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Objects and Materials

• I can tell the difference between an object and the materials it is made from.
• Saya dapat membedakan suatu benda dan bahan pembuatnya.

Success Criteria
• I can name specific objects. Saya dapat memberi nama objek tertentu.
• I can identify the materials which specific objects are made from. Saya dapat
mengidentifikasi bahan dari mana benda tertentu dibuat.
• I can explain the difference between objects and materials. Saya dapat
menjelaskan perbedaan antara benda dan bahan.
Object Challenge

In your group, look at the objects. What have they all got in common?
Dalam kelompokmu, lihatlah benda-benda tersebut. Apa kesamaan mereka semua?
Object Challenge Answers
What do these objects have in common?

These objects are all made from glass!

Object Challenge Answers
What do these objects have in common?

These objects are all made from wood!

Object Challenge Answers
What do these objects have in common?

These objects are all made from plastic!

Material Challenge
What objects can you see in this picture?
Apa benda-benda yang terlihat pada gambar
ini menurut kamu?

What materials do you think these objects are

made from?
Menurut pendapat kamu, dari bahan apa
benda-benda ini terbuat?

How do you know?

Bagaimana kamu dapat mengetahui hal



start Time up!

Photo courtesy of - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Material Challenge
What objects can you see in this picture?
Apa benda-benda yang terlihat pada gambar
ini menurut kamu?

What materials do you think these objects are

made from?
Menurut pendapat kamu, dari bahan apa
benda-benda ini terbuat?

How do you know?

Bagaimana kamu dapat mengetahui hal


start Time up!
Photo courtesy of - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Material Challenge
plasti What objects can you see in this picture?
Apa benda-benda yang terlihat pada gambar ini
c menurut kamu?

What materials do you think these objects are

made from?
Menurut pendapat kamu, dari bahan apa benda-
benda ini terbuat?

How do you know?

Bagaimana kamu dapat mengetahui hal tersebut?


start Time up!

Photo courtesy of - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Objects and Materials
Odd One Out
Which of these do you think is the odd one out? Why?

Photo courtesy of Rev,, and - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

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