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By : Nguyen Khanh Chi – Ninh Thi Duyen – Nguyen Manh Hung – Nguyen Van Nam
Table of Contents.

01. Questions 02. Word List

03. Unit 4 04. Session Test 17

1. We offer a ten-percent ____ for new members of the

A. salary B. discount

C. money D. currency
2. The art ____ will showcase a diverse range of
paintings and sculptures next month.

A. benefit B. discount

C. gratitude D. exhibition
3. It can be difficult ____ a parking spot near the office
after 8:30 on weekdays.

A. found B. to find

C. finds D. to be found
4. Have you met the sales ____ before?

A. management B. derection

C. directer D. department
5. We have finished ____ our backpacks for the

A. packing B. sacking

C. making D. backing
6. What is the correct pronunciation of the word

A. /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ B. /ˈæpəntmənt/

C. /əˈpɑɪntmənt/ D. /ˈæpɔɪntmənt/
7. I’ll book an ____ for you to see the doctor tomorrow

A. arrangement B. meeting

C. agreement D. appointment
8. You will have to finish the report ____ the meeting
next Monday

A. next B. before

C. prior D. after
9. The annual awards ____ will take place next Friday,
honoring outstanding achievements in the field.

A. percent B. ceremony

C. package D. function
10. The new ____ in town offers a wide range of
services, including teeth whitening and orthodontic

A. dental clinic B. advertisement

C. pharmacy D. fitness center

English Part of Phonetics Meaning
Percent n /pəˈsent/ phần trăm
Dental clinic n /ˈdentlˈklɪnɪk/ phòng khám răng
Appointment n /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ cuộc hẹn
Exhibition n /eksɪˈbɪʃn/ cuộc triển lãm
Prior adj /ˈpraɪər/ Trước, quan trọng hơn
Package n /ˈpækɪdʒ/ Bưu kiện
Discount n /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ Tiền khấu trừ
Benefit n /ˈbenɪfɪt/ lợi ích
Sales director n /seɪlz daɪˈrektər/ giám đốc kinh doanh
Ceremony n /ˈserəməni/ Nghi lễ
Advertisement n /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ bài quảng cáo

to advertise v /ˈædvərˌtaɪz/. quảng cáo

to find v /faɪnd/ tìm thấy
to found v / faʊnd/ thành lập
to pack v / pæk/ đóng gói
to manage v /ˈmænɪdʒ/ quản lí
to suppose v / səˈpəʊz/ cho là , tin rằng
to depend v /dɪˈpend/ phụ thuộc

Yes/no questions in Part 2 of the TOEIC include a variety

of questions starting with be forms (am / are / is / was /
were) and other auxiliaries (do / have / will / can, etc.)
Questions beginning with these words can be answered
with yes or no. However, not all correct answers will
begin with yes or no.
Point 1 Questions Starting with Be

Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Point 3 Negative questions

 Tip for Success Aiming for a Higher Score

 Step-by-Step Practice Test

Point 1 Questions Starting with Be

Question 1 : Progressive Tense Meaning Ongoing Action

Q. Is he still talking on the phone?
A1: Yes, it’s already been half an hour. (yes / no)
A2: He’s preparing for the weekly meeting. (without yes / no)
A3: I don’t know. (other)

Question 2 : Progressive Tense Meaning Near Future

Q. Are you attending the welcome party for the new
A1: No, I’m not planning to. (yes / no)
A2: I wasn’t invited to the party. (without yes / no)
Point 1 Questions Starting with Be

Question 3 : Are / Is there ~?

Q. Is there an easy way to get to the airport?

A1: Yes, there is. (yes / no)
A2: The only good way is to drive there. (without
yes / no)
A3: Why don’t you take a taxi? (other)
Point 1 Questions Starting with Be

Checkup 1
Listen and mark the best response to the question or statement. Then
listen again and fill in the blanks.

Is there anyone who can ____(1)speak

from Spain.
(A) No, she’s ____(2)
job _______(4).
(B) For a ____(3)
(C) Ms. Parker in the ________(5) department
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Question 1 : With Do
Q. Does she like her new apartment?
A1: Yes, she certainly does. (yes / no)
A2: She is not that happy with it. (without yes / no)
A3: Why don’t you ask her? (other)
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Checkup 2.1
find(1) my ________
Did you ____ apartment
(2) easily?
(A) Yes, it was _______ (3) two years ago.
(B) In the _________ (4) department.
took (5) some time.
(C) No, it _______
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Question 2 : With Have

Q. Have you ever been to Paris?
A1: No, never. (yes / no)
A2: Twice, on business. (without yes / no)
A3: Not since I was a baby. (other)
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Checkup 2.2
Have you met the ____ (1) director before?
(A) The ____ (2) were good before.
(B) I didn’t ____ (3) the ____ (4).
(C) No, I don’t think so.
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Checkup 2.2
Have you met the sales(1) director before?
(A) The sales(2) were good before.
(B) I didn’t meet(3) the deadline(4).
(C) No, I don’t think so.
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Question 3 : With Modal Verbs

Q. Will Jane pick up the sales director at the airport?
A1: No, I will take care of him. (yes / no)
A2: She’s already at the airport. (without yes / no)
A3: I haven’t heard anything about that. (other)

Q. Can I get you something to drink?

A1: Yes, please. (yes / no)
A2: Do you have some milk? (without yes / no)
A3: Jenny wants a glass of cold water. (other)
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Question 3 : With Modal Verbs

Q. Should we advertise our new body online?
A1: No, I don’t think it’s a good idea. (yes / no)
A2:Sounds great. (without yes / no)
A3: You should ask the marketing director. (other)

Q. May I leave a message with Mr. Hinkel?

A1: Yes, what is your name? (yes / no)
A2: Sure, go ahead. (without yes / no)
A3: Hold on, please. (other)
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Checkup 2.3

____ (1) you like to take a ____ (2) during the lunch ____ (3)?
I don’t like to _________ (4) after lunch.
(A) How _________ (5) spaghetti?
(B) _________ (6) great.
Point 2 Questions Starting with Other Auxiliary Verbs

Checkup 2.3

Would (1) you like to take a walk(2) during the lunch break(3)?
I don’t like to work (4) after lunch.
(A) How about (5) spaghetti?
(B) Sounds (6) great.
Point 3 Negative Questions

Negative questions, which start with a negative contraction like Aren’t,

Don’t, Haven’t, or Won’t, commonly sound confusing to learners.
However, keep in mind that you should answer negative questions
exactly the same way as you would answer a regular question.
In other words, answer a negative question as if it weren’t negative.
When the answer to a question is affirmative, the answer is some form
of yes. When the answer to a question is negative, the answer is some
form of no.
Point 3 Negative Questions

Q. Aren’t you supposed to visit the dental clinic this afternoon?

A1: Yes, I will leave soon. (You do have a dental appointment.)
A2: No, I cancelled it. (You don’t have a dental appointment.)

Q. Aren’t you supposed to visit the dental clinic this afternoon?

A1: Yes, I will leave soon. (You do have a dental appointment.)
A2: No, I cancelled it. (You don’t have a dental appointment.)
Point 3 Negative Questions

Checkup 3
________ (1) you visit the _________ (2) this time?
No, I don’t have time to do that.
(A) The __________ (3) is great.
(B) I am __________ (4) the music hall.
Point 3 Negative Questions

Checkup 3
Won’t (1) you visit the museum(2) this time?
No, I don’t have time to do that.
(A) The exhibition(3) is great.
(B) I am visiting(4) the music hall.
Aiming for a Higher Score

 Tip 1. Why Asking for a Reason vs. Making a Suggestion

1. Asking for a Reason 2. Making a Suggestion

You cannot answer this question with yes or no. These types of questions usually indicate
suggestions: Why don’t you ~ ? / Why don’t we ~?

Q. Why didn’t the movie director attend the ceremony? Q. Why don’t you check the job advertisements on the
-> He had a prior appointment. () website?
-> Yes, let’s do that. () -> OK, that’s a good idea. ()
-> Because I am looking for a job. ()

Q. Why don’t we have a meeting after lunch?

-> Yes, let’s do that. ()
-> I’ll take the subway. ()
Aiming for a Higher Score

 Tip 2. Answers Expressing Uncertainty

The response to any question can be “I don’t know.” or “I’m not sure.”
Here are more common ways to express uncertainty.

I don’t know for sure. Let me check.

I have no idea. It depends.
Not that I know of. They haven’t decided yet.
I can’t remember. That hasn’t been decided yet.
Step-by-Step Practice Test

Step A Listen and mark the best response. Then listen again and fill in the blanks.

1. Are ____ (1) for the show still ____ (2)?

(A) I used one sheet of paper.
(B) There are two in the front row.
(C) Everyone enjoyed the show.
Step-by-Step Practice Test

Step A Listen and mark the best response. Then listen again and fill in the blanks.

1. Are seats(1) for the show still available(2)?

(A) I used one sheet of paper.
(B) There are two in the front row.
(C) Everyone enjoyed the show.
Step-by-Step Practice Test

Step A Listen and mark the best response. Then listen again and fill in the blanks.

2. Isn’t (1) that package(2) heavy?

(A) It hasn’t been decided yet.
(B) I can manage.
(C) We started packing yesterday.
Step-by-Step Practice Test

Step A Listen and mark the best response. Then listen again and fill in the blanks.

3. Do new members(1) get any members (2)?

(A) I already knew(3) that.
(B) We offer(4) a ten-percent discount(5).
(C) In the benefits(6) department.
Step-by-Step Practice Test

Step B Listen and mark the best response

1. (A) (B) (C) 2. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C) 4. (A) (B) (C)

Step-by-Step Practice Test

Step B Listen and mark the best response

1.Does the hospital have any volunteer jobs? 3. Should I apply for the course online?
A.No, I’m on salary here. A.Yes, that seems the easiest way.
B.It’s the best in the city. B.Actually, we have enough supplies.
C.Yes, there are always openings. C.The line is busy.

2.Can I borrow your pen for a moment? 4.Will my computer be updated, too?
A.You’re right. We should hurry. A.They’re kept in the warehouse.
B.To write my name. B.We’re upgrading every computer.
C.Yes, here it is. C.December14.
Session Test 17

Part 1

1. (A) (B) (C) 2. (A) (B) (C) 3. (A) (B) (C)


Part 1

1. 2. 3.
(A) A man is turning on the light. (A) A girl is typing on a laptop. (A) There is a picture on the wall.
(B) A man is cleaning a table. (B) Some girls are standing up. (B) The bed has not been made.
(C) A man is looking at a monitor. (C) A girl is holding a cell phone. (C) There is a lamp on the floor.
(D) A man is moving a shelf. (D) Some girls are writing in notebooks (D) The door to the room is open

Part 2

1. (A) (B) (C) 6. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C) 7. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C) 8. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C) 9. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C) 10. (A) (B) (C)


Part 1
4. Did you get the invoice from the store? 7. Are you giving the presentation today?
(A) Yes, it's right here. (A) No, Sarah is.
(B) I have a cold. (B) Nathan used to work for the police.
(C) No, it's outdoors. (C) My vacation is next week.
8. Do you still have the original receipt?
5. Have you heard from Garrette yet? (A) Yes, I have a recipe for it.
(A) No, I can't hear anything. (B) (B) No, it's brand new.
(B) Yes, he called just now. (C) No, I threw it away.
(C) No, it's quite soft. 9. Are there any letters for me?
(A) Yes, he did.
6. Do you have this dress in blue?
(B) I left them on your desk.
(A) She's in the manager's office.
(C) At 9 o'clock.
(B) I'm sorry, that's all sold out.
(C) I'll be back in a few minutes. 10. Are there any other questions regarding the new policies?
(A) Can I ask one further question?
(B) There will be no one here until two o'clock.
(C) Sorry. We don't accept any cash.
1. Have you met the sales ------- before?
A. management B. direction C. director D. department

2. We have finished ------- our backpacks for the trip.

A. packing B. sacking C. making D. backing

3. We offer a ten-percent ------- for new members of the club.

A. Salary B. discount C. money D. currency

4. I’ll book an ------- for you to see the doctor tomorrow afternoon.
A. arrangement B. meeting C. agreement D. appointment

5. You will have to finish the report ------- to the meeting next Monday.
A. next B. before C . Prior D. afte
Thank you!
English Part of Phonetics Meaning
Percent n /pəˈsent/ phần trăm
Dental clinic n /ˈdentlˈklɪnɪk/ phòng khám răng
Appointment n /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ cuộc hẹn
Exhibition n /eksɪˈbɪʃn/ cuộc triển lãm
Prior adj /ˈpraɪər/ Trước, quan trọng hơn
Package n /ˈpækɪdʒ/ Bưu kiện
Discount n /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ Tiền khấu trừ
Benefit n /ˈbenɪfɪt/ lợi ích
Sales director n /seɪlz daɪˈrektər/ giám đốc kinh doanh
Ceremony n /ˈserəməni/ Nghi lễ
Advertisement n /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ bài quảng cáo

to advertise v /ˈædvərˌtaɪz/. quảng cáo

to find v /faɪnd/ tìm thấy
to found v / faʊnd/ thành lập
to pack v / pæk/ đóng gói
to manage v /ˈmænɪdʒ/ quản lí
to suppose v / səˈpəʊz/ cho là , tin rằng
to depend v /dɪˈpend/ phụ thuộc
1. We offer a ten-percent ____ for new members of the

A. salary B. discount

C. money D. currency
2. The art ____ will showcase a diverse range of
paintings and sculptures next month.

A. benefit B. discount

C. gratitude D. exhibition
3. It can be difficult ____ a parking spot near the office
after 8:30 on weekdays.

A. found B. to find

C. finds D. to be found
4. Have you met the sales ____ before?

A. management B. derection

C. director D. department
5. We have finished ____ our backpacks for the

A. packing B. sacking

C. making D. backing
6. What is the correct pronunciation of the word

A. /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ B. /ˈæpəntmənt/

C. /əˈpɑɪntmənt/ D. /ˈæpɔɪntmənt/
7. I’ll book an ____ for you to see the doctor tomorrow

A. arrangement B. meeting

C. agreement D. appointment
8. You will have to finish the report ____ to the meeting
next Monday

A. next B. before

C. prior D. after
9. The annual awards ____ will take place next Friday,
honoring outstanding achievements in the field.

A. percent B. ceremony

C. package D. function
10. The new ____ in town offers a wide range of
services, including teeth whitening and orthodontic

A. dental clinic B. advertisement

C. pharmacy D. fitness center


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