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Understanding Basic

Market Characteristics
Scanning the Market Environment

• Market Size (How big – both in ‘volume’ and ‘value’, Potential for ‘growth’)
• Stage of development (Demand and Product Life-cycle)
• ‘Consumer need’ evolution (How homogeneous)
• Distinctiveness of market dynamics (culture, lifestyle contexts,
technology, infrastructure, policy and regulations, etc.)

• Market Spread (Geographical, Economic, Diversity)

• Seasonality (Climate, Festivals, Purchase Cycle,…)
An Overview of Indian Market &
its Marketing Challenges
Key Characteristics of Indian Market

• An emerging market (Size, Stage of development)

• A distinct market (Lifestyle, Heritage, Culture)

• A heterogeneous market (Socio-economic, Cultural Diversity)

• A regional market (Geo Spread and Diversity)

• An unorganized market (Infrastructure)

1. Emerging Market

• Developing and opening economy

• ‘New economy’ advancements

• Latest technology windows

• Rising consumer incomes

• Lifestyle consumption on the rise

High business and market potential
Yet, a ‘skewed’ market

• Manufacturing sector lagging

• Infrastructure snags

• Widening inequalities

• Urban – rural contrast

• Low penetrations and per-capita consumptions

Markets have to be invested in and built
2. Distinct Market
• High ‘family’ orientation

• ‘Relationship’ rather than ‘task’ orientation

• Different ‘material culture’

• Interlocking of tradition and modernity

• High ‘value-for-money’ orientation

• Brand loyalties ‘clustered’, not ‘specific’

‘Culture’ and ‘Context in lives’ critical to be relevant

3. Heterogeneous Market

• Highly ‘multicultural’

• High variations in lifestyles, languages, consumption habits

• Multiplicity of consumer segments

• High category and brand proliferation

• ‘Islands’ of consumers rather than ‘continents’

‘Differentiation’ and ‘focus’ critical to stay ahead

4. Regional Market

• Regional differences in attitudes and behavior

• Regional lifestyle and consumption patterns

• Regionalized distribution

• Regional languages and media

‘Decentralized’ implementation works better

5. Unorganized Market

• Parallel markets of ‘local’ brands and ‘grey’ markets

• Intermediates (assemblers, resellers) important part of marketing

• Multiplicity of distribution channels (Shops, Haats, Carts, Kiosks,….)

• Scattered markets lead to “marketing inefficiencies”

• Word of mouth and references significantly important

‘Adaptability’ a key requirement in marketing planning

Key Learnings

• Requires a long-term perspective (and brand building)

• Innovation and adaptation is critical

• Need to straddle ‘multiple’ consumer segments to grow as
a mass brand (differentiated marketing, unified branding)

• ‘Clarity’ a must to keep focus on key segments

• Need to ‘reach out’ to the consumers (both push and pull)

Key Learnings

• Extensive distribution to ensure ready availability

• Need to look beyond ‘conventional’ channels

• Retailer influence strong, so retailer push very important

• ‘Value’ driven marketing (focus on ‘value’ rather than on ‘price’)

• Base marketing decisions on ‘facts’ not ‘fiction’

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