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1. Introduction
Tell something about the project and discuss the
importance/ impact of technology in this digital
01 Project Overview

02 Impact and Importance of Technology in the

Digital Age
03 Significance of the Study

04 Understanding of the Problem

05 Objectives of the Project

06 Problem Scope (Scope and Limitation)

07 Negotiation

Kawes Online Dress Shop

Kawes Online Dress Shop is a unique business operating in the Philippines,
offering thrifted dresses predominantly from Thailand and Singapore. Notably,
these products are brand new, catering primarily to the formal dress market.
What's particularly interesting is that despite its digital nature, the business does
not rely on any specialized application or software for its management. It solely
operates on online platforms.
Impact and Importance of Technology
in the Digital Age:
In the digit al age, t he role of technology is paramount,
t ouching nearl y every facet of business and daily l ife.
Let's discuss the i mportance and impact of technol ogy
i n the context of Kawes Online Dress Shop.
• Reach and Accessibility: With the advancement of the internet, Kawes can reach a
global audience. The shop is no longer limited to local clientele but can potentially
cater to customers from different parts of the Philippines and even overseas.

• Operational Efficiency: While Kawes does not use any specialized business
management software, employing such technology could streamline processes.
Inventory management, order processing, customer relationship management, and
financial tracking could be automated, ensuring fewer errors and higher efficiency.

• Cost-Effectiveness: Operating online can lead to reduced overhead costs. There’s no

need for physical store rent, utility bills related to a physical space, or additional staff
for in-store management.
• Customer Experience: The digital age offers tools to enhance customer experiences.
From chatbots that answer queries in real-time to AI-driven recommendations based
on browsing behavior, technology can elevate the online shopping journey.

• Data-Driven Decisions: The digital platform likely provides Kawes with invaluable
data – from customer demographics to purchase behaviors. By analyzing this data, the
business can make informed decisions, from stock choices to marketing strategies.

• Adaptability and Scalability: As the business grows, technology can make it easier to
scale operations. Whether it's expanding product lines, managing increased orders,
or entering new markets, tech solutions can aid in the smooth transition of scaling.
• Sustainability: By focusing on thrifted dresses, Kawes is inherently sustainable,
diverting clothing from landfills and promoting a circular economy. The digital age
supports this mission by allowing eco-conscious consumers to find and support
such businesses easily.

• Digital Marketing Opportunities: Platforms like social media, search engines, and
email offer targeted marketing opportunities. Kawes can utilize these tools for
effective outreach, brand building, and sales promotions.

• Security: As much as the digital age offers opportunities, it also poses threats like
cyber-attacks. Employing technology to ensure secure transactions and protect
customer data is crucial.
• Innovation: There's always room for innovation. Kawes could eventually introduce
augmented reality (AR) tools for customers to "try on" dresses virtually or even
incorporate blockchain for secure and transparent transactions.

• Conclusion:
For businesses like Kawes Online Dress Shop, the digital age presents both
challenges and immense opportunities. To stay competitive and relevant, it's crucial
to embrace technological advancements, constantly adapt, and always have an eye
on the evolving digital landscape. As the world becomes more connected, those who
can skillfully navigate the digital waters will find success.
Significance of the study:
(Describe your beneficiary)

This study is for the following stakeholders in the client’s clothing small business:

1) Business Owner. Requires a system that automates sales and inventory management
and gives information to make informed decisions. The system has the ability to
improve business efficiency, resulting in potential growth and higher returns on

• Increased Revenue: By operating online, the business owner can reach a larger audience
compared to a physical store, leading to potentially higher sales and revenue.

• Flexibility: Without a physical storefront, the owner can operate the business from anywhere,
offering flexibility in terms of location and working hours.
• Cost Savings: Operating primarily online reduces overhead costs such as rent,
utilities, and in-store staff salaries. This can lead to higher profit margins.

• Data Insights: The online model offers access to customer behavior data, allowing the owner to
make informed decisions on inventory, marketing strategies, and other business operations.

• Branding Opportunities: Digital platforms provide numerous opportunities for

brand building, content marketing, and establishing a loyal customer base.
2) Customers. They may expect an easy checkout and accurate stock information
during their buying experience.

• Convenience: Customers can browse and purchase dresses at any time and from anywhere. The
online shopping experience is available 24/7, making it highly convenient.

• Wide Selection: Being online, Kawes can offer a broader range of products without the constraints of
physical shelf space.

• Competitive Pricing: Reduced overhead for the business could translate to competitive
pricing for customers, giving them value for money.

• Sustainability: Purchasing thrifted dresses promotes sustainability. Conscious consumers will

appreciate the eco-friendly approach and feel good about their purchases.

• Personalization: As the business grows and potentially adopts more technology,

customers might benefit from personalized shopping experiences based on their
preferences and past purchases.
3) Suppliers. They will benefit from improved procurement as a result of accurate
demand forecasting.pect an easy checkout and accurate stock information during
their buying experience.

• Stable Business Relationship: With Kawes focusing on thrifted dresses, suppliers from Thailand and
Singapore can expect a stable and potentially long-term business relationship, leading to consistent

• Expanding Market: As Kawes grows its customer base, suppliers stand to gain increased orders
and a more significant market for their products.
• Digital Communication: Efficient online communication tools can streamline the
order and delivery processes, ensuring timely transactions and reduced logistical

• Feedback Loop: The online model can provide immediate feedback on which dresses are popular,
allowing suppliers to adjust their offerings and better cater to market demand.

• Promotion: Being a part of Kawes' supply chain can also serve as a form of promotion for
suppliers, particularly if they are mentioned or promoted as sustainable partners.
Understanding of the
(State the problem you have seen/observed and why you
came up of the project)

The issues, necessitating the creative client's clothing small

business has a number of operations of a customized Point of
Sales (POS) and Inventory Management System. These
challenges include manual inventory tracking, inefficient sales
processes, and difficulty in managing product/supplier data.
Through it, we designed a system that improves processes,
decreases human errors, and produces satisfaction for the
customers by comprehending these concerns.
(State the objectives of the project)
Our proposed solution is a specialized POS and Inventory Management
System created exclusively for the client’s clothing firm. The key features

• Prod uct Management - Add, up d ate, and catego rize pro du cts.
• Inv en to ry Tracking - Monito r real-tim e q u antity, locatio n , an d item status.
• Su pp lier Management - Man ag e su p plier info , track deliv eries, and evaluate
perfo rm an ce.
• Ord er Man agement - Process, track , and fu lfill o rders.
• User Access Control - Defin e u ser ro les an d p erm issio ns.
• Aud it Trail - Keep detailed tran sactio n record s for aud itin g.
• Secu rity - Safeguard sensitiv e data and co m ply with reg u lations.
• User-Friendly Interface - Create an in tu itive in terface fo r easy use.
• Dead stock Management - Id en tify an d h an dle slow-selling items.
(Scope and limitation of the project)
Problem Scope:

Stakeholder Interviews: We conduct interviews with the business owner/user to

understand her expectations, goals, and desired outcomes for the POS and Inventory
Management System. And, we gathered information about their requirements,
functionalities, and any constraints or limitations.
• System Features and Functionalities
The sy st em will incorporate Produ ct Managemen t , In ven to ry Track ing, Supplier
Management, Order Management , User Access Co nt ro l, Audi t Trai l, Security,
User-Fri endly Interface, and Deadsto ck Man ag ement as i ts key functionalities.

• Product Management
• Ad d , u p d ate, an d categ o rize p ro d u cts.
• P ro d u ct L i st an d Categ o ry ID sy stem
• Br an d in g i n fo rmatio n

2. Stock Handling
• E n t ry o f st o ck d etails, ad ju stmen t featu res.
• T h e sy st em will d isp lay p ro d u ct co d es, d escrip tio n s, an d
q u an t i t i es.
3. Records
• S o l d h i st o ry, P OS reco rd s, in clu d in g to p -sellin g
i t ems, so ld items, critical sto ck s, an d in v en to ry
l i st .
• Can cel led o rd ers an d sto ck -in h isto ry featu res,
t h o u g h t h ey may n o t b e fu lly fu n ctio n al in itially.

4. Settings
• User acco u n t man ag emen t, p asswo rd ch an g e, an d sto re d etails.

5. User Roles

• Defi n e d ifferen t access lev els b ased o n u ser ro les fo r imp ro v ed

secu ri t y.
• Business Owners: Automated sales and inventory management.
• Customers: Improved shopping experience.
• Suppliers: Streamlined procurement and demand forecasting.

• The research will include interviews with stakeholders to gather system
requirements, functionalities, and constraints.
1. Time Constraint

• T h e system will b e developed within a fix ed

tim e fram e, wh ich may limit the in clusion of
add ition al features.

2. Technological Constraints

• The system is initially planned without a fully

functioning stock entry or record section, affecting
its full capability.

3. Data Privacy

• While the system aims to be secure, ensuring

complete data privacy is a challenge.
4. Resource Limitations
• Bu d g et co n strain ts may affect th e o v erall q u ality
o r n u m b er o f featu res in th e in iti al release.

5. Geographic Limitation
• T h e p ri mary fo cu s will b e o n th e Ph ilip p in e mark et, so th e
sy st em 's effectiv en ess in o th er co u n tries may n o t b e ev alu ated .

6. Human Error
• Desp i t e au to matin g man y fu n ctio n s, th e p o ten tial fo r h u man
erro r i n d ata in p u t an d sy stem o p eratio n still ex ists.
• Agtarap, Cindy
• Auman, Casey Evan D.
• Castillo, Keizzer
• Dulalia, Cj
• Tio, John Vencent

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