) or top-to-bottom,
operation as in printed materials of the Western world.

Be consistent The arrangement of functionally identical or similar controls shall be the same from panel to panel.

Dead-operator If the operator becomes incapacitated and either lets go of a control, or continues to hold on to it, a “deadman” control
control design shall be utilized which either turns the system to a
non-critical operation state or shuts it down.

Select codes There are numerous ways to help identify controls, to indicate the effects of the operation and to show their status.
appropriately Major coding means are:
-Location-Shape-Size-Mode of operation- Labels
Faktor penting desain
 identifikasi

 bentuk

 ukuran

 lokasi

 warna

 labeling
 Relative speeds of movement

 Stereotyped reactions

 National differences

Prinsip Desain Control Panel

1. Control dekat dengan display
2. Labelisasi pada display & control
3. Control berturutan : susun kiri ke kanan
4. Jika tidak urut : warna, label, knob
Schematic representation of an
operations control panel
Actuating devices in the control
gears for movable and stationary
operational subsystems
Task Analysis
 Describes the task

 How and why it is undertaken

 what skills and equipment are needed

 What actions are required and their

 The time necessary for the task

 Feedback mechanisms

 Helps identify likely errors and hazards

associated with the task
Aims of Task Analysis
 Understand the individual components of
 Understand the order and sequence of
 Evaluate in isolation or interactively the
separate functions of a job
 Evaluate the information or decision-
making requirements of the work.
Figure 29.1. The criteria and sub-criteria of the taxonomy of micro-worlds
proposed by Brehmer (1990)
Types of Task Information Requirements

Task Information Description

Identification of subtasks A listing of the activities involved with a task.

Grouping of subtasks An organized, often hierarchical listing of the activities involved in a task.

Commonalities and interrelationships An indication of the extent to which subtasks have features in common and are linked to
between subtasks each other.

Importance or priorities of subtasks Assessment of the criticality of subtasks.

Frequency of subtasks Information on the relative frequency of occurrence of subtasks under different conditions.

Sequencing of subtasks Information on the order of occurrence of subtasks under different conditions.

Decisions made in the execution of Part of the sequencing may be based on a decision needed to choose the branch of activity
subtasks and thus a given set of subtasks.

'Trigger' conditions for subtask Execution of a subtask may depend upon the occurrence of a particular event or a decision
execution made in during a previous task or subtask.

Objectives or goals of each subtask A key feature of an analysis is the recording of the objectives of each subtask.

Performance criteria for each subtask Recording of objectives may include statements about performance criteria.

Information required by each subtask The items of information needed and their sources.

Information generated by each

Information that the user inputs into the system.
Knowledge employed in making
Information that the user utilizes in decision making.

Knowledge of system employed in

Understanding that the user has of how the system functions.
performing subtasks
Potential Data Collection Methods

Data Collection Method Description

Observation Observe and record information about the worker performing job. May first observe the worker and subsequently
ask the worker to provide verbal explanation while walking through the steps.

Interview Ask the operator questions about job. Questions can be open-ended to learn more about the job. May conduct while
worker is performing job or may do away from job site. Worker must know that the information collected will
remain confidential and anonymous.

Focus group Discussion with a group of typically 8 to 12 people, away from work site. A moderator is used to focus the
discussion on a series of topics or issues. Useful for collecting exploratory or preliminary information that can
be used to determine the questions needed for a subsequent structured survey or interview.

Existing documentation Review any existing operating manuals, training manuals, safety reports, and previous analyses.

Checklist Use a structured checklist to identify particular components or issues associated with the job. Available for a range
of ergonomic issues, including workplace concerns, human-machine interfaces, environmental concerns.

Questionnaire Use to collect systematically individual's views of a system or task. Questions should be structured, although can be

Videotape Tape the worker performing the job or specific tasks. Provides record of the job and ability to repeatedly study the
Accident summary as recorded by patient interview
Figure 29.2. Cognitive analysis of the task: general anaesthesia
Suggested Task Analysis Techniques for Equipment Design

Analysis Description

Hierarchical Task A broad approach to task analysis used to represent relationship between tasks and subtasks. Documents system
Analysis requirements and order in which tasks must take place. Useful to determine how the work should be organized to
meet the systems goals. Applications range from taking a global look at a system to looking at specific details of a
system, such as interface design.

Interface Surveys A group of methods used for task and interface design to identify specific human factors problems or deficiencies, such
as labeling of controls and displays. These methods require an analyst to systematically conduct an evaluation of
the operator-machine interface and record specific features. Examples of these methods include control/display
analysis, labeling surveys, and coding consistency surveys.

Link analysis Used to identify relationships between components of a system. Provides a means to represent the nature, frequency,
and/or importance of links between components within a system.

Operations Used to illustrate relations between personnel, equipment, and time. Identifies operations in the order in which they are
sequence carried out using standard symbols. Flowchart represents information flow and behavior rather than the observable
diagrams process.

Timeline analysis Set of principles rather than a precisely defined technique. Used to map operator's tasks along time to take into account
task frequency, duration, and interactions with other tasks and personnel.
Name of organisation completing the work: Job name:

Task: Job number:

Principal contractor: Job location:

Date the JSA was prepared: Number of pages in this JSA:

This JSA has been reviewed by: This JSA has been discussed with:

Principal Contractor or Representative (signature) Employee/subcontractor (signature)

Position Date Position Date

Item Work activity Hazard Risk control Persons responsible Completion

Break the job down into What can be done to
Number What could harm someone? Who will make sure it Date and signoff
steps make

the job safe? happens?

Structure of accidents
The WEF model

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