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Hormuud University

Routing Concept

Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan

Advanced Networking 1 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University
Hormuud University

Lecture 6

Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan

Advanced Networking 2 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University


• Internetworking Devices

• Introduction of Routing

• IOS Modes

• Types of Routing

Advanced Networking 3 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Internetworking Devices

• Hub
» Not Intelligent
» One Collision Domain
» One Broadcast Domain
• Switch
» An Intelligent .
» Many Collision Domain
» Single Broadcast Domain
• Router
» An Intelligent Device
» Many Collision Domain
» Many Broadcast Domain

Advanced Networking 4 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

What is Router?

• Router is internetworking device used to connect two or more different networks.

Advanced Networking 5 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Which Routers to buy?

Many companies are manufacturing Router:


Advanced Networking 6 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Why Routing?

• Routing is the process of forwarding packets from one network to another

network choosing the best path from the routing table .
• Router is responsible for the routing of traffic between networks
• Routers can connect multiple networks
• Routers have multiple interfaces , each on a different network .

Advanced Networking 7 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Routers are Computers
• Routers are specialized computers containing the following required
components to operate
» Central Processing Unit(CPU)
» Operating System(OS) – Routers use Cisco IOS
» Memory and Storage (RAM, ROM, NVRAM, Flash)

Advanced Networking 8 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Routers are Computers (Cont..)

Advanced Networking 9 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Routers Choose the Best Paths

• The Routers use static routes and dynamic routing protocols to learn
about remote networks and build their routing tables.
• Routers use routing tables to determine the best path to send packets

• Routers encapsulate the packet and forward it to the interface indicated

in routing table.

Advanced Networking 10 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Default Gateways

• To enable network access devices must be configured with the following IP

address information
» IP address – identifies a unique host on a local network
» Subnet mask – identifies the host’s subnet
» Default gateway – identifies the Router a packets sent to when the
destination is not on the same local network.

Advanced Networking 11 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Documentation of Network Addressing

• Network Documentation should include at least the following in topology

diagram and addressing table:
» Device names
» Interfaces
» IP addresses and subnet mask
» Default gateways

Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default

R-1 Fa0/0 N/A

Advanced Networking 12 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Configure Basic Router Settings

• Basic tasks that should be first configured on a Cisco Router and Switch:
» Name the device – Distinguishes it from other routers

» Secure management access – secures privileged EXEC, user EXEC,

Telnet access, and encryption passwords to their highest level .

Advanced Networking 13 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

IOS modes

Advanced Networking 14 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Terminal Emulation Programs

• Software available for connecting to a networking device

» Hyper Terminal


» Tera Term

» Secure CRT

Advanced Networking 15 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

IOS mode Hierarchical Structure

Advanced Networking 16 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Modes on Cisco Routers

• Set up Mode:
» If NVRAM is blank
• User Mode:
» Only some basic monitoring
• Privileged Mode:
» Monitoring and some troubleshooting commands
• Global Configuration Mode:
» All configuration that effect the Router globally
• Interface Mode:
» Configuration done on the specific interface
• Rommon Mode:
» Reverting password

Advanced Networking 17 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University


• Setup Mode:
• If the NVRAM is blank (without router configurations)

Advanced Networking 18 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University


• User Mode:
» Only some basic monitoring

» Router > show flash

» Router> show IP interface brief

» Router> show version

» Router> ping

» Router> traceroute

Advanced Networking 19 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

• Privileged Mode:
» Complete monitoring
» All show commands, Copy, erase commands
» Router> enable
» Router # show flash
» Router # show IP interface brief
» Router # show version
» Router # ping
» Router # traceroute
» Router # show running-config
» Router # show startup-config
» Router # Copy
» Router # erase

Advanced Networking 20 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

• Global Configuration Mode:
» Hostnames allow devices to be identified by the network administrator
over a network or over the internet.
» Without name , network devices are difficult to identify for configuration
» Router# configure terminal
» Router(config) #
» Router(config) # hostname R-1
» Assigning passwords for security purpose
– Console
– Auxiliary
– VTY line(Telnet, SSh)

Advanced Networking 21 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

• Assigning passwords for security purpose
» Passwords lines

– Console

– Auxiliary

– VTY line(Telnet, SSh)

» Console Connectivity

Advanced Networking 22 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

• Assign console password
» Router(config)# line con 0
» Router(config-line)# password <password>
» Router(config-line)# login
» Router(config-line)# exit
• Assign Auxiliary password
» Router(config)# line aux 0
» Router(config-line)# password <password>
» Router(config-line)# login
» Router(config-line)# exit
• Assign VTY password
» Router(config)# line vty 0 4
» Router(config-line)# password <password>
» Router(config-line)# login
» Router(config-line)# exit

Advanced Networking 23 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Types of Routing

There three type of routing protocols

» Static Routing

» Default Routing

» Dynamic Routing

Advanced Networking 24 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

Static Routing

• It is configured by administrator manually.

• Mandatory need of destination Network ID
• It is secure & fast
• Used for Small organization with a network of 10-15 Routers.
• Administrative distance for static Router is 0 and 1.

• Disadvantages
» Used for small network
» Everything to manually
» Network change effect complete Network.
• Configuring Static Route
» Router(config)# IP route <Destination Network ID> <Destination
Subnet mask> <Next-hop IP address>

Advanced Networking 25 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

LAB: Static Routing

R-1(config)# IP route

R-2(config)# IP route
R-x # show ip route

Advanced Networking 26 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University


• Describe the primary functions and features of a router.

• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of static routing.
• Explain the purpose of different types of static routes.
• Explain how a router builds a routing table using static routes
• Explain how a router processes packets when a static route is configured.

Advanced Networking 27 Lecturer: Huthaifa Nour Hassan, Hormuud University

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