Tema 4 Periodos Grado 7°

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past continuous tense in affirmative and negatives sentences.

Special occasions.
Expressions related to celebration.
Connector words : and,but,so…

Identifica las formas del pasado continuo de manera

afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Usa los conectores para elaborar oraciones compuestas.

Narra eventos en pasado expresando situaciones



El pasado continuo o past continuous del inglés es el tiempo verbal que señala acciones o
situaciones que sucedieron en el pasado y cuya duración tuvo o tiene relevancia.

La característica principal para usarlo e identificarlo dentro de una oración es cuando el verbo

principal tiene la terminación -ing (-ando -endo en español) y se encuentra precedido de los

verbos auxiliares was o were.

Where were you this morning?
Where were you yesterday afternoon?
Where were you the day before
Where was she yesterday?
The answers are written with the past tense of the verb to be

Who were you with yesterday?

What were you buying this morning?
What was your sister doing last week at school?
What were the children eating yesterday at the
What was the cat drinking last night?
1. Yo no era profesor.
1. I was not a teacher. 2.
Estaban haciendo una fiesta.
Estábamos encantados de verlo.
4. Él todavía estaba durmiendo.
2. They were having a party. 5. Estaba un poco asustada.
6. No estabas en la lista.
3. We were delighted to see him. 7.
No era un gato.
Estabais todos en la escuela.

4. He was still sleeping.

5. She was a bit scared.
6. You were not in the list.
7. It was not a cat.
8. You were all at school.
Was he in the same class as Peter last year?
(¿Él estaba en la misma clase que Peter el año pasado?)

Were they good friends for many years?

(¿Ellos eran buenos amigos por muchos años?)

Were you tired after a long walk?

(¿Tú estabas cansado después de una larga caminata?)

Was the man on the corner waiting the bus?

(¿El hombre en la esquina estaba esperando el autobús?)
https://ingles.celeberrima.com/50-ejemplos-oraciones-con-was-y-were- https://www.superprof.es/apuntes/idiomas/ingles/gramatica-ingles
interrogativas-verbo-to-be-pasado/ a/verbs/exercises-there-was-were-simple-past-i.html

10 ejercicios con there was- there were

As a child, I was very shy. I did not like to play with other children and
I was always alone. My parents were worried about me, but I think
I was happy that way, with my pictures and my imagination.
I was always making up stories and drawing them. Maybe
that was why I became an illustrator later. I was not interested in
school at all, but I managed to get good marks, and all my
teachers were very impressed and said I was exceptionally smart.
I don’t know if they were right, but I did very well in high school and
university later on.
ING en los verbos Ejercicio: agregar ing a los
siguientes verbos
To watch To stop
To wash To drive
To listen To work
To copy Ti write
To study To learn
To drink To read
To build To take
To Jump To dance
To fly To clean
To speak
To run
By: teacher English R.R.A
Man: How was the movie?
Woman: It was really good.
Man: Was it scary?
Woman: Yes, it was really scary.
Man: Nice. Was it crowded?
Woman: No, it wasn’t. There weren’t many people there,
Man: Where were you last night?
Woman: I was at work.
Man: Really? I was at your shop. You weren’t there.
Woman: No, I was in the back working.
Man: You were?
Woman: Really! I was there.
Man: How was the test?
Woman: It was really hard.
Man: How long was it?
Woman: There were about 20 problems.
Man: Yeah! What was your score?
Woman: Let’s just say, it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad

Man: Do you know who was at the party?

Woman: Jason was there. So was Sue.
Man: Were Tom and Katie there?
Woman: No, they weren’t there, but their son was.
Man: Oh, I see. So, was it fun?
Woman: Yeah, it was a fun evening.
Talleres para
individual en el
1.How many cats were on the roof of the house?
2.How many cows were in the paddock eating
3.How many chickens were eating corn?
4.How many puppies were there drinking milk?
5.How many children were playing on the soccer
How many fish were in the fish tank in the living
How many fruits were in the basket?
How many balls were in the box?
How many spoons were there on the dining room
How many notebooks were on the table?

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