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Industrial dispute means any dispute or difference

between employees and employers or between
employers and workmen or between workmen and
workmen, which is connected with the employment
or non-employment of the terms of employment or
the conditions of work of any person (The industrial
Disputes Act 1947, Section 2K).
Every human being (say a labour) has certain
requirements/needs e.g., economic needs,
social needs, security requirements. When
these requirements do not get satisfied, there
arises a conflict between the worker and the
Causes of industrial disputes
industrial disputes arise due to several causes,
some of which are : 1.wages and
Demand for increase in wages and
allowances is the most important cause of industrial
disputes. Due to inflation and rising cost of living,
workers and their Union periodically put up a
demand for increase in their remuneration so as to
maintain their real income. Employer's do not accept
the demand easily and
fully leading to strikes and other types of disputes in
2. Bonus
Workers and trade unions want a share in the
profits of industry. Employer's refusal to share the
profits results in disputes.
3.Personnel and Retrenchment
Refusal by employer's to recognize trade
union, communication gap between employer's and
employee's, suspension and dismissal of
workers fall in this category.
4.Leave and hours of work
Poor working conditions and violation of
factories Act, 1948 provisions concerning leave and
working hours is another cause of industrial dispute.
5. Indiscipline and violence
Lack of discipline among workers and
violence on the part of employer's, trade union
leaders and worker's result in serious disputes.
6.Other reasons
Political pressure on workers, misbehavior,
automation and other similar factors lead to
industrial disputes.
Settlement of industrial
If industrial peace is the backbone of a nation,
strikes and lockouts are cancer for the same as
they effect production and peace in the
factories.The following approaches and measures
are used for the settlement of disputes in
a. Works Committees:

This committee represents of workers and employers.

Under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, works
committees exist in industrial establishments in which
one hundred or more workmen are employed during
the previous year. It is the duty of the Works Committee
to promote measures for securing and preserving a
good relations between the employers and workers.
B.Conciliation Officers:
Conciliation Officers are appointed by the
government under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
To hold conciliation proceedings
To investigate the dispute
To sent a report and memorandum of settlement
to the appropriate government.
To sent a full report setting forth the steps taken in
case of no settlement is arrived at.
C.Boards of Conciliation:

The government can also appoint a Board of

Conciliation for promoting settlement of
Industrial Disputes. The chairman of the board
is an independent person and other members
(may be two or four) are to be equally
represented by the parties to the disputes.
D.Court of Enquiry:

The government may appoint a court of enquiry for

enquiring into any industrial dispute. A court may
consist of one person or more than one person in and
in that case one of the persons will be the chairman.
The court shall be required to enquire into the matter
and submit its report to the government within a
period of six months.
E.Labour Courts:

As per the Second Schedule of the Industrial

Dispute Act 1947, the labour court shall consist
of one person only to be appointed by the
appropriate government. It is the duty of the
labour court to adjudicate upon the industrial
disputes relating to any matter specified.
F.Industrial Tribunals:
A Tribunal is appointed by the government for the
adjudication of Industrial Dispute relating to :
♦️wages including the period and mode of payment
♦️compensatory and other allowances
♦️Hours of work and rest intervals
♦️Leave with wages and holidays
♦️Bonus, profit sharing and gratuity
G.National Tribunal:

A National Tribunal is constituted by the Central

Government for Industrial Disputes involving questions
of national importance.A national tribunal consist of one
person only to be appointed by the central government.
A person shall nit be qualified for appointment as the
presiding officer of a national tribunal unless he or she
has been a judge of a high court.

The employer and employees may agree to

settle the dispute by appointing an
independent and impartial person called
Arbitrator. Arbitration provides justice at
minimum cost.
Green HRM is the important concept in
organization today. Earlier the organization only focus
on their profit, economic value and shareholders. But
now organizations have to consider the reduction of
ecological footprints and give importance to social
and environmental factors along with economical
and financial factors in order to enable the
organization to be successful in the corporate sector.
What is Green HRM:Meaning

• The term green HRM is mostly used to refer to the

contribution of HRM policies and practices towards
the broader corporate environmental agenda.

• It refers to using every employee to support

sustainable practices and increase employee
awareness and commitments on the issue of
Green HR initiatives help companies find
alternative ways to cut costs without losing
their top talent. Focus on Green HRM as a
strategic initiative promotes sustainable
business practices.

Ramachandran defines Green HRM as the

integration of environmental management
into human resources management.
Benefits/Advantages of Green
Helping companies to bring down costs without
losing their talent.

It helps in achieving higher employee job

satisfaction and commitment, which leads to higher
productivity and sustainability.

Improvement in the retention rate of the employee.

♦️Improved public image
♦️Promote employee morale.
♦️Improvement in attracting better employees.
♦️Improved competitiveness and increased overall
♦️Reduction of utility costs significantly. Even small
businesses can significantly reduce their utility costs
by using technologies that are energy-efficient and
less wasteful.
Disadvantages of GHRM
6 disadvantagesof Green Human Resource
Initial costs
Inadequate savings
Increased capital outlays
Uneven competition
Marginal impact
1.Initial costs

• Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of going green is

that it often requires a high initial cost.

• For example, installing a new roof or new insulation

to keep heat from escaping our home would be
considered a green home improvement, but it would
cost a large sum of money to get the work done.
2.Inadequate savings

• Green buildings and vehicles tend to use less

energy, so initial costs can often be recouped over
time through energy savings.

• The problem is that the savings generated by going

green are often less than expected; they do not
make up for the initial cost quickly enough to make
them economically viable.
3.Increased capital outlays

Some green conversions require an initial cash

outlay that decreases the firm’s bottom-line
performance while the investment is paying
for itself. This can decrease the earnings or
annual profits of a firm.
4.Uneven competition

In the business world, going green can be an

attractive goal to gain goodwill and consumer
support, but unless green improvements are
economically viable, it can put a business at a
competitive disadvantage.
5.Marginal impact

The theory is that if everyone were to go green,

it would have a significant and noticeable
impact, but not everyone can be convinced to
go green, and many believe that doing so has
no real impact outside of the economics. This
makes going green a personal choice for many.
Importance of green HRM
Increase employee's efficiency and effectiveness
Reduce cost and better employee engagement
Increase employee motivation
Easy to recruit new employees
Reduce labour turnover and absenteeism
Better health and safety management system
within the organization.
Green HRM practices :
Green recruitment
Green performance management
Green training and development
Green compensation
Green initiatives
Green Recruitment:
• Green recruitment is a paper less recruitment
• It means application send through online like e-
mail, links in social medias etc.
• It also helps and key to recruit a highly talented
candidates around the world and a way of
providing an opportunities to each and every one.
Green Performance Management:

• Green performance management consists of issues

related to environmental concerns and policies of
the company. It also concentrates on use of
environmental responsibilities.
• Role of managers is to focus on reducing the waste
and the employee contribution.
• It include the polices and programs that issues
related to environment.
Green Training and Development:

• Green training and development is conducted to

the employees to provide and create awareness an
idea in protecting the environment
• It helps to Reduce waste,Conserve energy.
• Hr is playing a great role by providing training and
create a eco friendly process by way of developing
an improving an ideas of different departments and
working areas.
Green Compensation:
Green rewards can include the use of workplace and
lifestyle benefits, ranging from carbon credit offsets
to free bicycles, to engage people in the green
agenda while continuing to recognize their
contribution. Last, but not the least, more emphasis
should be given on researches which determine
effective approaches that will help to design and
implement green compensation practices and may
lead to the achievement of corporate environmental
Green initiatives of Hr:
• Advance research and understanding of the
challenges and opportunities for the world of work
arising from a green transition.
• Forge policy responses from the world of work in all
sectors to ensure decent work and social justice for
• Build strategic partnerships at national, regional
and international levels.

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