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Western PowerPoint

By Corey
The first thing I did was transfer the video file for the Sd card to the computer and save then in a named folder
for them at a subtidal format mo. The second thing was to set up a primer pro file and create the bin to put
video/music/sound effects, so they were organised.
When editing the wester, the third thing I did was put the clips in order
of the story bord then cut unnecessary clips in the video
then I deleted the sound of the clips and overlayed them with copyright
free music and sound effect like the gun shot at the end .
I the applied transitions like a zoom and quick pan helping the film flow well
one I had added all the transitions I wanted to get it look more interesting
So, I then lower the pixels making it look more static and the increase saccharine giving it distinct look. Then I
added old film texter to make the video feel older that what it is all that was left now was to add text, so I
download old wester style fonts for dafont and added text the at the being and end.
This task really helped me to understand the basic tool for using primer pro for the text tool to video translons ,
this project as well helped me understand filing practises, so I now know better for future filing projects, this as
well has helped to better my communication skill with people in my course.
For the project we assented role by whoever was ok beaning filmed me and Ellie where fine with it , we shot just
behind the sports building on campus Next to the football pitch there was a wall and an incline meaning I could pull the
wanted poster down look at Ellie then give chase up the hill to her up the hill, we plan all it out with a short discussion
then a small story bord we fort a short chases then a gun fight would be a way to get as many wester reminiscent shots,
for equipment we used a dslr zone 120 camera to film all of it, we short successfully by comminating and telling one
anther are ideas and this informed what we did with the camera, thankfully we came across not problems while
We shot in chronological order for me grading the poster to Ellie getting shot at the end with the banana, we when smash the
banana and put the remans in the bin , we did have a bit of a problem with the hill the grass was damp and slippery so when we
ran up the hill I nearly fell over. Before, filming we looked at other westers and tried to copy what they did to try and mack the
short feel like a wester.

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