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The search for the meaning in truma and


Presented by: Shumaila Bashir

Trauma and disaster
• Trauma refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that
overwhelms an individual's ability to cope, often leading to lasting
emotional and psychological effects. It can result from various events,
such as accidents, abuse, or natural disasters.
• A disaster is a sudden, catastrophic event that causes significant
disruption, destruction, and distress, affecting communities or regions.
Examples include earthquakes, hurricanes, or large-scale accidents.
Trauma @ Disaster
Psychologicaly impact of
trauma and disaster
The psychological impact of trauma and
disaster on mental
• Post traumatic stress
• Depression and Anxity
• Survivore of Guilt
• Disruption of daily funcationing
• Social isolation
• Loss of grif
• And many other
Disaster and social life
• Social isolation
• Change the social dynamic
• Collective the trauma
• Increase the varnerablity
Copying mechanisam
Social Support
Seeking comfort and
understanding from friends,
family, or community.
Sharing experiences to alleviate
emotional burden.
Coping Skills
Utilizing established coping strategies,
like mindfulness or relaxation
Engaging in activities that provide a
sense of normalcy and control.
Copying mechanisam
Trying to find purpose or lessons in the
Creating a narrative that helps make sense of
the trauma.
Professional Help
Seeking therapy or counseling to process
emotions and develop coping strategies.
Consulting mental health professionals for
Adaptive Problem-Solving
Identifying and addressing practical challenges
Physical Activity
Engaging in exercise to manage stress and
promote overall well-being.
Connecting physical and mental health for
a holistic approach.
Community Involvement
Participating in collective efforts for
recovery and support.
Contributing to rebuilding efforts for a
sense of purpose.
Taking time to reflect on personal
strengths and growth.
The neuroscience of stress and
Neuroscience is the scientific study of the
nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and
peripheral nervous system), its functions and
Stress and trauma
A physiological response to a perceived threat or
Hormonal Response
Involves the release of stress hormones, such as
cortisol, by the adrenal glands.
Acute vs. Chronic Stress
Differentiate between short-term stressors and
prolonged, chronic stress.
Trauma is a psychological response to an
event or series of events that is distressing
or disturbing Types of Trauma
Acute Trauma
Single, short-lived events (e.g., accidents).
Chronic Trauma
Prolonged, repeated stressors (e.g., ongoing abuse).
Complex Trauma
Exposure to multiple traumatic events, often in

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