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Static sensor characteristics

• Examples of subtopics to be considered are sensitivity,

resolution, calibration, non-linearity, General model of elements,
error of a measuring system of ideal elements, error reduction
technique, accuracy, precision, and statistical tool.
Statstical tool
• How the sensors Output reacts to changes at the Input

• So, the change at the Output to a change at the Input

• Hence the Ratio:
• For a linear element is equal to the gradient K of the straig line

• For a non-linear element, sensitivity is the slope or gradient of the

output versus input characteristics O(I).
• Hence:
• The smallest change I a senor can detect is the resolution

• Resolution can also be expressed as a percentage:

• The relationship between the physical measurement variable and the
signal variable
• A Sensor is calibrated by applying known physical Inputs and
recording the sensors response
• Standard instrument's used
Ideal straight line
• The ideal straight line connects the
minimum point A(,) to maximum point B(, ).

= non-linearity
General model of elements
• An Element that Is affected by environmental and non-linear
effects, generally has a steady-state output O given by:
• Non Linearity can be described as the difference between the behaviour of the
measured results and the Ideal straight Line:


• The non-linearity is often referred to in terms of the maximum non-linearity:

• error of a measuring system of ideal elements

• The error is defined by:

Since we are working with an Ideal system:

Hence in a complete system:

Error bands
Error reduction

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