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Module 1 Module 4

Spelling Spelling
Activity Activity
Reflection Reflection
Module 2 Module 5
Spelling Spelling
Activity Activity
Reflection Reflection
Module 3 Module 6
Spelling Spelling
Activity Activity
Reflection Reflection
Reflection Format:
Reflection # __: Module # __
Our topic this week is all about _______________.
The most interesting part is _________________
while the least interesting part is
________________. I like the ______________
because _______________. I don’t like the
_________________ because
Spelling #1:
1. listening 9. context clue
2. strategies 10. selective
3. interpret 11. determine
4. specific 12. identify
5. information 13.purpose
6. infer 14.difficult
7. planning 15.easy
8. prediction

English 7
Quarter 2
Module 1
OBJECTIVES: After going through this module,
you are expected to: EN7LC-II-a-6:

Use Determine Identify Apply

Use listening Determine the Identify the Apply listening

strategies based on purpose of factors that strategies based on
purpose, familiarity the purpose of
with the topic and listening in a affect the listening and the
levels of difficulty listening task; difficulty level text characteristics
of short texts of listening
listened to texts; and

Example sentence:
She noted the gist of a speech.
Are you a
good liar?
• Before we discuss the present lesson, let us
Click the link:
first have an activity. It is important to note
that this activity is just for fun and that you
will not be judged or graded in any way. You
are not required to reveal your answer to the
question Are you a good liar? if you are not
comfortable sharing it with anyone. The
ONLY objective of this activity is to know if
you can understand what the speaker says
and if you can follow his instructions.
• 1 Were you able to follow the
After listening, answer instructions? ☐Yes ☐No
the short activity • 2. Did you find it easy to understand the
speaker? ☐Yes ☐No
Be honest because it is • 3. If not, what was difficult? (e.g., the
speaker’s accent, he talks too fast, you
not graded. don’t understand some words, etc.)
It is meant to help you _________________________________
reflect on things that • 4. Did you listen and pay attention to
will set your mood for every word the speaker said? ☐Yes ☐No
the lesson. • 5. Were you able to find out the answer
to the question Are you a good liar?
☐Yes ☐No
• If you answered yes in
number 5, especially if you
answered no in number 3, it
means that you did the task
successfully and that you used
a combination of listening
strategies. What are these
listening strategies? Let’s find
them out in the next section of
this module!
Listening is the ability to
accurately receive and interpret
messages in the communication

Listening is key to all

effective communication.
Without the ability to listen
effectively, messages are easily

1. Listening for gist. This is when we listen to know the general or main idea
of what is being said. For example, when you’re marathoning a very long anime
(200-500 episodes) and you want to finish it fast, you just focus on the
important details to be able to know what the story is about or what each
episode is about. In this case, we listen for the gist by knowing who
speaks to whom and why.
2. Listening for specific information. This is when we listen but we don’t
need to understand everything that is being said. We are just after a specific
information. For example, when you are listening to a school announcement
about the bus assignment for a field trip, you are not interested about the bus
number of all the sections in the school. You are probably only after the bus
number of your section and you ignore the rest of the information.

3. Listening in detail. This is when we listen to everything that is being said

because we believe we cannot miss any information. For example, when
watching a tutorial video, we tend to listen to every detail because we’re afraid
that if we miss a single step or an important detail, we might not be able to
follow the procedure and we will not get the desired output, product, or result.

4. Listening to infer. This is when we listen to know something that is beyond

what is being said in words such as the feelings of the speaker or the
relationship between two people. For example, have you experienced this
situation? You want to ask your teacher a favor, but before you ask, you observe
first by listening to how he or she talks to other people. You do this to know if he
or she is in the right mood to be asked a favor.
Q2M1: Choose the letter of the best answer. For items 1-4, identify the
listening purpose based on the task description.
A. listening for gist C. listening in detail
B. listening for specific information D. listening to infer

A 1. Your English teacher asked you to watch a short film and identify the
C 2. You are listening to your Science teacher who is explaining the step-by-
step procedure for an experiment that you have to do afterwards.
3. You are listening to an announcement to know the time allotted for your
B section for the film viewing activity at the audiovisual room.
4. You overheard two strangers who were arguing in a mall, and you said to
yourself that they must be a couple.
For items 5-9, listen to the following interview:
'The Manila Fling' aims to support local brads amid the pandemic (
5. How does The Manila Fling support local brands?
A. by lending capital
B. by bringing investors
C. by supplying raw materials to manufacturers
D. by bringing together different products to be sold
6. How many brands participate?
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. more than 100
7. Which of the following categories of brands participate?
A. home, lifestyle, pet, IT C. lifestyle, fashion, food, home
B. IT, fashion, food, home D. food, pet, fashion, lifestyle
8. How many brands are featured each week?
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. more than 100
9.Which of the following is the best definition for the word pop-up as used in the interview?
A. a permanent store C. a local store
B. a seasonal store D. a thrift store
For items 5-9, listen to the following interview:
'The Manila Fling' aims to support local brads amid the pandemic (
5. How does The Manila Fling support local brands?
A. by lending capital
B. by bringing investors
C. by supplying raw materials to manufacturers
D. by bringing together different products to be sold
6. How many brands participate?
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. more than 100
7. Which of the following categories of brands participate?
A. home, lifestyle, pet, IT C. lifestyle, fashion, food, home
B. IT, fashion, food, home D. food, pet, fashion, lifestyle
8. How many brands are featured each week?
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. more than 100
9.Which of the following is the best definition for the word pop-up as used in the interview?
A. a permanent store C. a local store
B. a seasonal store D. a thrift store
• 1. Amount of information. The more information a
listening text contains, the more demanding listening in
detail would be. For example, news reports are
designed to contain the greatest number of information
in the least number of words possible, so listening to a
short news report could mean that you really have to
focus if you are listening in detail.

• 2. Language. The language used in the text is a major

factor to consider. For example, the more unfamiliar
words there are, the more demanding listening could be.
If you are also listening to many long sentences, it
would require more effort from you.
• 3. Length. The longer the listening text, the more tiring
it could be on the part of the listener.

• 4. Quality. Both in live talks and recordings, the less clearly

we hear the text, the more challenging comprehension will
• 5. Speed and number of speakers. The faster the speakers
speak, the more effort it will require of us to follow what is
being said. If there are more people speaking, it will also be
more challenging to follow who is speaking to whom.

• 6. Accent. The more unfamiliar the accent is, the

more challenging it will be to understand the text.
• 7. Topic. The more unfamiliar we are with the topic of
the listening text, the more demanding listening will
10. You are listening to a news report, but the reporter is wearing a mask, so her words
are not very clear.
A. length C. accent
B. quality D. topic
11. You are listening to a recorded four-hour lecture.
A. the amount of information C. length
B. language D. speed
12. You are listening to a clip, but the speaker’s pronunciation is unfamiliar to you.
A. accent C. quality
B. length D. topic
13. You are listening to a recorded Math lecture, but the lesson is too advanced for
your level.
A. speed C. length
B. quality D. top
10. You are listening to a news report, but the reporter is wearing a mask, so her words
are not very clear.
A. length C. accent
B. quality D. topic
11. You are listening to a recorded four-hour lecture.
A. the amount of information C. length
B. language D. speed
12. You are listening to a clip, but the speaker’s pronunciation is unfamiliar to you.
A. accent C. quality
B. length D. topic
13. You are listening to a recorded Math lecture, but the lesson is too advanced for
your level.
A. speed C. length
B. quality D. topic

1. Planning. If the listening task at hand is

part of an exam and not recreational,
planning how to accomplish the task
would be a very useful strategy. You can
do this by reading the instructions and the
questions before you start listening. By
doing this, you will know beforehand what
it is that you need to get from the listening
text – is it a name, a list, a number, or a
reason? This strategy is also very useful if
you are working under time pressure.

2. Asking for clarification. If it is a

listening task in which you can
interact with the speaker, you can
ask questions to clarify things you
have heard which are not clear to
you. For example, it could be a
word or an expression that you did
not hear.
3. Predicting content. Whether your task
is to listen for gist or listen for specific
information, you can already expect to
hear words like social media, share,
click, posts, scam, blog, photo, and
video. To be able to predict content, you
should be familiar with the topic. If you
have an idea what the content of the
talk is, it could help you follow the
discussion and do your task.
• 4. Noting keywords.
Whatever the
listening purpose is,
you can always take
note of important
words that you hear
while listening.
• 5. Listening for transition/linking
words. This strategy could be used
especially if you are listening for gist
or specific information.
• 6. Listening selectively. This is the
strategy we use when we listen for
specific information. We ignore
irrelevant details and only pick out
what we need based on the listening
7. Using context clues. This is a
strategy that is useful not only
when reading but also when
listening. This is especially useful if
you encounter an unfamiliar word
and it is repeated several times in
the listening text. You can
determine its meaning by using
context clues, which means
considering the surrounding words
as clues.
Choices: Planning, Asking Clarification, Predicting Content, Listening for
Transition, Listening Selectively, Using Context Clues

14. What listening strategy should we use

if there is a word or an expression that you
did not hear?

15. What listening strategy should we use

if we will ignore irrelevant details and only
pick out what we need based on the
listening task?
14. What listening strategies should we
use if there is a word or an expression that
you did notAsking

15. What listening strategies should we

use if we will ignore irrelevant details and
only pick out what we need based on the
listening task?Selectively

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