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• Course Exit survey on Moodle

• Quiz 3 either today during lunch break
• Final exam on May 24th, 8:30 AM
• Comprehensive (‫)شامل‬

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Wave Speed
The speed of a wave depends on the medium through
which the wave moves.
Whatever the medium, the speed, wavelength, and
frequency of the wave are related.
Wave Speed
If the wavelength is 3 meters and if
two crests pass a stationary point
each second, then 3 meters × 2 waves
pass by in 1 second.
The waves therefore move at 6 meters
per second.
v = f
where v is wave speed,  is
wavelength, and f is wave frequency.
Wave Speed
If a water wave vibrates up and down two times each second
and the distance between wave crests is 1.5 m, what is the
frequency of the wave? What is its wavelength? What is its

The frequency of the wave is 2 Hz; its wavelength is 1.5 m;
and its wave speed is
Wave Speed
What is the wavelength of a 170-Hz sound wave when the
speed of sound in air is 340 m/s?

The wavelength must be 2 m.
Then wave speed = (2 m) × (170 Hz) = 340 m/s.
• Microwaves travel at the speed of light, 3.00108
m/s. When the frequency of microwaves is 9.00
109 Hz, what is their wavelength?

• A: 0.03 m
• The piano string tuned to middle C vibrates with
a frequency of 264 Hz. Assuming the speed of
sound in air is 343 m/s, find the wavelength of
the sound waves produced by the string.

• A: 1.30 m
Transverse Waves
Suppose you create a wave along a rope by shaking the
free end up and down.
The motion of the rope is at right angles to the direction in
which the wave is moving.
Whenever the motion of the medium is at right angles to
the direction in which a wave travels, the wave is a
transverse wave.
Doing “The Wave”

Synchronized standing and sitting

by a stadium’s crowd is an
example of a transverse wave.
Longitudinal Waves
Sometimes the particles of the medium move back and forth
in the same direction in which the wave travels.
When the particles oscillate parallel to or along the direction
of the wave, the wave is a longitudinal wave.
The Nature of Sound

• Sound
• travels in longitudinal waves—vibrating
compressions and rarefactions through air
• Speed of Sound
• Sound travels at 340 m/s in air at 20ºC

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The Nature of Sound
A situation to ponder…
• Consider a person attending a concert being
broadcast over the radio, sitting about 45 m from
the stage. The person listens to the radio
broadcast with a transistor radio over one ear
and the nonbroadcast sound signal with the
other ear. Further suppose that the radio signal
must travel all the way around the world before
reaching the ear.

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A situation to ponder…
Which signal will be heard first?
A.Radio signal.
B.Nonbroadcast sound signal.
C.Both at the same time.
D.None of the above.

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A situation to ponder…
Which signal will be heard first?
A.Radio signal.
B.Nonbroadcast sound signal.
C.Both at the same time.
D.None of the above.

A radio signal travels at the speed of light—3 × 108 m/s.
Time to travel 45 m at 340 m/s ≈ 0.13 s.
Time to travel 4 × 107 m (Earth's circumference) at
3 × 108 m/s ≈ 0.13 s. So if you sit farther back at the
concert, the radio signal would reach you first!
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Sound Waves

• How sound is heard from a radio loudspeaker

• radio loudspeaker is a paper cone that vibrates
• air molecules next to the loudspeaker set into
• produces compressions and rarefactions in air
• sound waves reach your ears, setting your eardrums
into vibration
• sound is heard

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Radio Speaker

• (a) paper cone vibrates in rhythm with an electric

• (b) vibrations are displayed on an oscilloscope—
a graph of pressure versus time.

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The Nature of Sound

• For each increase of 1ºC above 0ºC, speed of

sound increases by 0.6 m/s.
• Order of increasing speeds of sound:
• in air (≈ 340 m/s)
• in warm air (>340 m/s)
• in water (≈ four times speed in air)
• in steel (≈ 15 times speed in air)

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Chapter 12 Lecture

Chapter 12:
Atoms and the
Periodic Table

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Atoms Are Ancient and Empty

• Atoms are
• ancient
• origin of most atoms goes back to birth of universe
• mostly empty space
• Elements heavier than hydrogen and much of
the helium were produced in the interiors of

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Atoms Are Ancient and Empty
Which of the following are incorrect statements
about the atom?
A. Atoms have been around since the beginning
of the universe.
B. Atoms are mostly empty space.
C. Atoms are perpetually moving.
D. Atoms are manufactured in plants, and in
humans during pregnancy.

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Atoms Are Ancient and Empty
Which of the following are incorrect statements
about the atom?
A. Atoms have been around since the beginning
of the universe.
B. Atoms are mostly empty space.
C. Atoms are perpetually moving.
D. Atoms are manufactured in plants, and in
humans during pregnancy.

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The Atom


• Protons and neutrons are called nucleons

• Protons and neutrons form the nucleus

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The Elements

• Element: A material made of only one kind of

atom. Pure gold is an example as it is made of
only gold atoms.
• Atom: The fundamental unit of an element.

The term "element" is used when referring to

macroscopic quantities.
The term "atom" is used when discussing the

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The Elements

• Atoms:
• make up all matter around us
• to date, 115 distinct kinds of atoms—90 found
in nature, remainder synthesized
• Element
• any material consisting of only one type of

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Protons and Neutrons

• Protons:
• carry a positive charge—same quantity of
charge as electrons
• are about 1,800 times as massive as an
• An electrically neutral atom has the same
number of electrons surrounding the nucleus
as the number of protons in the nucleus

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Protons and Neutrons

• Electrons:
• are identical
• repel electrons of neighboring atoms
• have electrical repulsion that prevents atomic

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Protons and Neutrons

• Atomic number:
• is the number of protons in each element
listed in the periodic table.
• Neutrons:
• accompany protons in the nucleus
• have about the same mass as protons but no
charge, so are electrically neutral

Both protons and neutrons are nucleons.

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Isotopes and Atomic Mass

• Isotopes:
• refers to atoms of the same element that contain the
same number of protons but different numbers of
neutrons in the nucleus
• identified by mass number, which is the total number of
protons and neutrons in the nucleus
• differ only in mass and not by electric charge; therefore,
isotopes share many characteristics

Total number of neutrons in isotope = mass number − atomic number

Isotopes and Atomic Mass

• Atomic mass:
• total mass of the atom(s) [protons, neutrons,
and electrons]
• listed in periodic table as atomic mass unit

One atomic mass unit is equal to

1.661 × 10–24 gram or 1.661 × 10–27 kg

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Isotopes and Atomic Mass
The atomic number of an element matches the
number of
A. protons in the nucleus of an atom.
B. electrons in a neutral atom.
C. both of the above.
D. none of the above.

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Isotopes and Atomic Mass
The atomic number of an element matches the
number of
A. protons in the nucleus of an atom.
B. electrons in a neutral atom.
C. both of the above.
D. none of the above.

When the atomic number doesn't match the
number of electrons, the atom is an ion.

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Isotopes and Atomic Mass
A nucleus with an atomic number of 44 and a mass number
of 100 must have
A. 44 neutrons.
B. 56 neutrons.
C. 100 neutrons.
D. none of the above.

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Isotopes and Atomic Mass
A nucleus with an atomic number of 44 and a mass number
of 100 must have
A. 44 neutrons.
B. 56 neutrons.
C. 100 neutrons.
D. none of the above.

Be sure to distinguish between neutron and nucleon. Of the
100 nucleons in the nucleus, 56 are neutrons. A neutron is
a nucleon, as is a proton.

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The Periodic Table

• The Periodic Table is a listing of all the known

• It is NOT something to be memorized.
• Instead, we learn how to READ the Periodic
• A chemist uses the Periodic Table much like a
writer uses a dictionary. NEITHER need be

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The Periodic Table

• The elements are highly organized within the

Periodic Table.
• Each vertical column is called a "group."
• Each horizontal row is called a "period."

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The Periodic Table Nobel gases
“complete shells”

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The Periodic Table
The Periodic Table
The Periodic Table
The Periodic Table
Check Your Neighbor
Which is larger: a lithium atom or a fluorine atom?

A. A lithium atom
B. A fluorine atom
C. There is no way to tell without memorizing the periodic
The Periodic Table
Check Your Answer (1 of 2)
Which is larger: a lithium atom or a fluorine atom?

The correct answer is A. A lithium atom

The Periodic Table
Check Your Neighbor (2 of 2)
Which is larger: an arsenic atom or a sulfur atom?

A. An arsenic atom
B. A sulfur atom
C. There is no way to tell without memorizing the periodic
The Periodic Table
Check Your Answer (2 of 2)
Which is larger: an arsenic atom or a sulfur atom?

The correct answer is A. An arsenic atom

Chapter 12
15 Lecture

Chapter 15:
How Atoms Bond
and Molecules

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Electron-Dot Structures

• Atoms bond together through their electrons. To

learn about bonding, therefore, we need to know
something about how the electrons within an
atom are organized.
• Electrons behave as though they are contained
within a series of seven concentric shells.

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Electron-Dot Structures

• The numbers indicate the

maximum number of
electrons each shell may
• This is a "conceptual
model" and not a
representation of what an
atom "looks like."
• Rather, it helps us to
understand how the
electrons within atoms

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• The shells are more
easily drawn in two

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• The shells are more
easily drawn in two

• Each atom has its own

configuration of electrons.
Elements in the same
group have similar
configurations, which is
why they have similar

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Electron-Dot Structures

• Valence electrons: Electrons in the outermost

shell of an atom. These are the ones that can
participate in chemical bonding.
• Electron-dot structure: A notation showing the
valence electrons surrounding the atomic

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Electron-Dot Structures

Note that elements within the same group have the

same electron-dot structure.

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Electron-Dot Structures
Check Your Neighbor
Sodium, Na, atomic number 11, has only one valence
electron. Upon losing this electron, what other atom in the
periodic table does the sodium thus resemble?
A. Neon, Ne, atomic number 10
B. Magnesium, Mg, atomic number 12
C. Lithium, Li, atomic number 3
D. Sodium can only resemble sodium.
Electron-Dot Structures
Check Your Answer
Sodium, Na, atomic number 11, has only one valence
electron. Upon losing this electron, what other atom in the
periodic table does the sodium thus resemble?
The correct answer is A. Neon, Ne, atomic number 10

With 10 electrons, the sodium has enough electrons to fill
the first and second shells, just like neon, Ne.
The Formation of Ions

• Ion: An atom that has lost or gained one or more


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The Formation of Ions

• Ion: An atom that has lost or gained one or more


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